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MNO Cloud Use Case 3 Source: Rogers Wireless Contact: Ed O’Leary George Babut 3GPP/SA3-LI#43Tdoc SA3LI11_116.

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Presentation on theme: "MNO Cloud Use Case 3 Source: Rogers Wireless Contact: Ed O’Leary George Babut 3GPP/SA3-LI#43Tdoc SA3LI11_116."— Presentation transcript:

1 MNO Cloud Use Case 3 Source: Rogers Wireless Contact: Ed O’Leary (, George Babut ( 3GPP/SA3-LI#43Tdoc SA3LI11_116 San Fanscico, 15 Nov– 18 Nov 2011

2 Introduction This document provides additional use cases Refer to documents Tdoc SA3LI11_103 and Tdoc SA3LI11_104 for background material

3 List of Potential Cloud Use Cases relevant to LI Work Use Case 1: Filing Sharing Service with single MNO Use Case 2: MNO uses a Cloud server – Use Case 2a: MNO uses a Cloud server that provides redirection Use Case 3: The MNO hosts a cloud in its network Use Case 4: SMB or Enterprise use multiple MNO networks Use Case 5: Same as Use Case 4, but each MNO has a Cloud Server that proxies (extension of Use Case 2) Use Case 6: Same as use case 6, however MNO cloud server provides redirection (extension of Use Case 2a) to the 3rd party cloud App server Use Case 7: SMB or Enterprise use multiple MNO with their own Clouds (extension of Use Case 4) Use Case 8: Enterprise extension to the cloud Use Case 9; Local Break out

4 Use Case 3 The MNO hosts a cloud in its network – Dynamic triggering or other LI solutions will allow capture of all data – Is the data useable?



7 Use Case 3 What identifiers/ identities will be used for Cloud applications – Non 3gpp access, identifications, identities captured IP address, HTTP get Header information, User name/ PSW Open ID? – 3gpp access Via different access device (assuming web type login) Via SMS, – Can SMS short codes be sent to email entire media to home PC – Media, ie voice commands Application Identification of Cloud applications – File Share, Address Book, Global File share, Converged Messaging system,… Crypto keys, will operator have access to them or will the LI function provide clear text – App server / vendor / controlled – User defined and controlled Mikey interaction

8 Use Case 3 Protocol structure and media types of the cloud – Ie does the cloud use and or install java applets on client to view contents, are they keyed to crypto variables in the user device, will LEA be able to get visibility – Are these time sensitive and time dated – Are there proprietary media types Do they have DRM wrappers – Does it email logs and or other files to IP address as a set of rules – Is geo-location tagging done by the application – Protocol types Smtp, SRTP,

9 Use Case 3 Other issues – Redundant databases or geographic data bases Synchronization – Deposits in User accounts, may be time stamped differently Deposits into user account by other people – File sharing, or other sharing apps – Global file share for small business – Remote Wipe capabilities Does the app have remote wipe for IT security How is this communicated to LEA Can it be disabled via a warrant/ regulatory Domain

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