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Retention at UW: where are we now? Ellen Williams Student Achievement Officer.

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Presentation on theme: "Retention at UW: where are we now? Ellen Williams Student Achievement Officer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Retention at UW: where are we now? Ellen Williams Student Achievement Officer

2 Today’s session Where are we now? –HESA benchmark data –UW internal data Where do we want to be?

3 The HESA data Source: HESA data ( UW rate HESA benchmark rate

4 The HESA data Source: HESA data ( HESA benchmark rate UW rate

5 The HESA data Source: HESA data ( HESA benchmark rate UW rate

6 The HESA data Source: HESA data (

7 The HESA data Source: UW Planning Office UW rate BME student rate Disabled student rate

8 The HESA data Source: UW Planning Office

9 The internal data Source: UW Planning Office based on annual monitoring reports

10 The internal data Source: UW Planning Office based on annual monitoring reports

11 Enhanced bursary data Non-repayable grant of £750 459 students in receipt of enhanced bursary in 2006–07 41 students withdrew – 9% Compares well with full time & part time rates Source: UW Planning Office

12 Questions  If this is where we are…  Where do we want to be?  How do we get there?  Why are our students leaving?

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