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Published byTobias Luscomb Modified over 10 years ago
Understanding Contract Support Cost Shortfall Report Judy Mitchell Email: Bureau of Indian Affairs Office of Indian Services
Contract Support Cost (CSC) Bureau-wide CSC Needs were Funded at: FY 2009 - 72.60% FY 2010 - 75.16% FY 2011 - 97.46% FY 2012 - 94.86% FY 2013 - not available Apportionments Congressional Increases or Decreases in Percentage FY 2009 - 00.00% FY 2010 - 12.70% FY 2011 - 32.27% FY 2012 - (00.16%) FY 2013 - (05.23%) FY 2014 - 29.32% (CR #1)
Uncontrollable Variables for Meeting 100% of CSC Needs IDC Rates may change from year to year, increasing or decreasing the amount of CSC need for each Tribe/Tribal Organization. Tribes/Tribal Organizations can increase or decrease the number of ISD contracts. Inflation. Amount Appropriated by Congress.
What is Contract Support Cost Shortfall Report? PL 93-638 106(c) Annual Reports (25 USC § 450j-1) “Not later than May 15 of each year, the Secretary shall prepare and submit to Congress an annual report on the implementation of this subchapter. Such report shall include— (1) an accounting of the total amounts of funds provided for each program and the budget activity for direct program costs and contract support costs of tribal organizations under self-determination; (2) an accounting of any deficiency in funds needed to provide required contract support costs to all contractors for the fiscal year for which the report is being submitted;
What is Contract Support Cost Shortfall Report? (continued) PL 93-638 106(c) Annual Reports (25 USC § 450j-1) (3) the indirect cost rate and type of rate for each tribal organization that has been negotiated with the appropriate Secretary; (4) the direct cost base and type of base from which the indirect cost rate is determined for each tribal organization; (5) the indirect cost pool amounts and the types of costs included in the indirect cost pool;”
In short: The Bureau is mandated to prepare and submit to Congress an annual report of contract support funds negotiated and awarded to the P.L. 93-638 contracted/ compacted Tribes/Tribal Organizations. The Contract Support Cost Shortfall Report is an accounting of difference between the total CSC requirement and the total CSC allocated to the awardees.
CSC Shortfall Report Categories Requirements for reporting and documenting amounts of CSC available, needed and requested. Regions and OSG shall maintain a historical record of funds negotiated and awarded in each of the categories listed below. 1.Direct Program Funds 2.Start-up Costs 3.Direct Contract Support Funds 4.Indirect Cost Funding 5.Indirect-Type Cost Funding 6.Indirect Cost Rates 7.Types of Bases 8.Pass-Through/Exclusions 9.Total IDC Base (Direct Cost Base) 10.Direct CSC Requirements (including the unduplicated DCSC requirement associated with sub-awards) 11.Indirect CSC Requirements (including the unduplicated IDC requirement associated with sub-awards)
FY 2012 (show in excel format) Guidance and Interpretation for Report Categories CSC Shortfall Report
Example of a CSC Shortfall Report FY 2012 Shortfall Report - Alaska Region Col. K: Awardees with 2010 or older need new IDC Rate Agreement for 2014. NOTE: Cols. S, T, U, V are hidded because they contain no data. ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRWX Total FY12 Contracts or Grants Awarded Under P.L. 93-638 = (C) + (E) = (G) - (H) = (I) x (J) = (E)+(N)+(O)= (F) + (P) = (Q+S+U) - (R+T+V) = (R+T+V) / (Q+S+U) No.Tribe/Tribal Organization FY12 ISD Funded FY12 DCSC Need FY12 DCSC Funding PAID (Recurring) FY12 Ongoing Awards Adjusted (DCSC Need Only) LESS (-) Other Exclusions and Pass-Through FY12 Direct Cost Base Applicable IDC Rate Year for which IDC Rate was Established Type of IDC Rate Bases of IDC Rate FY12 IDC Need FY12 Negotiated Lump Sum Need FY12 IDC PAID or Negotiated Lump Sum PAID Total FY12 CSC NEED for Non-School BIA Programs Total FY12 CSC "PAID" for Non-School BIA Programs TOTAL FY12 CSC SHORTFALL for All Programs Percent of On-going CSC Need Funded 1Afognak, Native Village of 173,827 8,004 3,841 181,831 4,050 177,78134.00% FY 2012 FCF TDC less PT 60,446 60,095 68,450 63,936 4,51493.41% 2Agdaagux Tribe of King Cove 95,569 5,991 101,560 27,300 74,26030.00% FY 2012 FLAT TDC less PT 22,278 26,479 28,269 26,479 1,79093.67% 3Akiachak Native Community 143,387 12,919 9,560 156,306 11,361 144,94523.87% FY 2010 FCF TDC less PT 34,598 37,803 47,517 47,363 15499.68% 4Akiak Native Community 149,876 17,869 167,745 33.39% CY 2011 FCF TDC less PT 56,010 59,945 73,879 77,814 (3,935)105.33% 5Ambler, Native Village of 94,797 10,306 105,103 30.00%CY 2012FLATTDC less PT 31,531 37,676 41,837 37,676 4,16190.05% 6Angoon Community Assoc. 166,239 10,498 176,737 24,696 152,04130.00%FY 2012FLATTDC less PT 45,612 31,574 56,110 42,072 14,03874.98% 7Aniak, Native Village of 154,394 10,608 165,002 30.00%FY 2011FLATTDC less PT 49,501 41,699 60,109 52,307 7,80287.02% 8Anvik, Native Village of 186,640 15,093 201,733 26,670 175,06330.00%FY 2012FLATTDC less PT 52,519 43,416 67,612 43,416 24,19664.21% 9Arctic Slope Native Association 101,930 24,670 126,600 18,750 107,85030.00%FY 2012FLATTDC less PT 32,355 56,936 57,025 56,936 8999.84% 10Atmautluak, Village of 200,923 19,170 16,146 220,093 61.03%CY 2009FCFTDC less PT 134,323 123,472 153,493 139,618 13,87590.96% 11Beaver, Native Village of 166,799 8,202 175,001 46,000 129,00130.00%FY 2012FLATTDC less PT 38,700 36,648 46,902 36,648 10,25478.14% 12Bill Moore's Slough, Native Village of 33,352 2,655 36,007 30.00%FY 2012FLATTDC less PT 10,802 7,008 13,457 9,663 3,79471.81% 13Buckland, Native Village of 156,573 15,957 172,530 10,210 162,32030.00%CY 2012 LUMP SUM TDC less PT 48,696 62,730 64,653 62,730 1,92397.03% 14Cantwell 93,785 4,646 98,431 5,681 92,75030.00%FY 2012 LUMP SUM TDC less PT 27,825 40,277 47,122 72,748 51,768 20,98071.16% 15Chalkyitsik, Native Village of 165,186 13,650 178,836 5,540 173,29630.00%FY 2012FLATTDC less PT 51,989 41,774 65,639 41,774 23,86563.64% 16Chefornak, Village of 72,797 8,645 81,442 30.00%FY 2011 LUMP SUM TDC less PT 24,433 23,187 33,078 31,832 1,24696.23% REGIONAL TOTALS: 16,644,817 - 1,328,907 570,601 17,973,724 2,292,822 15,680,902 4,834,030 227,171 4,956,231 6,390,108 5,526,832 863,27686.49%
CSC Shortfall Report Due Dates November 15 th –The Regions and OSG shall provide a report to Central Office for the previous fiscal year ended September 30. –The report shall be certified as accurate by the Regional Finance Management Officer, Regional Director, and OSG, respectively. –“For awardee validation”: a copy of the Region’s data and OSG’s data shall be provided to the awardees within that Region and within OSG. December 15 th –Any corrections or changes resulting from awardee review shall be certified by the Regional Finance Office and by OSG, respectively, and submitted to the Central Office.
CSC Shortfall Report Due Dates (continued) February 1 st –Central Office shall consolidate all reports; finalize the BIA CSC Shortfall Report and forward to Assistant Secretary for Indian Affairs for approval. May 15 th –After the BIA CSC Shortfall Report is approved by the Assistant Secretary for Indian Affairs, the Office of Indian Services shall provide copies to OSG and to each Region. Each Region shall be responsible for providing a copy of the report to all awardees contracting within that Region; and OSG shall be responsible for providing a copy of the report to the awardees compacting with OSG. Consistent with Section 106(c) of the ISDEAA Act, the Assistant Secretary shall also forward the Report to Congress.
Drawdown on your CSC funds.Let it earn interest in your bank
Information FY 2012 CSC Shortfall Report can be found at: scroll down and select “2012 Contract Support Cost Short Fall Report - Download PDF Copy Here - 41 mb”Download PDF Copy Here Alaska Self-Determination Officials: Dee Ayotte (Awarding Official) 907.271.4086 Norma Jean Dunne (Specialist) 907.271.4170 Ben Lopez (Specialist) 907.271.1712 James Atti (Assistant) 907.271.1706
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