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Blue Whales By: Lani, Sam, Briel, Katie,Julieann,and Josh.

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Presentation on theme: "Blue Whales By: Lani, Sam, Briel, Katie,Julieann,and Josh."— Presentation transcript:

1 Blue Whales By: Lani, Sam, Briel, Katie,Julieann,and Josh

2 Description The Blue Whale has been the largest animal that ever lived on Earth.

3 Habitat It lives in the cold temperate waters.They migrate into the Northern hemisphere in the Spring and Summer.In Fall and Winter they migrate back to temperate Waters.

4 Why is the blue whale endangered? They’re endangered because men go whaling to kill them.

5 What can be done to help these whales? Ellen Goodman an expert marine biologist is telling others that whales are living things how would it feel if they were killing you.


7 Resources /balamusc.htm /balamusc.htm

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