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USJFCOM UNCLASSIFIED 25 Aug 2009 1 Joint National Training Capability - Corporate Board FY 10 JNTC Budget Al Lawver JNTC Program Director.

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1 USJFCOM UNCLASSIFIED 25 Aug 2009 1 Joint National Training Capability - Corporate Board FY 10 JNTC Budget Al Lawver JNTC Program Director

2 USJFCOM UNCLASSIFIED 25 Aug 2009 2 Objectives Consensus brief for the FY 10 JNTC budget.

3 USJFCOM UNCLASSIFIED 25 Aug 2009 3 Budget Analysis Assumptions All known Congressional cuts are included in the FY 10 JNTC President’s Budget (PB). –The HAC-D committee has marked all JNTC O&M growth ($4.965M). SAC-D has not reported out. –Based on previous years’ experience, up to a 4% DoD wide reduction to T2 O&M and RDTE is likely. The JTCP Program has received $1.065M in FY 09 end of year funding. Service JNTC funding is in accordance with the T2 POM, as modified by cuts. The Services will receive quarterly allocations of JTCP funds directly from OSD in accordance with the agreed business rules.

4 USJFCOM UNCLASSIFIED 25 Aug 2009 4 JTCP Reallocation Business Rules Receiving Service (Army, Navy, USMC, USAF, SOCOM) is responsible for obligation and expenditure of the reallocated funds. Funding not executed must be returned to the Program Director for any reallocation decision. At years end, all unexecuted funds must be returned NLT 30 July to be sure they can be reallocated before the end of the FY. Case by case exceptions will be made for event funds required in the 4 th quarter; the PD should be notified as early as possible if any JTCP funds cannot be fully executed. As funds are executed, results of Service JTCP efforts will be reported as part of the JNTC quarterly report. Financial reporting will be IAW OSD requirements. These reports do not replace any reporting status required by the TD JTCP coordinator. The FAD will contain instructions that the funds will be used for the JTCP event support coordinated at the JTCC except as approved by the PD. Any changes to the JTCP plan that affect the funding allocation must be approved by the Program Director and the TD JTCP coordinator. Any changes to the quarterly spend plan must be coordinated with the Program Director, who will request changes to OSD via the JWFC business office.

5 USJFCOM UNCLASSIFIED 25 Aug 2009 5 Terms of Reference for JFCOM Funding Centrally Managed Capabilities : Support for JNTC national capabilities that are provided by JFCOM JFT. –JAAR-RL, joint instrumentation development, JTEN expansion, KM/IM capabilities, CDS, JTEN Test Bed, network development efforts (e.g. Alternate JTEN, NexGen JTEN), JTDS, joint architectures and standards development, JATTL support contract, exercise control lab equipment and maintenance, and joint model and federation development. TD JST Support: JFCOM JST contract support to JNTC. –JFCOM contract support for Accreditation/Certification, event technical support and model integration, program assessment, and mitigation. Events/Other Programs: Resources for Service and COCOM accredited programs, events, and other agencies –TENA, FITE JCTD, BCTP, C-IED, SOF MRX Planners, and joint models technical integration and event support.

6 USJFCOM UNCLASSIFIED 25 Aug 2009 6 Terms of Reference for JFCOM Funding JNTC Management : JNTC funded labor for 34 military, 58 government, 10 other government civilians, and 31 contract FTEs from JST and non-JFCOM contracts; administrative expenses. (Fixed Cost) JTEC : JATTL Lab building lease, guard services, utilities, and equipment maintenance contracts. (Fixed Cost) JTEN Maintenance: NOSC, JTEN operations and maintenance, and network security. (Fixed Cost) IW PBRs: POM 10 IW funds (O&M, RDTE, and OP) not specifically funding Service PBRs. OPFOR PBRs: All OPFOR supporting the programs (O&M, RDTE, and OP) including O&M sustainment costs.

7 USJFCOM UNCLASSIFIED 25 Aug 2009 7 FY10 JNTC Congressional Appropriation Total Program: $154,605,811 JFCOM Total: $97,748,551 Services Total: $56,857,260

8 USJFCOM UNCLASSIFIED 25 Aug 2009 8 FY10 PEP Stakeholder Distribution Total Program: $154,605,811 JFCOM Total: $97,748,551 Services Total: $56,857,260

9 USJFCOM UNCLASSIFIED 25 Aug 2009 9 FY10 JNTC Program Distribution Total Program: $154,605,811 JFCOM Total: $97,748,551 Services Total: $56,857,260

10 USJFCOM UNCLASSIFIED 25 Aug 2009 10 Total Program: $154,605,811 JFCOM Total: $97,748,551 Services Total: $56,857,260 Internal Core JFCOM Funding $46,603,819 (48%) Service/ COCOM Training Programs $50,548,097 (52%) FY10 JFCOM JNTC Distribution

11 USJFCOM UNCLASSIFIED 25 Aug 2009 11 FY10 Program Management Program Management: $16,984,500 Administrative Costs 1 : $4,310,819 JFCOM Total: $97,748,551 Note: 1. Administrative costs are used in operating an organization including rent, management salaries, utilities, security, travel, etc.

12 USJFCOM UNCLASSIFIED 25 Aug 2009 12 FY 10 Budget Cuts ($K) FY 10 Baseline POM 10 INC FY 10 Pres Bud PBD 707 $5.7M REDUC FY 10 ADJ PBD 610 & 800 REDUC PBD 802 REDUC Revised FY 10 JNTC58,580.02,340.060,920.0(1,874.6)59,045.4(1,053.2)(355.3)57,636.9 IW0.02,625.0 (80.8)2,544.2(47.1)(15.4)2,481.7 Total58,580.04,965.063,545.0(1,955.5)61,589.5(1,100.3)(370.7)60,118.5 The HAC-D has cut all growth for FY 10 which means the POM 10 O&M increase of $4,965K is at risk. The SAC-D had no reductions. Conference committee will make the final decision, which will be part of the FY 10 Appropriations Bill. The JTCP Program has received $1.065M in FY 09 end of year funding.

13 USJFCOM UNCLASSIFIED 25 Aug 2009 13 FY 10 Budget Issues FY 10 draft budget of 11 August accepted by SOCOM, Navy, USAF, JCS J7. Three remaining issues – –USMC: JFCOM funds directly supporting pre- deployment training (PBR 2732 -USMC MRX JTF-FC Host Nation Role Players and PBR 3411- USMC SOF Role Players at MAGTFTC) received no allocation of funds. –Army: JISR training at the CTCs was not funded. –JWFC TD: No funding for procurement of NexGen JTEN equipment. This pushes the problem to the right and creates an insurmountable problem in the FY 12 - 13 timeframe. High risk that some persistent sites will become non-functional without ATM equipment replacement.

14 USJFCOM UNCLASSIFIED 25 Aug 2009 14 FY 10 Budget Issues Resolutions USMC: Two PBRs for JFCOM funds directly supporting pre- deployment training were not allocated funding. (PBR 2732 - USMC MRX JTF-FC Host Nation Role Players and PBR 3411- USMC SOF Role Players at MAGTFTC). –Action: The PD has fully funded PBR 2732. Army: JISR training at the CTCs was not funded. –Action: The PD has funded PBR 3415 at $1.085M with FY 09 EOY funds and FY 10 IW funds. Army will fund an additional $915K. JWFC TD: No funding for procurement of NexGen JTEN equipment. This pushes the problem to the right and creates an insurmountable problem in the FY 12 - 13 timeframe. High risk that some persistent sites will become non-functional without ATM equipment replacement. –Action: The PD recommends redistribution of JFCOM OP to allocate $4M on PBR 2690 NexGen Equipment procurement. Details are in a separate brief. This will impact FY 10 JTEN expansion and USMC and Army procurement plans as allocated in the 11 August draft budget.

15 USJFCOM UNCLASSIFIED 25 Aug 2009 15 Questions

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