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FBI Facility Acquisition Programs
July 22, 2010
FBI Organization FBI Headquarters 56 FBI Field Divisions Director
Chief of Staff Deputy Director Special Staff Offices Associate Deputy Director Finance Division Facilities and Logistics Services Div National Security Branch Criminal, Cyber, Response and Services Branch Science and Technology Branch Information Technology Branch Human Resources Branch Inspection Division FBI Headquarters Records Management Division 56 FBI Field Divisions Resource Planning Office Security Division 12/3/07
FBI Field Locations
FBI Field Office (FO) Program
FBI Field Offices - primary facilities for housing FBI operations nation-wide. Initially, many FOs were in poorly secured, multi-tenant buildings and also lacked seating capacity with resultant fragmentation. After Oklahoma City bombing shift to single-tenant, secure Field Office Buildings. 12 Field Offices completed from OC bombing thru 9-11: Albany, Columbia, El Paso, Kansas City, Little Rock, Mobile, New Haven, New Orleans, Oklahoma City, Richmond, St Louis, WFO. Post 9-11, all existing Field Office Buildings were evaluated for: Adequacy of Space and Growth Capacity SCIF space and seating – needed for TS connectivity Field Intelligence Group seating Joint Terrorism Task Force space Security – ISC Level IV From that evaluation, (1) We decided to continue to utilize 12 pre-9-11 Field Offices. (2) We requested, and Congress authorized, 26 Lease-Construct and 4 Federal Construction Projects since 2004. In the first five years after 9-11, we completed 7 Field Office Projects. And in the second five-year period, we will have accomplished 14 more FO Projects. In Calendar Year 2009, we finished 5 Field Offices, the largest number in the FBI’s history. 52 sec.
FBI Field Office Program Summary
Ten-Year Field Office Acquisition Plan established in 2004. Heavy reliance on private sector funding and Lease-Construct approach. 25 FO projects will complete between 2001 and 2012. 7 FOs from 2001 to mid-2006: Albuquerque, Baltimore, Birmingham, Cleveland, Dallas, Newark, Pittsburgh. 18 FOs between 2006 and 2012: : Chicago, Las Vegas, San Antonio, Springfield, Tampa 2009: Jacksonville, Louisville, Omaha, Houston (only Federal Construction), Jackson. : Denver, Knoxville, Indianapolis, Charlotte. 2012: Phoenix, Portland, Minneapolis, Cincinnati – all awarded. From that evaluation, (1) We decided to continue to utilize 12 pre-9-11 Field Offices. (2) We requested, and Congress authorized, 26 Lease-Construct and 4 Federal Construction Projects since 2004. In the first five years after 9-11, we completed 7 Field Office Projects. And in the second five-year period, we will have accomplished 14 more FO Projects. In Calendar Year 2009, we finished 5 Field Offices, the largest number in the FBI’s history. 52 sec.
Louisville FBI Field Office
120,197 SF ML Harris Company Completed: Apr 2009
Jacksonville FBI Field Office
129,672 SF BC Development Completed: Mar 2009
Omaha FBI Field Office 112,337 SF Noddle Companies Completed: Oct 2009
Jackson FBI Field Office
The projects that will complete in this and next FYs include Jackson – whose grand opening was on June 9th. 11 sec. 109,819 RSF Award: Nov 2006 Highwoods Completed: Nov Opened: Jun 9, 2010
Denver FBI Field Office
Denver FO – completed in June with the grand opening on June 30th. 5 Sec 175,155 SF Alex Palmer Co Award: Dec 2007 Completed: Jun 2010 Opened: Jun 30, 2010
Knoxville FBI Field Office – in constr
99,130 RSF FedCar Devel Award: Aug 2007 Compl: Jul 2010 Knoxville – which will complete next month. 2 sec.
Indianapolis Field Office – in constr
Indianapolis – which delivers in January. 2 sec. 110,531 RSF Award: Feb 2009 FedCar Devel Compl: Jan 2011
Charlotte FBI Field Office – in constr
Charlotte – which will finish next July. Charlotte was one of the projects delayed due to Developer financing problems. 6 sec. 171,460 RSF Award: Jul 2009 Highwoods Devel Compl: Jul 2011
Phoenix FBI Field Office – in design
211,237 RSF Award: Feb 2010 Ryan Co Compl: Mar 2012 The already awarded projects include Phoenix – which was awarded 4 months ago. 10 sec.
The Economy’s Impact (on lease development)
Example - Barry Real Estate was awarded 3 FBI Projects in 2009 but has been unable to proceed… Friday, March 26, 2010 Barry losing chance to develop FBI, Archives buildings by Douglas Sams Staff Writer “Struggling Barry Real Estate Companies Inc. may lose the chance to develop four massive federal buildings because it is unable to secure a construction loan.” “Barry Real Estate recently sold its interest in the … NARA Building in St. Louis, and may also sell its development interests in three planned FBI buildings in Portland, Ore., Cincinnati and Minneapolis.” An example is Barry RE – a first class Developer based in Atlanta - who was awarded three FBI projects in the first 4 months of 2009. Barry has been unable to proceed because they don’t have the equity needed – so they are transferring their development interests to another developer. As a “Lesson Learned” – we need to evaluate Developers’ financing – which was not being done by GSA. 20 sec.
Portland FBI Field Office - awarded
134,157 RSF Award: Jan 2009 Barry RE – being transferred to Molasky Development Portland was awarded to Barry RE and will be transferred to Molasky Development. 5 sec.
Minneapolis Field Office - awarded
Likewise Minneapolis – has been transferred to Molasky. 5 sec. 162,530 RSF Award: Mar 2009 Barry RE – just transferred to Molasky Development
Cincinnati FBI Field Office - awarded
And Cincinnati – just transferred. 5 sec. 108,874 RSF Award: Apr 2009 Barry RE – just transferred to Molasky Development
Field Office Program Initiatives
Largest Lease-Construct Building Program in the history of the US Government FBI-sponsored Program & Business Process Improvements: LEED Silver Rating - Required Standardization: Acquisition type Schedules Reporting Standard Design Concept: Flexible, “Open Office” Plan Resource and People Areas A Challenge for privately-owned, leased buildings The FBI’s Field Office program is the largest Lease-Construct program in the History of the Federal Government. LEED Buildings – Our standardization efforts continue. Over the last year we completed a standard design concept. In response to the new economic environment, we developed Corporate and Project financing evaluations. And to reduce the burden on Field Division staff, we are providing an on-site FBI Construction Manager. 32 sec.
Standard Design Example
Example Only The first floor of our new Standard Design includes all public areas – interview rooms, Human Resources, Testing, but also meetings rooms, gym, storage, shipping and receiving, loading dock, shredder, and in the Annex (at the lower part of the slide) – Auto bays, Technical Manager and Electronics Technician areas, … 38 sec. 1st Floor
What’s Ahead for the FO Program?
By the end of 2012, 37 (out of 56 total) FBI Field Offices will have been completed. Remaining Field Offices: 6 Authorized Lease-construct FO Projects will complete in 2013: Boston and Honolulu – award pending. Norfolk, Sacramento, Salt Lake City, and San Diego – early in acquisition. 6 FOs, currently in Leased space, don’t yet have Projects Authorized: Anchorage, Buffalo, and Seattle – unplanned as of present. Memphis, Milwaukee and Atlanta – planned for Existing building leases. 7 Remaining FO projects shifted to Federal Construction. We have 10 Authorized Lease-Construct projects, that will be completed in 2012 / 2013. The Miami Federal project is fully funded; Detroit’s main FO Bldg was funded by the Recovery Act; the San Juan project is partially funded; and the LA project is proposed for inclusion in the President’s 2011 Budget – for Design. An additional $450M will be needed for LA’s construction, once design is completed. Of the 9 projects not yet authorized, we expect to be able to put 3 into existing Leased Buildings. NY, Philadelphia and SF are in Federal Buildings and will require large amounts of Federal Renov funding – NY’s cost is $450M alone. 50 sec.
FBI Federal Construction
Field Offices Shift from build-to-suit leased projects to GSA federal construction and renovations Federal New Construction: Miami, San Juan Federal Renovation: NY, LA, Detroit, San Francisco To be Determined: Philadelphia FBI “Owned” Projects Limited number of FBI Owned Facilities Quantico and CJIS (WV) primary sites Special purpose projects DOE Labs, DoD locations
FBI Construction Project Overview
Quantico New Dorm/Classroom facility – FY11 budget HRT Tactical Support Building/Warehouse – awarded Center for Intelligence – awarded Firearms Support Facility – under design CJIS, Clarksburg, WV Biometrics Technology Center – in solicitation Joint FBI and DoD funding Terrorist Explosive Device Analysis Center (TEDAC) New facility to be located at Redstone Arsenal Currently under design Boston, Charlotte, Cincinnati, Denver, Norfolk, Honolulu, Indianapolis, Jackson, Houston, Minneapolis, Omaha, Phoenix, Portland, Sacramento, Salt Lake City, San Diego, San Francisco, San Juan + Santa Ana & Tucson
Quantico Dorm Project Scope 325 rooms (500 beds)
12 secure classrooms (50 students each) 8 secure classrooms (25 students each) 24 breakout rooms (8-10 students each) 250 student conference room 350 student cafeteria (dining hall and kitchen) Design/Build – FY11 Construction Funding To be executed by NAVFAC Boston, Charlotte, Cincinnati, Denver, Norfolk, Honolulu, Indianapolis, Jackson, Houston, Minneapolis, Omaha, Phoenix, Portland, Sacramento, Salt Lake City, San Diego, San Francisco, San Juan + Santa Ana & Tucson
HRT TSB/Warehouse FBI Complex Quantico, Virginia Contract Award 5/3/10
NEW TRUCKPORT FBI Complex Quantico, Virginia Contract Award 5/3/10 James Construction Approx $14,000,000 NEW WAREHOUSE AND LOADING DOCK NEW PARKING LOT NEW TSB ADMINISTRATION BUILDING
Center for Intelligence Training (CIT)
New Training Building FBI Complex Quantico, Virginia Contractor: Desbuild Inc. $6,500,000 (Design-Build) Construction Start: 2/16/10 Est. Completion: 8/11
Firearms Range Support Facility
New Training Building FBI Quantico, Virginia Approx $6,500,000 (Design- Build) Contractor: Grimberg Currently at 70% design stage
CJIS Biometrics Technology Center
360,000 SF - approx 1400 people Office Building and CUP expansion Bids due August 17, 2010 Occupancy Spring 2014
CJIS Biometrics Technology Center
Terrorist Explosive Device Analysis Center (TEDAC) Redstone Arsenal
Project Scope Supports a staff of about 465 people Main Lab/Office/Training 300,000 sf Repository 55,000 sf Central Utility Plant 25,000 sf Other support facilities 35,000 sf Current Status Design Underway (HOK) Phased construction -1st phase FY11 USACE will be contracting agent for construction and CM services
Terrorist Explosive Device Analysis Center (TEDAC) Redstone Arsenal
Questions? Contact: Pat Findlay, Assistant Director
Federal Bureau of Investigation Facilities and Logistics Services Mike Donnelly Deputy Assistant Director
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