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Institute for Ministry and Theological Education Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta WELCOME to the Institute…

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Presentation on theme: "Institute for Ministry and Theological Education Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta WELCOME to the Institute…"— Presentation transcript:

1 Institute for Ministry and Theological Education Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta WELCOME to the Institute…

2 A prayer for the Institute Everliving God, font of all our knowledge and learning: enlighten our path as we grow in our love of you and your church; educate us with insights and skills to aid those around us; and enable us to live more fully into our baptismal promises through your Son Jesus Christ our Lord who reigns with you and the Holy Spirit. AMEN

3 Continuing education... The Diocese of Atlanta is committed to provide life-long adult Christian education to assist the active ministry of people seeking to fulfill their baptismal covenant. We will accomplish this by providing a variety of learning experiences.

4 WW e will provide both one-day and multi- session educational formats in the Atlanta metropolitan region and in the convocations. WW e will offer Continuing Education Units (CEUs) and Certificates of Attendance for course completion.

5 Educational opportunities will include, but are not limited to, experiences that increase understanding of...

6 Biblical Studies Church History Church Music and Liturgical Arts

7 Environmental Stewardship Episcopal Social Action on behalf of oppressed groups in society Episcopal/Anglican Polity

8 Ethics Evangelism Inter-Faith Dialogue Pastoral Care

9 Stewardship Planned Giving Spiritual Growth Theology

10 Program Development All programs will be developed by the Diocese of Atlanta Commission on Education in conjunction with Bishop Alexander, Bishop Whitmore, Deans, Clergy and Laity of the Diocese.

11 Commission on Education 2008 The Rev. Dr. Donald S. Tate, Chair Ms. Nancy Armstrong The Rev. John Bolton Ms. Ruth Elizabeth Conine-Nakano Dr. Norma Givens Ms. Linda Scott Ms. Phyllis Seitz The Rev. Nancy Shepherd The Rev. Dr. Bradford R. Smith

12 Board of Advisors Ms. Nancy A. Armstrong, Director Ms. Ruth Elizabeth Conine-Nakano Ms. Barbara Danner Dr. John Ford Mr. Randall L. Hughes Dr. Carol M. Lockett Mr. Dennis Matthews The Rev. Ellen Echols Purdum The Rev. Elizabeth Roles Ms. Nanette S. Ross Archdeacon John Titus

13 Long Term Projects: Course Certifications Institute leadership and administrative support Affiliation with religious institution of higher education

14 Programs2007 FALL LECTURE COURSE "Imagining the World that Scripture Imagines" Dr. Luke Timothy Johnson Candler School of Theology, Decatur Saturday, September 29, 2007 Cathedral of St. Philip, Atlanta

15 Programs 2008 “Religion & Violence: an interfaith dialogue” in partnership with Trinity Institute, NY January 21 – 23, 2008 at local parishes Athens – St Gregory the Great Church Atlanta – St Martin-in-the Fields Church “Vocation & Calling” The Reverend Dr. John DeBeer April 18, 2008Cathedral of St. Philip Trinity Foundation Culture & Christianity Workshop for Parish Leaders and Teachers The Rev. Dr. Nadim Nassar, Trinity Foundation September 6, 2008Cathedral of St. Philip “Joy Unbounded – A Saturday Morning in the Spirit of St. Francis of Assisi” Jon M. Sweeney, Writer and Editor of Paraclete Press September 27, 2008Cathedral of St. Philip

16 Upcoming Programs 2009 “Radical abundance- a theology of sustainability ” in partnership with Trinity Institute, NY January 21 – 23, 2009 Presented locally in our Diocese, featuring Good meals and hospitality EfM-facilitated small group discussions Live, real time web cast Bookstore on site 2 CEUs awarded by Trinity Institute

17 Trinity Institute January 21-23, 2009 St. Catherine’s, Marietta St. Gregory the Great, Athens St. Thomas, Columbus Grace Episcopal, Gainesville

18 Foundations for Christian Education Certification Course 2009 - 2010 In January 2009 an in-depth two-year certification course specifically for those responsible for Christian education will begin. The issues our parishes face today can better be addressed when the Baptismal Covenant, Episcopal identity-authority- tradition-spirituality-polity, Church history, the church year, use of the prayer book, and the reading and interpretation of scripture are foundationally ingrained into our leaders.

19 The Orientation and four Certification Classes will be held on January 30-31, 2009, at Montara Farm. The mandatory two-day retreat will include worship, free time, gracious accommodations, fresh and healthy meals and fellowship. Monthly Classes begin Saturday February 21 and continue on Third Saturdays in Mar-June and Sept-Dec. Classes will be from 9AM-4PM at Amerson House. Graduates will be presented at Annual Council November 2010.

20 Contact Us www. Registration by phone, mail or online

21 Diocesan Staff Liaison –Ms. Linda Scott 404-601-5353; 800-537-6743 x 155 Institute Director –Ms. Nancy Armstrong 404-601-5357

22 Atlanta, Georgia September 2008

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