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Jackson is in 4 th grade. He lives in Austin, Texas. He goes to Cathay Caraway Elementary. His favorite food sushi. His dog is Fergus, his cat is Jr.

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Presentation on theme: "Jackson is in 4 th grade. He lives in Austin, Texas. He goes to Cathay Caraway Elementary. His favorite food sushi. His dog is Fergus, his cat is Jr."— Presentation transcript:


2 Jackson is in 4 th grade. He lives in Austin, Texas. He goes to Cathay Caraway Elementary. His favorite food sushi. His dog is Fergus, his cat is Jr. He likes pie and video games. His friend’s are Jacob, Anthony, Alan, Sam D., Sam J., Harry and Garrison. I wanted write this kind of story because I kind of like knights and stuff.

3 Do not read this book straight through from beginning to end! These pages contain many different adventures you can have. From time to time as you read along, you will be asked to make choices. Your choices may lead to success or disaster! The adventures you have will be a result of the choices, follow the directions to see what happens next you have been warned Good Luck! Click here to beginbegin

4 You are Josh you are grounded because you kicked your sister for calling you dumb. So you dayside to run away. You meet a kid named bobby. He has a gun and he looks like he’s been shot. He tells you if you follow him he will keep you safe. So you follow him to a house him to a house. When you get there you find a door. So what the heck, you open it. It leads to a labyrinth. You are already faced with a choice you see a fork in the labyrinth the right is really bright, and the left is dark and fogy. Do you go right go to page 4. If you choose left go to page 3. go to page 3 go to page 4page

5 So, you chose left. You hear a sound a hammer hitting metal. Then you see a blacksmith. Although he's scrawny, but his arms have crystals on them and their glowing. He turns quickly and sees you. He tells you to stop the dark knight by finding the golden knight. He gives you a sword, it has a crystal on the bottom. Just like the ones on his arms. He says that it will inanes your skill. If you take it go to page 5 if you don’t take it go to page 6 go to Slide page 5page go to page 6page 6

6 So, You chose right. As you walk you see a crypt. You read it. It says you must find the golden knight to stop the dark knight from taking over the world. As you walk you see a trail of chicken bones. At the end of the trail you see a man. If you go over go to page 8. If you don’t go to page 7. If you don’t go to page 7. If you go over go to page 8.

7 So, you take it. AS you’re walking you sword starts to glow. Aaaaaaaa! A blob came out of your sword. He tells you his name. It’s filch He turns into a suite of armor. You see the golden knight. He’s chained to a wall. All the sudden the dark knight appears, and his servant (with the keys to the golden knights chains) lunges at you. You grab the keys. You go over to the golden knight. His servant lunges at you again. Do you doge him and let him kill the golden knight. If you do go to page 9. Or do let him kill you, but you can free the golden knight. If you do go to page 10. If you do go to page 9. If you do go to page 10.

8 So you don’t take the sword. He thinks you don’t want to help. So he kills you! By punching your head off. As you die he calls a, disgrace! Before you die you realize you are a disgrace. Go to beginning

9 So, you don’t go over to him. He jumps up and attacks you. You quickly grab his gun from his belt. You shoot his hair. He is so ashamed he falls to the floor, and starts crying. Do you kill him, you kill him go to page 12, If you don’t kill him go to page 11 you kill him go to page 11page 1You don’t kill him go to page 12page 12.

10 So, you go over to him to the man. You ask him his name. He doesn't answer. So you ask him again, but this time he turns around he's a very ugly clown! He grabs you and throws you out the way you came. Now you have to live with not knowing what would happen if you just left him alone Go to beginning

11 So, you jump out of the way. You grab sword and kill him, but as you jumped out of the way he killed the golden knight. Now the dark knight has the power to wipe out all life… and he does. Go to beginning

12 So, you don’t move. He stabs you, but you still have time to unlock the golden knight. He grabs his sword and fights the dark knight, and wins. Plus he brings you back to life. You are a hero!!! Go to beginning

13 So, you don’t let him live. It turns out it was the dark knight in disguise. As he dies he explodes! You are trapped! You die of hunger. YOU LOSE!!!!!!!!!!! Go to beginning

14 So, you let him live. He is so grateful he becomes you friend. Then you have allsorts of adventures like robbing a lost village and building a house. You don’t save the world but you get a new friend. Go to beginning

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