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Using PowerPoint Effectively Frank Broen Teach America Sue Fody TriZetto 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Using PowerPoint Effectively Frank Broen Teach America Sue Fody TriZetto 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Using PowerPoint Effectively Frank Broen Teach America Sue Fody TriZetto 1

2 Let’s go deeper...

3 Handout 3 Topic Brain Rule Think about p|Story poem Graphic Info Contact Info Reference

4 4

5 Seven Questions to Knowing Your Audience Why are they here? 2 What keeps them up at night? 3 How can you solve their problem? 4 What do you want them to do? 5 How can you best reach them? 6 How might they resist? 7 What are they like? 1 © 2008 5

6 Seven Questions to Knowing Your Audience Why are they here? What do they think they’re going to get out of this presentation? Why did they come to hear you? Are they willing participants or mandatory attendees? This is also a bit of a situation analysis. 2 What keeps them up at night? Everyone has a fear, a pain point, a thorn in the side. Let your audience know you empathize— and offer a solution. 3 How can you solve their problem? What’s in it for the audience? How are you going to make their lives better? 4 What do you want them to do? Answer the question “so what?”—and make sure there’s clear action for your audience to take. 5 How can you best reach them? People vary in how they receive information. This can include the set up of the room to the availability of materials after the presentation. Give the audience what they want, how they want it. 6 How might they resist? What will keep them from adopting your message and carrying out your call to action? 7 What are they like? Demographics and psychographics are a great start, but connecting with your audience means understanding them on a personal level. Take a walk in their shoes and describe what their life looks like each day. 1 © 2008 Insert a representative picture or illustration of an audience member in this rectangle. It helps to put a face on the audience. 6

7 7

8 Concept 8

9 Text One thought or idea per slide Phrases not sentences. (Should all start with either nouns or verbs) Minimalism!! 6 X 6 Rule (if necessary, use a handout for complex information) Sequential? Use numbers Ideas? Use bullets 9

10 Concept Keep it Simple Less is more Too many slides are…too many slides! Logistics Use the speaker notes. 10

11 Concept 11

12 Art 12

13 Art Swiss Army Kn if e Graphic (art)Realistic (photo) Symbolic Text 13

14 Get it... at a glance


16 Get it… …at a glance 16

17 Get it... at a glance

18 Font style San Serif for reading screens At least 24 - 30 point Only 2 styles per slide CAPS ARE HARD TO READ. Use Upper and lower case. 18

19 Serif San Serif 19

20 TEXT IN ALL CAPS HURTS. Underlining cuts off ‘p’s, ‘q’s and ‘g’s and such. Bet this is kinda hard to read! Text Upper and lowercase Italics emphasize Bet this is not! Ouch aaaah 20

21 Chilean Exports Fresh fruit leads Chile's export mix - Chile emerges as major supplier of fresh fruit to world market due to ample natural resources, consumer demand for fresh fruit during winter season in U.S. and Europe, and incentives in agricultural policies of Chilean government, encouraging trend toward diversification of exports and development of nontraditional crops - U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Economic Research Service Report Chile is among the developing economies taking advantage of these trends, pursuing a free market economy. This has allowed for diversification through the expansion of fruit production for export, especially to the U.S. and Western Europe. Chile has successfully diversified its agricultural sector to the extent that it is now a major fruit exporting nation. Many countries view Chile's diversification of agriculture as a model to be followed. Meanwhile, the U.S. remains the largest single market for Chile's fruit exports. However, increasing demand from the EC and Central and East European countries combined may eventually surpass exports to the U.S., spurring further growth in Chile's exports. If you’ve read this far, your eyes probably hurt and you’ve been reading this tedious long-winded text instead of listening to me. I’m insulted- can’t you see I’m doing a presentation up here? Look at me! Congratulations, however, on having such good eyesight. 21

22 Graphics Adds to comprehension, so make them relevant Ask yourself: “Why am I adding this picture?” Avoid too many models (You want to have a ‘memorable presentation, right?) 22

23 Ask yourself, “Why?” 23

24 24

25 Graphics 25

26 Charts and Graphs Use thick lines to show trends. Use bright colors for lines (yellow is invisible) Five lines or bars max per graph Use something to guide the eye to the main point of the chart (arrow, title, color, box, etc) Shorten numbers (2007 = ’07, $10,436.77 = $10.4 on an axis for ‘thousands’) 26

27 $347.9 $292.2 $274.6 $200 $220 $240 $260 $280 $300 $320 $340 ‘04‘05‘06 Healthy Growth = Healthy Company 27

28 Accountable Health Statement  Packaged, customizable health statement available online & mailed  Includes Up-to-Date Balance & Transaction History Across All Accounts  Provides Corresponding Claims Transaction Information  Provides multi-purpose platform for consumer initiatives Confidential Copyright © 2007 The TriZetto Group, Inc. 28 Consumer Manages Benefits, Health & Funds 28

29 Visual Thinking Codex 29

30 30

31 Layout Clean and uncluttered White space – use it! 6 X 6 rule 31

32 Animation Use sparingly and meaningfully. Ask yourself, “Does using animation enhance the message?” Don’t annoy the viewer. Good rules for Builds Wipe right for text Zooms work well for photos and images Arrows? Use peek or wipe Slide transitions are OK as long as they are consistently used 32

33 Builds Wipe from left for text 33

34 What is good layout? 34

35 35

36 Theory Relationship between colors Analogous Complementary Triad Keep it simple Use a maximum of 3 colors. 36

37 …are pleasing to the eye 37

38 Physical What color is the object? What is most important? 38

39 Physical What color is the object? What is most important? 39

40 Psychological Relationship of color to our feelings Pantone Book of Color 40

41 Balance Relationship of major and minor 41

42 Contrast Relationship of light to dark Avoid black backgrounds, yellow text on white, red/green 42

43 invisible. The eye can’t really focus on red and blue at the same time. Red and green vibrate and a color blind person can’t see this. Yellow is pretty much invisible. 43

44 You see it all at one time 44

45 45

46 Evaluate Purpose Concept Art Layout Color Evaluate 46

47 Check spelling and grammarCheck speling and grammar,, 47

48 Minimalism Too many slidesare too many slides 48

49 Presentation Be Prepared Keep it Simple Like a story Embrace your nerves Don’t force laughs Don’t go longer than 20 minutes (ever) 49

50 Accelerated Learning Techniques 50 Based on Professional Learning Strategies: M. Tate 2006

51 51

52 What did you learn? Summarize in a phrase What will do you next? 52

53 Thank you! Frank Broen Teach America Sue Fody TriZetto 53 “It’s all about relationships”

54 O S D W R I am the Title sometext acoolidea 54

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