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Maintenance of water cooler & water filter Sr. S. Chandra - Housekeeper.

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Presentation on theme: "Maintenance of water cooler & water filter Sr. S. Chandra - Housekeeper."— Presentation transcript:

1 Maintenance of water cooler & water filter Sr. S. Chandra - Housekeeper

2 Maintenance of drinking water ► Water is a basic necessity for man, it is important to provide safe and hygienic drinking water. ► 80% of all diseases spread through water ► It is important to supply safe and clean drinking water to the visitors and staffs of the hospital ► It is important to supply boiled and filtered water to the patients

3 Equipments and supplies Equipments ► Spanner ► Pipe ringes ► Nylon brush ► Vim cup ► Sponge ► Iron bucket ► Mug ► Swabbing cloth ► Duster cloth Supplies Vim powder

4 Cleaning the water filter Procedure: Cleaning of this equipment should be done with the help of the plumber Method ► It cost Rs. ► Its capacity 5 litres of water ► Close the value to stop the flow of water from the tank to the filter ► Remove the lid of the filter by unscrewing it ► Remove the lower tank of the filter in the same manner ► Remove the candles from the tank and place them safely in a plate along with their respective screws

5 ► Pour out any water in the filter, and clean the filter using vim and with a nylon brush until the dirt and salt stain gets removed ► After washing it with clean water, wipe it with a dry cloth ► Now wash the candle very carefully. Hold it in the palm while washing, and scrub it using the cleaning liquid and the scrubber ► After washing with clean water wipe it with a dry cloth ► Fix the candle carefully in the lower part of the filter ► After all parts are wiped, let the filter dry for about 30 minutes ► Fix the filter with the help of the plumber.

6 Equipments and supplies Equipments ► Nylon brush ► Vim cup ► Sponge ► Iron bucket ► Mug ► Swabbing cloth ► Duster cloth Supplies Vim powder

7 Cleaning the water cooler ► It cost Rs. 21,000/- ► Its capacity is from 20 – 40 litres ► Clean the water cooler once in 15 days ► Disconnect the water cooler from the electric supply ► Open the lid of the upper portion of the water cooler ► Wipe them with a clean dry cloth ► Scrub the inside of the cooler with vim and nylon brush until the removal of salt deposits and dirt

8 ► Wash it with clean water and wipe thoroughly with clean dry cloth to remove any droplets of water ► Wipe the outside of the cooler and its lid with the cleaning liquid ► Wipe these surfaces again with a wet cloth and then with a dry cloth ► Clean the attachment plate, wash it with the vim and nylon brush and wipe it with clean dry cloth ► After all the parts are washed and wiped, allow them to dry for 30 minutes ► Assemble the water cooler

9 Chlorination ► Microbes causing diseases spread from one person to another through water, air, hard particles and food. ► 80% of diseases such as diahorrhea and cholera are spread through water ► Water has to be purified using a chemical called chlorine which is a germicide ► This method of purification is called chlorination

10 Method of mixing chlorine in water tank ► Find the capacity of water tank ► Mix chlorine in appropriate proportion – 1 litre to 10,000 litres of water ► It is dangerous if chlorine is in excess as the water becomes poisonous ► If the quantity of chlorine is less, it is ineffective, and the process becomes futile ► Pour chlorine uniformly in all the four corners of the tank

11 Cleaning overhead tank and sump Method: ► Empty the tank ► Sprinkle the bleaching powder and scrub thoroughly over all areas and leave it for 30 minutes ► Wash the tank thoroughly with clean water ► Leave the tank open to dry in the sun

12 ► Close it tight after it is dry and fill it with water ► Clean the tank in this manner at least once a month ► This method of thorough cleaning will prevent moss formation ► If the tank is kept free of dust and other particles, the pipes can be prevented from getting clogged

13 Purifying drinking water tank Chlorination ► Microbes causing diseases spread from one person to another through water, air, hard particles and food. ► 80% of diseases such as diahorrhea and cholera are spread through water ► Water has to be purified using a chemical called chlorine which is a germicide ► This method of purification is called chlorination

14 Method of mixing chlorine in water tank ► Find the capacity of water tank ► Mix chlorine in appropriate proportion – 1 litre to 10,000 litres of water ► It is dangerous if chlorine is in excess as the water becomes poisonous ► If the quantity of chlorine is less, it is ineffective, and the process becomes futile ► Pour chlorine uniformly in all the four corners of the tank

15 Main Hospital Sump - 2 1. Drinking water - 1(capacity-12,000litres) 2. Salt water - 1(capacity-36,000litres) Over head tank - 4 1. Drinking water - 1(capacity-12,000litres) 2. Salt water - 3(capacity-24,000litres) One load per day Free Hospital Sump - 1 1. Drinking water – 1(capacity 1,500 litres)

16 Over head tank 1. Salt water- 1(capacity- 12,000litres) 1. Salt water- 1(capacity- 12,000litres) Half a load per day Camp Hospital 1. Over head tank -1(capacity- 12,000litres) 1. Over head tank -1(capacity- 12,000litres) 2. Drinking water (sintex tank) – 1 (capacity - 3000 litres) for alternative days 2. Drinking water (sintex tank) – 1 (capacity - 3000 litres) for alternative days


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