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Published byAlfredo Rice Modified over 10 years ago
1293 Airport Road, Beaver, WV 25813 Phone: (304) 253-8674 - Fax: (304) 253-7758 E-mail: HAZWOPERDECONTAMINATION International Environmental Technology and Training Center “Working safely with hazardous materials” Vincent J. Giblin, General President
Decontamination This material was produced under grant number 46C5-HT16 from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, U.S. Department of Labor. It does not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the U.S. Department of Labor, nor does mention of trade names, commercial products, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.
Decontamination Decontamination: AN INTRODUCTION The process of removing and neutralizing contaminants that have collected on workers and equipment.
Decontamination Why is the decontamination process important? Reduces: Potential exposure to contaminants when removing PPE; Transfer of harmful materials into clean areas.
Decontamination Why is the decontamination process important? Helps prevent mixing of incompatible chemicals. Protects the community by preventing the movement of contaminants from the site.
Decontamination When should a decontamination plan be developed? Before any workers and/or equipment enter areas where potential hazardous exposure exists. Part of site’s Health and Safety Plan (HASP).
Decontamination What is the purpose of the decon plan? Identify procedures: Site-specific; Hazard-specific. Determine: Number/layout of decon stations; Equipment needed.
Decontamination What is the purpose of the decon plan? Establishes methods/procedures to: Prevent contamination of clean areas; Reduce worker contact with contaminants during PPE removal; Dispose of contaminated clothing/equipment that is not completely decontaminated.
Decontamination How do Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) prevent contamination? SOPSOPs: First step in the decontamination process; Reduce contact with waste and thus the potential for contamination.
Decontamination Typical Decontamination SOPs Stress work practices that reduce hazardous material contact. Use remote sampling, handling, and container-opening. Protect monitoring/sampling instruments by bagging.
Decontamination Typical Decontamination SOPs Wear or use disposable outer garments/equipment. Cover equipment/tools with strippable coatings, removable during decon. Encase source of contaminant with protective materials.
Decontamination What are general methods of decontamination? All workers, clothing, equipment, and samples leaving contaminated areas must be decontaminated by: Physical removal; Chemical removal; Combination of both methods.
Decontamination General Methods of Decontamination: PHYSICAL REMOVAL Includes: Dislodging; Displacement; Rinsing; Evaporation.
Decontamination General Methods of Decontamination: PHYSICAL REMOVAL Includes: Scraping; Brushing; Wiping.
Decontamination General Methods of Decontamination: CHEMICAL REMOVAL Neutralizing the contaminant with chemicals.
Decontamination What are some procedures for testing the effectiveness decontamination? Decontamination methods: Vary in their effectiveness for removing different materials. Must be evaluated at the beginning/and periodically.
Decontamination Decontamination Methods Visual observation Visual observation Ultraviolet light Ultraviolet light Wipe sampling Wipe sampling Cleaning solution analysis Cleaning solution analysis Permeation testing Permeation testing
Decontamination Decontamination Methods: VISUAL OBSERVATION Contaminant may be visible and/or discoloration or other physical damage to the suit material.
Decontamination Decontamination Methods: ULTRAVIOLET LIGHT Fluorescent contaminants can be visually detected when exposed to ultraviolet light.
Decontamination Decontamination Methods: WIPE SAMPLING Physically wipe inner/outer surfaces of protective clothing with a collection swab and analyze it in a laboratory.
Decontamination Decontamination Methods: CLEANING SOLUTION ANALYSIS Abnormal levels of contaminants in final rinse solution may indicate need for: Additional cleaning/rinsing; Changing rinse water more often.
Decontamination Decontamination Methods: PERMEATION TESTING Pieces of clothing sent to a laboratory for analysis.
Decontamination What is a decontamination line? A sequence of decon stations is called the decontamination line. Heavy equipment, personnel, and hand tools should have separate decon lines. Decon Procedures
Decontamination Decontamination Line: DECON PROCEDURES Performed in specific order at separate stations. Provide an organized way to reduce contamination. Are site-specific & chemical specific.
Decontamination What is a decontamination line? At hazardous waste sites, decontamination facilities should be located in the CRZ or contamination reduction zone.
Decontamination What are the parameters for establishing decon stations? Number of Decon Stations is determined by: Decon Stations Physical state of the contaminants; Ease of removal; Level of protection worn by site workers. Must be listed in the site Health and Safety Plan.
Decontamination Decon Stations: PARAMETERS Separate stations to prevent cross contamination. Arrange in decreasing order of contamination, preferably in a straight line.
Decontamination Decon Stations: PARAMETERS Use separate lines to prevent cross contamination of workers from different zones containing incompatible materials.
Decontamination Decon Stations: PARAMETERS Separate and clearly mark entries and exits. Separate dressing and redressing areas. Completely decontaminate workers entering clean areas.
Decontamination What are some special decon arrangements for workers using PPE or in hot environments? Use a cooling station within decon line: Set-up in a shaded area; Use wind to aid cooling process.
Decontamination What are some special decon arrangements for workers using PPE or in hot environments? Use cooling devices (water hoses, ice packs, or wet towels). Refer to ACGIH for work/rest breaks.
Decontamination Should workers on the decontamination line all wear the same level of protection? No. Workers at the beginning of the line may require more protection.
Decontamination Should workers on the decontamination line all wear the same level of protection? Some decon line workers wear: Same level of PPE as workers in the exclusion zone; PPE 1 level lower than workers in the exclusion zone. Never be in PPE that’s higher than what the worker being decontaminated is wearing.
Decontamination Controlling the Decontamination Process: SITE CONTROL ZONES Document
Decontamination What determines the level of PPE required for decontamination workers? Type of equipment used. Nature of the specific contaminants. A qualified health and safety expert should select the appropriate equipment/clothing.
Decontamination What determines the level of PPE required for decontamination workers? All decon workers are working in contaminated areas and must be decon’d too. Their decon process is determined by the: Contaminants they work with; Work they perform.
Decontamination Equipment Used in Decontamination Process: EXAMPLES Document
Decontamination Heavy Equipment Decontamination Procedures: EXAMPLES Document
Decontamination Are high-powered jet sprays the best way to decontaminate heavy equipment? Drawbacks: Contamination may spread in the mist of water droplets; Contaminants may embed more deeply into equipment or materials.
Decontamination Are high-powered jet sprays the best way to decontaminate heavy equipment? To reduce the spread of contamination use: Low-pressure wash-down lines; Protective enclosures.
Decontamination Decon Equipment - Decon/Disposal Procedures Examples
Decontamination Decon Equipment Decon/Disposal Procedures: EXAMPLES Bucket, brushes, clothing, tools, other contaminated equipment: collected, placed in containers, and labeled.
Decontamination Decon Equipment Decon/Disposal Procedures: EXAMPLES Used solutions and wash water:collected and disposed of properly.
Decontamination Decon Equipment Decon/Disposal Procedures: EXAMPLES Place clothing not completely decontaminated into plastic bags for further deconing and/or deposal.
Decontamination In an emergency, should the victim be decontamination or treated first? PRIMARY CONCERN: Prevent loss of life or severe injury to site personnel. Live through the emergency or die from overexposure? Emergency Decon
Decontamination In an emergency, should the victim be decontaminated or treated first? Delay decontamination if medical treatment is needed to stabilize victim. Try to decon the GROSS/over-all area on PPE that has to be opened to start life-saving procedures. Protect victim from being further exposed to chemicals.
Decontamination In an emergency, should the victim be decontaminated or treated first? Perform decon immediately if: It will not interfere with essential life- saving techniques or first aid; Extremely toxic/corrosive material has contaminated the worker causing severe injury or loss of life.
Decontamination This material was produced under grant number 46C5-HT16 from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, U.S. Department of Labor. It does not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the U.S. Department of Labor, nor does mention of trade names, commercial products, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.
Decontamination END This publication was made possible by grant numbers 5 U45 ES06182-13 AND 5 U45 ES09763-13 from the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS), NIH. Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the NIEHS, NIH.
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