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Quarterly Reporting FY 2010-2011 October 6, 2010.

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1 Quarterly Reporting FY 2010-2011 October 6, 2010

2 Agenda Quarterly Reporting Requirements (1 st, 2 nd & 3 rd ) Forms and Supplemental Documents Supporting Documentation Match Requirements Full and Complete Back-up Quarterly Reporting (4 th Quarter Differences) Funding Stream Overview Common Errors Questions

3 Quarterly Deliverables

4 Contract Requirement The provider shall submit Exhibit G – Quarterly Financial Report documenting total expenditures for the period. A Profit & Loss statement including budget variances that is generated report from the accounting system must be attached to this exhibit. This report shall be submitted by the 15 th day of the month following the quarter in which expenditures were made. The Exhibit G must be submitted during the 1 st -3 rd quarter of this fiscal year.Exhibit

5 Required Forms & Reports Exhibit G Core DVS VAWA L&C ARRA (CPI & Court Dependency) Fiscal Detail Worksheet (Salary/Wages & Operating Expenses) Profit & Loss Statements (Authentic statements, exported financials not acceptable) Board meeting minutes If no board meetings, please send notice of such * Prior quarters can not be adjusted after submission

6 Supporting Documentation Timesheets Positions must be within approved budget Coded by funding source per OMB A-133 Invoices/Receipts Expenditures in alignment with approved budget Coded by funding source Defaced (marked paid) Management Approval Fiscal Detail Worksheets Salary and Wages Summary Operating Expenses Summary

7 Contract Match Requirements FVPSA (Core DVS) Match may be cash or in-kind and shall be utilized for services in compliance with the terms and conditions of this contract. DVTF and General Revenue are allowable sources for match. STOP (Rural and VAWA) Cash or in-kind resources used as match for STOP funds must be directly related to the project goals and objectives for which the STOP funds are utilized. Sources of match for STOP funds are restricted to the same uses allowed under the STOP program and must be documented in the same manner as STOP funds, including financial and programmatic reports.

8 Monthly Financial Requirements (4 th Quarter Only ) The provider shall submit Exhibit F – Monthly Financial Report along with complete supporting documentation each month during the 4 th quarter documenting total expenditures for the period in accordance with their approved operating budget. The profit and loss statement from the provider’s accounting system must be attached to this exhibit. This report shall be submitted to the Contract Manager no later than the 15 th day of the month following the month in which services were delivered and must accompany the Exhibit C.

9 4 th Quarter Reporting Requirements Fiscal Detail Worksheet (Salary/Wages & Operating Expenses) Profit & Loss Statements (Authentic statements, exported financials not acceptable) Note: Centers on a cost reimbursement contract are not required to submit the Exhibit F form however the P&L report is required.

10 Funding Streams

11 STOP Funds Violence Against Women Formula Grant Program, originating from the US Dept. of Justice Funds may be used to provide training to staff and allied professionals, community outreach or direct services to victims of domestic violence or sexual assault. Although services are primarily provided for adult victims, limited services can be provided to the children of victims if these services are supplemental and complimentary to services being provided to the adult primary victim.

12 Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) Domestic Violence Prevention, originating from the US Dept. of Health & Human Services Funds may be used to provide domestic violence prevention services for TANF eligible clients including face to face crisis counseling (for adults and children), case management, legal advocacy, social services and other eligible crisis intervention services provided by Domestic Violence Centers to victims of domestic violence. The Domestic Violence Centers are required to certify and maintain all TANF client eligibility records.

13 FVPSA/DVTF/GR Family Violence & Prevention Services Act/Domestic Violence Task Force Funds provide for costs associated with Domestic Violence Centers including establishing, maintaining and expanding programs and projects to prevent family violence; immediate shelter and related assistance for victims of family violence and their dependents; and establishment of safety plans for the victims. The eligible services provided by shelters also include information and referral, counseling, case management, temporary emergency shelter for more than 24 hours, 24 hour-hotline, safety planning training for law enforcement personnel, assessment and appropriate referral of resident children and community education.

14 Common Errors

15 Center want to avoid the following items to prevent delay in processing of invoices Discrepancies/differences between monthly and Quarterly reporting (cost contracts) Recording invoice amounts for PPE instead of actual expenditures Claiming expenditures that are not within approved budget line categories Applying sales tax to expenditures (not allowable) Late Fees/Finance Charges (not allowable) Source documents not containing appropriate coding by funding source (100% allocation is required) Miscalculations on timesheets/travel reimbursements Per diem/mileage rates over State of Florida requirement Meals (6-Breakfast,11- Lunch,19-Dinner or 36/day) Mileage (44.5 cents)

16 Please forward Questions to: Contract Manager 425 Office Plaza Drive Tallahassee, FL 850/425-2749

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