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Teacher Observation Training
August 30, facilitated by Dr. Ellen O’Donnell, Cheryl Covell, and Dr. Heather Sheridan-Thomas TST BOCES Network Team NOTES Developed by Teaching Learning Solutions, Inc FFT Rubrics-ASCD Developed by TLS, Inc. FFT Rubrics ASCD
DAY 1 AGENDA Introductions Overview, Objectives, and Context
Highly Effective Teaching Priorities of the Frameworks Teacher Evaluation Observation Skills – Evidence vs. Inference/Opinion Observation Practice Asking Clarifying Questions Wrap Up & Evaluation NOTES Developed by Teaching Learning Solutions, Inc FFT Rubrics-ASCD Developed by TLS, Inc. FFT Rubrics ASCD
Workshop Objectives Day 1
Understand how teacher performance evaluation fits into the big picture of Race to the Top initiatives to enhance learning for all students Develop an awareness of how a common understanding of highly effective teaching is required to drive a rubric- based teacher evaluation system Understand how a common language can create and support professionalism and a culture for learning Understand the relationship between the NYSED Teaching Standards and the NYSUT and Framework for Teaching rubrics by which the teaching standards are assessed Develop a beginning awareness of the shifts in teacher performance delineated by rubric levels Understand the common priorities underlying the rubrics Review the elements and qualities of an effective teacher evaluation system Begin to hone observation skills to focus on Evidence Collection Alignment of evidence with Standards & Domains Asking clarifying questions to promote professional reflection & growth NOTES Developed by Teaching Learning Solutions, Inc FFT Rubrics-ASCD Developed by TLS, Inc. FFT Rubrics ASCD
RTTT – Improving Instruction for All Students
Standards and Assessments Common Core Learning Standards Revised assessments in Data Systems NYS Data Portal Development Data-driven Instruction/ Inquiry Teams Great Teachers and Leaders Teacher Performance Evaluation Principal Performance Evaluation Developed by Teaching Learning Solutions, Inc FFT Rubrics-ASCD Developed by TLS, Inc. FFT Rubrics ASCD
NYS Teacher Evaluation Road Map
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How will Teachers and Principals be evaluated?
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Other 60 points? The regulations require that at least 40 out of the 60 points is to be based on multiple classroom observations—meaning 2 or more—by a principal or other trained administrator. Classroom observations may be performed in person or by video. In addition, teachers may be observed by trained independent evaluators or in-school peers. Developed by TLS, Inc. FFT Rubrics ASCD
Other 60 points? The remaining points of the 60 points can be based on a combination of any of the following criteria: structured review of student work; teacher artifacts using portfolio or evidence binder processes; feedback from students, parents, and/or other teachers using structured survey tools; teacher self-reflection and progress on professional growth goals (maximum of 5 points). Developed by TLS, Inc. FFT Rubrics ASCD
Focus on Shared Understandings of the Rubrics and Sharpening Evaluation Skills
Today’s focus is on understanding the common underpinnings of two rubrics that will be used regionally, and their connection to the NYS Teaching Standards, as well as unpacking the rubric criteria and beginning to practice the collection of observational evidence related to those criteria. We will maintain a “Parking Lot” for questions related to APPR regulations. Developed by Teaching Learning Solutions, Inc FFT Rubrics-ASCD Developed by TLS, Inc. FFT Rubrics ASCD
Highly Effective Instruction
Imagine you are in the classroom of a highly effective teacher: What would you see? What would you hear? What would the students be doing or saying? Individually, write one idea per post-it note. NOTES Developed by Teaching Learning Solutions, Inc FFT Rubrics-ASCD Developed by TLS, Inc. FFT Rubrics ASCD
Highly Effective Instruction
At your table, group your sticky notes into bigger categories that define high quality teaching and learning. Go with your table group to one of the Teaching Standards charts on the wall. Group your sticky notes by Standard. Talk about the degree to which this did or did not require re-grouping. Developed by Teaching Learning Solutions, Inc FFT Rubrics-ASCD Developed by TLS, Inc. FFT Rubrics ASCD
Teaching Standards: NYSUT Rubric
Standard 1: Knowledge of Students & Student Learning Standard 2: Knowledge of Content and Instructional Planning Standard 3: Instructional Practice Standard 4: The Learning Environment Standard 5: Assessment for Student Learning Standard 6: Professional Responsibilities Standard 7: Professional Growth Developed by Teaching Learning Solutions, Inc FFT Rubrics-ASCD Developed by TLS, Inc. FFT Rubrics ASCD
NYSUT Rubric Vocabulary
Knowledge of Students & Student Learning Element 1.1 Demonstrate knowledge of child and adolescent development including cognitive, language, social, emotional, and physical developmental levels. A) Describes developmental characteristics of students Standards Summary statements Elements Indicators With rubrics NOTES Developed by TLS, Inc. NYSUT Rubrics 17
Teaching Framework Domain 3: Instruction
Domain 1: Planning and Preparation Domain 2: The Classroom Environment Domain 4: Professional Responsibilities Developed by Teaching Learning Solutions, Inc FFT Rubrics-ASCD
Framework Vocabulary Domains Components Elements
Standard 1: Planning and Preparation Component 1a. Demonstrating knowledge of content and pedagogy A) Knowledge of content and structure of the discipline B) Knowledge of prerequisite relationships C) Knowledge of content-related pedagogy Domains Components Elements With rubrics Developed by Teaching Learning Solutions, Inc FFT Rubrics-ASCD 19
NYSED Teaching Standards
Crosswalk between the NYSED Teaching Standards and the ASCD Framework for Teaching Rubrics NYSED Teaching Standards FFT Rubrics Standard 1:Knowledge of Students and Student Learning Elements Domain I: Planning and Preparation Component 1B: Knowledge of Students Standard 2: Knowledge of Content and Instructional Planning Elements Domain 1: Planning and Preparation Components: 1A, 1C – 1F Standard 3: Instructional Practice Elements Domain 3: Instruction Components: 3A-3E Standard 4: Learning Environment Elements Domain 2: Classroom Environment Components 2A-2E Standard 5: Assessment for Student Learning Elements Domains 1, 3, 4, Components 1F, 3D Standard 6: Professional Responsibilities and Collaboration Elements Domain 4: Professional Responsibilities Components 4B, 4C, 4F Standard 7: Professional Growth Elements Domain 4: Professional Growth Components 4A, 4D, 4E Developed by Teaching Learning Solutions, Inc FFT Rubrics - ASCD Developed by TLS, Inc. FFT Rubrics ASCD
Common Themes of Both Rubrics
Equity Cultural competence High expectations Developmental appropriateness A focus on individuals, including those with special needs Appropriate use of technology Student assumption of responsibility NOTES Developed by Teaching Learning Solutions, Inc FFT Rubrics-ASCD Developed by TLS, Inc. FFT Rubrics ASCD
Exploring the Priorities of the Rubrics Observing with a Focus on the Priorities
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Priorities of the Rubrics
Cognitive Engagement Constructivist Learning 21st Century Skills The LEARNING is done by the LEARNER! NOTES Developed by Teaching Learning Solutions, Inc FFT Rubrics-ASCD Developed by TLS, Inc. FFT Rubrics ASCD
Priorities of the Rubrics
Cognitive Engagement “Effective” = students must be cognitively engaged “Highly Effective” = cognition, meta-cognition, and student ownership of their learning Constructivist Learning Effective and Highly Effective practice must have evidence of learning experiences designed to facilitate students’ construction of knowledge. 21st Century Skills Effective and Highly Effective practice must plan for and have evidence of application of college career-readiness skills and dispositions NOTES Developed by Teaching Learning Solutions, Inc FFT Rubrics-ASCD 24 Developed by TLS, Inc. FFT Rubrics ASCD
Building Understanding of the Priorities – Text jigsaw
At your table, each person should choose one of the 4 articles, being sure that all 4 are covered. 1. Conley, D. (2011). “Building on the Common Core.” Educational Leadership. Alexandria, VA: ASCD. (pages 16-20) 2. An excerpt from: Tharp, R. G., P. Estrada, S. S. Dalton, and L. A. Yamauchi. (2000). Teaching Transformed. Achieving Excellence, Fairness, Inclusion, and Harmony. Boulder, CO: Westview Press (Pages 30-31) 2.“TST BOCES 21st Century Learning Focus Areas (Draft)” (2011). TST BOCES 21st Century Learning Task Force ( Task Force of the IPC) 3. Excerpts from: Donald G. Hackmann “Constructivism and Block Scheduling. Making the Connection.” Phi Delta Kappan: , May ; and “Constructivist Processes and Education” From William F. Brewer, on-line at Education Encyclopedia, Learning Theory: Constructivist Approaches. NOTES Developed by Teaching Learning Solutions, Inc FFT Rubrics-ASCD Developed by TLS, Inc. FFT Rubrics ASCD
Building Understanding of the Priorities – Text jigsaw
After everyone has read their article, discuss how these articles enhance your understandings of cognitive engagement, constructivist learning, and 21st century skills, as well as the connections to current initiatives. Be prepared to share ONE idea per table about how your understanding of one of the priorities was enhanced. Developed by Teaching Learning Solutions, Inc FFT Rubrics-ASCD Developed by TLS, Inc. FFT Rubrics ASCD
Instruction- Activity
Read the Rubric Component that has been assigned to your group. As a group, discuss the following, taking notes on the provided chart paper: Summarize the concepts within your rubric and how it supports cognitive engagement and constructivist learning. List in two columns what students would be doing that demonstrates evidence of cognitive engagement and constructivist learning and how teachers would be supporting them. Developed by Teaching Learning Solutions, Inc FFT Rubrics-ASCD 27
Instruction- Gallery Walk
Walk around and look at your colleagues’ charts of each instructional component. During your walk, add sticky note comments to at least TWO of the charts. You might comment on: the kinds of activities students are engaged in – how prevalent are they? Do they seem like they would prepare students to be “college & career ready”? the type of activities teachers are engaged in – how often do you observe these activities? Any other thoughts you have. Developed by Teaching Learning Solutions, Inc FFT Rubrics-ASCD Developed by TLS, Inc. FFT Rubrics ASCD
Engagement in Action Video observation:
Observe what students are doing that shows evidence of cognitive engagement, constructing meaning, and/or engaging in 21st century skills. Collect evidence from the video; be prepared to share your evidence. NOTES Developed by Teaching Learning Solutions, Inc FFT Rubrics-ASCD 29 Developed by TLS, Inc. FFT Rubrics ASCD
Video Debrief & Reflection
Share with a partner: What evidence did you see in the video of cognitive engagement, constructivist learning, or 21st century skills? Write for about 5 minutes on the following topic: In what ways are the priorities we discussed this morning a “shift”? Do what degree will they be a shift for the teachers in your building? What are your beginning thoughts on how to share information about these shifts with teachers? Developed by Teaching Learning Solutions, Inc FFT Rubrics-ASCD
Levels of Performance Unsatisfactory / Ineffective – Teaching shows evidence of not understanding the concepts underlying the component - may represent practice that is harmful - requires intervention Basic / Developing– Teaching shows evidence of knowledge and skills related to teaching - but inconsistent performance Developed by Teaching Learning Solutions, Inc FFT Rubrics-ASCD Developed by TLS, Inc. FFT Rubrics ASCD
Levels of Performance Proficient / Effective- Teaching shows evidence of thorough knowledge of all aspects of the profession. Students are engaged in learning. This is successful, accomplished, professional, and effective teaching. Distinguished / Highly Effective– Classroom functions as a community of learners with student assumption of responsibility for learning. NOTES Developed by Teaching Learning Solutions, Inc FFT Rubrics-ASCD Developed by TLS, Inc. FFT Rubrics ASCD
Levels of Performance and Student Achievement – Research
Research Findings from Cincinnati (National Bureau of Economic Research, 2010) Teachers have substantial effect on student achievement Correlation between FFT based evaluation and student achievement Evaluation using the FFT found: Unsatisfactory and Basic: students had lower gains than expected Proficient: students made expected gains Distinguished: students made positive, and greater than expected gains id= NOTES Developed by Teaching Learning Solutions, Inc FFT Rubrics-ASCD Developed by TLS, Inc. FFT Rubrics ASCD
Reviewing the Levels of Performance
Read the descriptors for Component 3c or Standard 3e of your chosen rubric Highlight the verbs / phrases that distinguish the differences among the levels of performance Developed by Teaching Learning Solutions, Inc FFT Rubrics-ASCD
Observing and Evaluating Practice
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Teacher Evaluation - Purposes
Why do we evaluate teachers? Brainstorm briefly at your table. NOTES Developed by Teaching Learning Solutions, Inc FFT Rubrics-ASCD Developed by TLS, Inc. FFT Rubrics ASCD
Teacher Evaluation - Purposes
Quality Assurance Professional Learning – Improving teacher quality NOTES Developed by Teaching Learning Solutions, Inc FFT Rubrics-ASCD Developed by TLS, Inc. FFT Rubrics ASCD
Teacher Evaluation Discuss at your table and be prepared to share one idea per table: Why hasn’t teacher evaluation traditionally resulted in professional growth? What conditions support professional growth and how can teacher evaluation be accomplished in a way to meet those conditions? NOTES Developed by Teaching Learning Solutions, Inc FFT Rubrics-ASCD Developed by TLS, Inc. FFT Rubrics ASCD
Three “Gates” for Effective Teacher Evaluation
Fairness Reliability Validity NOTES Developed by Teaching Learning Solutions, Inc FFT Rubrics-ASCD Developed by TLS, Inc. FFT Rubrics ASCD
Best Practices in Evaluation
Basis for evaluation Quality of work – rubric criteria Student progress State Assessment Benchmark assessments Common assessments Teacher-made assessments Plan for gathering data Processes and procedures for gathering information about quality of work Procedures for gathering information about student progress End result Student learning Teacher rating Direction for professional growth Determination of employment Compensation Career ladder Developed by Teaching Learning Solutions, Inc FFT Rubrics-ASCD Developed by TLS, Inc. FFT Rubrics ASCD
Best Practices in Observing
Basis for observation– Knowledge of the criteria Observers must understand the Criteria Observers must have a focus on constructing meaning through cognitive engagement Observers must be able to identify appropriate data (evidence) to paint an accurate picture of educators’ work Plan for gathering data – Fidelity to process and procedures Observer must understand the process including it’s intent or purpose. Observer must follow process with fidelity, engaging the educator in discussion along the way Observer must maintain consistency and fairness from educator to educator End result – Quality of the product Observer must align evidence to appropriate component Observer must level evidence accurately Observer must have sufficient evidence to support rating Observer must have skill in engaging educator in conversation around level and direction for future NOTES Developed by Teaching Learning Solutions, Inc FFT Rubrics-ASCD Developed by TLS, Inc. FFT Rubrics ASCD
EVIDENCE VS. OPINION Directions: Read each statement. Decide – is it evidence or opinion? Discuss your answer with an elbow partner. If you agree that the statement is an opinion, reword the statement so that it is an evidence statement. Be prepared to discuss some of the statements, or statements about which you have questions. The teacher says today’s activities are an extension of the math unit. The pacing of the lesson was slow, allowing for student restlessness, disengagement, and disruptive behavior. The new table arrangement encourages concentration and controlled interaction with neighbor. “I assure you that today’s lesson will be quite interesting.” The teacher clearly has planned and organized for maximum effect. The last activity, discussion of the key scene, was rushed. The teacher said that the Civil war was a tragedy for U.S. civilization. As the activity progressed, students started calling out, “What should we do next?” Some students have difficulty paying attention. 10. Students worked with a classmate in choosing key scenes and discussing the reasons for their choice. Developed by Teaching Learning Solutions, Inc FFT Rubrics-ASCD Developed by TLS, Inc. FFT Rubrics ASCD
Evidence or Inference/Opinion
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Evidence Evidence is a factual reporting of events.
It may include teacher and student actions and/or behaviors. It may also include artifacts prepared by the teacher, students, or others. It is not clouded with personal opinion or biases. It is selected using professional judgment by the observer and / or the teacher. NOTES Developed by Teaching Learning Solutions, Inc FFT Rubrics-ASCD Developed by TLS, Inc. FFT Rubrics ASCD
Types of Observation Evidence
Verbatim scripting of teacher or student comments: “Bring your white boards, markers and erasers to the carpet and sit on your square.” Non-evaluative statements of observed teacher or student behavior: Teacher presented the content from the front of room. Numeric information about time, student participation, resource use, etc.: [9:14 – 9:29] Warm-up. 8 of 22 Ss finished at 9:20, sat still until 9:29 An observed aspect of the environment: Desks were arranged in groups of four with room to walk between each group. NOTES Developed by Teaching Learning Solutions, Inc FFT Rubrics-ASCD Developed by TLS, Inc. FFT Rubrics ASCD
Evidence vs. Inference/Opinion…
Read evidence statement you wrote as you watched the earlier video. Decide – is it evidence or inference/opinion? Discuss your answer with your elbow partner. If you agree that the statement is an inference or opinion, reword the statement so that it is an evidence statement. Be prepared to discuss statements about which you have questions. NOTES Developed by Teaching Learning Solutions, Inc FFT Rubrics-ASCD Developed by TLS, Inc. FFT Rubrics ASCD
What is Evidence? - Review
Actions, by teacher or students Statements or questions, by teacher or students Observable features of the classroom Review the evidence collected previously – is it evidence? Or opinion? NOTES Developed by Teaching Learning Solutions, Inc FFT Rubrics-ASCD Developed by TLS, Inc. FFT Rubrics ASCD
Bias Definition: Attaching positive or negative meaning to elements in our environment based on personal or societal influences that shape our thinking. A biased judgment is based on outside influences and is not necessarily related to a teacher’s effectiveness. Example: “Mrs. T does so much for the school, she is an excellent teacher. “ The actual classroom evidence may not support the rating of the teacher as “excellent.” NOTES Developed by Teaching Learning Solutions, Inc FFT Rubrics-ASCD Developed by TLS, Inc. FFT Rubrics ASCD
Individual Professional Bias
Reflection: Make your own personal list of biases to be aware of when you assess teaching performance. Determine if the bias leads you to assign a higher or lower rating when evaluating teacher performance, and write a + or – next to each statement. NOTES Developed by Teaching Learning Solutions, Inc FFT Rubrics-ASCD Developed by TLS, Inc. FFT Rubrics ASCD
The Evidence Cycle COLLECT DATA (Evidence) Interpret: Clarify
SORT TO ALIGN WITH YOUR FRAMEWORK Interpret: Clarify Conclusions NO! NOTES Impact on learning… Support needed… Developed by Teaching Learning Solutions, Inc FFT Rubrics-ASCD Developed by TLS, Inc. FFT Rubrics ASCD
1st Observation Practice INSTRUCTION
Priorities of the rubrics Cognitive Engagement Constructivist Learning 21st Century Skills Review: What type of evidence must you collect to assess the priorities of the rubrics? NOTES Developed by Teaching Learning Solutions, Inc FFT Rubrics-ASCD Developed by TLS, Inc. FFT Rubrics ASCD
Observing Practice Observe the video
Collect evidence of Domain 3: Instruction/ Standard 3: Instructional Practice Be prepared to share your evidence Developed by Teaching Learning Solutions, Inc FFT Rubrics-ASCD
Checking Evidence Use the self-check questions to review your evidence collection Have I recorded only facts? Is my evidence relevant to the criteria being examined? Whenever possible, have I quantified words such as few, some, and most? Have I used quotation marks when quoting a teacher or student? Does my selection or documentation of evidence indicate any personal or professional preferences? Have I included any opinion (in the guise of fact)? NOTES Developed by Teaching Learning Solutions, Inc FFT Rubrics-ASCD Developed by TLS, Inc. FFT Rubrics ASCD
Observing Practice: Sorting Evidence
With a partner, sort your evidence so that it aligns with the appropriate criteria in your rubric for instruction Developed by Teaching Learning Solutions, Inc FFT Rubrics-ASCD Developed by TLS, Inc. FFT Rubrics ASCD
Observing Practice: Clarifying Questions
With your partner, develop questions you have about the lesson you observed that must be answered before you rate the teacher’s performance? We will come back to your questions after the next segment of Table Talk. Be prepared to share one or two of your questions at that time. NOTES Developed by Teaching Learning Solutions, Inc FFT Rubrics-ASCD Developed by TLS, Inc. FFT Rubrics ASCD
The Complexity of Teaching
“After 30 years of doing such work, I have concluded that classroom teaching … is perhaps the most complex, most challenging, and most demanding, subtle, nuanced, and frightening activity that our species has ever invented. ..The only time a physician could possibly encounter a situation of comparable complexity would be in the emergency room of a hospital during or after a natural disaster.” Lee Shulman, The Wisdom of Practice NOTES Developed by Teaching Learning Solutions, Inc FFT Rubrics-ASCD Developed by TLS, Inc. FFT Rubrics ASCD
A Culture of Professional Inquiry
Professional learning never ends. It is every teacher’s responsibility to engage in professional development. Teaching is so complex that it is never done perfectly. Every educator can always become more skilled. Making a commitment to do so is part of the essential work of teaching. Charlotte Danielson The Handbook for Enhancing Professional Practice NOTES Developed by Teaching Learning Solutions, Inc FFT Rubrics-ASCD Developed by TLS, Inc. FFT Rubrics ASCD
A Culture of Professional Inquiry Should:
Infuse a school’s practices related to professional development; Be reflected in the school’s practices surrounding mentoring and teacher evaluation; and Regard mentoring and evaluation as ongoing learning. Charlotte Danielson The Handbook for Enhancing Professional Practice NOTES Developed by Teaching Learning Solutions, Inc FFT Rubrics-ASCD Developed by TLS, Inc. FFT Rubrics ASCD
Teacher Evaluation… “Teacher evaluation can be an opportunity for genuine professional learning. When organized around clearly established and accepted standards of practice, teacher evaluation offers an opportunity for educators to reflect seriously on their practice, and promote learning.” Charlotte Danielson The Handbook for Enhancing Professional Practice NOTES Developed by Teaching Learning Solutions, Inc FFT Rubrics-ASCD Developed by TLS, Inc. FFT Rubrics ASCD
Table Talk Discuss the content of the previous 4 slides with your colleagues. What cultural and structural conditions must be in place to create and sustain a climate of professional inquiry? In what ways does the type of questions observers ask of teachers promote – or inhibit – such a climate? Be prepared to share your discussion. NOTES Developed by Teaching Learning Solutions, Inc FFT Rubrics-ASCD Developed by TLS, Inc. FFT Rubrics ASCD
Question Review Return to the questions you and your partner created after observing the lesson Reframe your questions to ensure that they are designed to promote a climate of professional inquiry Consider the following: How does the question make you feel? How might the teacher respond to the question? Revise your questions as necessary. NOTES Developed by Teaching Learning Solutions, Inc FFT Rubrics-ASCD Developed by TLS, Inc. FFT Rubrics ASCD
Workshop Objectives Day 1
Understand how teacher performance evaluation fits into the big picture of Race to the Top initiatives to enhance learning for all students Develop an awareness of how a common understanding of highly effective teaching is required to drive a rubric- based teacher evaluation system Understand how a common language can create and support professionalism and a culture for learning Understand the relationship between the NYSED Teaching Standards and the NYSUT and Framework for Teaching rubrics by which the teaching standards are assessed Develop a beginning awareness of the shifts in teacher performance delineated by rubric levels Understand the common priorities underlying the rubrics Review the elements and qualities of an effective teacher evaluation system Begin to hone observation skills to focus on Evidence Collection Alignment of evidence with Standards & Domains Asking clarifying questions to promote professional reflection & growth NOTES Developed by Teaching Learning Solutions, Inc FFT Rubrics-ASCD Developed by TLS, Inc. FFT Rubrics ASCD
Thank you for your participation!
Debrief and Closure Next steps – Future sessions at BOCES In your districts? Got It/Want It/Questions Please remember to complete the workshop evaluation Thank you for your participation! NOTES Developed by Teaching Learning Solutions, Inc FFT Rubrics-ASCD Developed by TLS, Inc. FFT Rubrics ASCD
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