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2015 National Election May 12- June 10 Slate of Candidates.

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Presentation on theme: "2015 National Election May 12- June 10 Slate of Candidates."— Presentation transcript:

1 2015 National Election May 12- June 10 Slate of Candidates

2 Ellen (Ellie) Encapera RN, CEN South Carolina Candidate for President-elect

3 Karen K. Wiley MSN, RN, CEN Nebraska Candidate for President-elect

4 Joan Somes PhD, MSN, RNC, CEN, CPEN, FAEN, NREMT-P Minnesota Candidate for Secretary/Treasurer

5 Marylou Killian DNP, RN, FNP-bc, CEN New York Candidate for Director

6 Deborah A. Clark MS, BSN, RN, CEN, CPEN Pennsylvania Candidate for Director

7 Sally K. Snow BSN, RN, CPEN, FAEN Texas Candidate for Director

8 Matthew A. Choate MBA, BSN, RN, CEN Connecticut Candidate for Director

9 Sondra Heaston MS, APRN, CEN, CNE, NP-C Utah Candidate for Director

10 Pat Clutter MEd, RN, CEN, FAEN Missouri Candidate for Director

11 Michael A. Hastings MS, RN, CEN Texas Candidate for Director

12 Ron Kraus MSN, RN, CNS, EMT, CEN, ACNS-BC Indiana Candidate for Director

13 Gordon Lee Gillespie PhD, RN, CEN, CPEN, CNE, PHCNS-BC, FAEN Ohio Candidate for Director

14 J. Jeffery Jordan MS, MBA, RN, EMT-LP, CNE, FAEN Oklahoma Candidate for Director

15 Stephen J. Stapleton PhD, MS, RN, CEN, FAEN Illinois Candidate for Director

16 Margaret J. Carman DNP, RN, ACNP-BC, ENP-BC North Carolina Candidate for Director

17 Maureen Curtis Cooper BSN, RN, CEN, CPEN, FAEN Massachusetts Candidate for Director

18 Karen Silady MN, RN, CEN Louisiana Candidate for Nominations and Elections Committee- Region 2

19 Daniel R. DiDonato BSN, RN, CEN Texas Candidate for Nominations and Elections Committee- Region 2

20 Kristie Noelle Gallagher MSN, RN, CEN, NRP Ohio Candidate for Nominations and Elections Committee- Region 4

21 Ryan Oglesby PhD, MHA, RN, CEN, NEA-BC North Carolina Candidate for Nominations and Elections Committee- Region 6

22 Sonny Ruff DNP, RN, CEN, FNP-C Mississippi Candidate for Nominations and Elections Committee- Region 6

23 Mary Ellen (Mel) Wilson, MS, RN, CEN, COHN-S, FNP-C, FAEN Ohio Candidate for Nominations and Elections Committee- Past Board Member

24 Upcoming National ENA Meetings Emergency Nursing 2015, Orlando –September 28- October 3

25 Texas ENA Meetings 3 rd Quarter, July 10-11 th, Amarillo 4 th Quarter, October 23-25 th, Arlington

26 Other Offerings Essentials in Emergency Nursing –September 9-11 –San Antonio

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