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The Colorado Senate Bill (SB 94) Community Based Detention Program

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Presentation on theme: "The Colorado Senate Bill (SB 94) Community Based Detention Program"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Colorado Senate Bill (SB 94) Community Based Detention Program

2 The Division of Youth Corrections
Provides Secure Detention Services Allocates $7.9 Million to 22 Judicial Districts to Develop and Provide Community-Based Detention Services Develops Policies, Procedures and Requirements for Local SB 94 Programs Provides Training for Local SB 94 Programs on “Best Practices” within a Detention Continuum Provides Programmatic and Fiscal Monitoring of Local SB 94 Programs

3 Judicial Districts Chief Judge Appoints a Juvenile Services
Planning Committee Planning Committee Membership County Department of Social Services Local School District Local Law Enforcement Agency Local Probation Department Division of Youth Corrections Private Citizens District Attorney’s Office Public Defender’s Office Community Mental Health Municipality Representative

4 Planning Committee Develops and Oversees implementation of a Plan for the Community-Based Detention Services Within the Detention Continuum Policies and Procedures for Managing the Judicial District’s Secure and/or Staff Secure Detention Beds are Included in the Annual SB 94 Plan

5 Local Senate Bill 94 Programs
Screen for Placement in Secure/Staff Secure Detention Beds Using a Standard Screening Instrument Manage the Use of Detention Beds Provide Client Information to the Courts Participate in the Local Detention Emergency Release Process Coordinate with Detention Facilities and Other Juvenile Justice Agencies Provide Community –Based Detention Services

6 Common SB 94 Community-Based Detention Services
Screening & Assessment Case Management Tracking Electronic Monitoring Day Reporting Work Programs/Community Service Multi-Disciplinary Assessment/Case Planning Mentoring Mental Health Services Drug/Alcohol Services

7 Senate Bill 94 – Fourth Judicial District
District Coordinator: Sarah Sherwin Committee Chair: Jack Ruszczyk (4th JD Probation) Fiscal Agent: Kathy Moan (Joint Initiatives)

8 4th JD – SB94 Program Profile
Contextual Factors Urban And Rural Two Counties Shared Detention Facility with other JD Population: 558,816 Juvenile Population (10-17): 68,514 Minority Youth: 24.2% Unemployment Rate: 4.3% Poverty Rate: 12.6% Juvenile Arrests 17.1% Funding Support FY SB94 Allocation: $1,110,322 FY SB94 Allocation: $989,980 WRAP Flexible Funds Available

9 4th JD – SB94 Program Profile
Interagency Network SB94 Juvenile Oversight and Planning Committee (20- Members) Contract with Four Local Vendors (Issue RFP every 5 years) Juvenile Screeners are Bond Commissioners - Issue PR Bonds on Warrants Weekly Emergency Release/Detention Cap Meetings Individual Planning Sessions (IPS’s) Key Indicators FY Juvenile Detention Cap = 58 FY Juvenile Detention Screens = 1,772 FY Juvenile Detained in Secure Detention = 1,454 FY YTD Detention Emergency Releases = 16 FY YTD Borrowed Detention Beds = 1

10 4th JD – SB94 Program Services
SB94 Juvenile Services Oversight and Planning Committee District Attorney’s Office Municipal Court Alcohol/Drug Treatment Provider Office of Public Defender Mental Health County Government Probation Department Social Services District Court Law Enforcement Private Citizen Employment & Training Division of Youth Corrections School Districts Other Youth-Serving Agencies Senate Bill 94 Fiscal Agent Senate Bill 94 District Coordinator Contracted Service Providers Mission Possible Screening/Assessment Case Management Minority Family Advocacy Individual Planning Sessions Youthtrack Inc. Tracking Emily Griffith Center Family Preservation Multi-Systemic Therapy El Paso County Dept. of H&E Substance Abuse Treatment UA Monitoring

11 1st Judicial District Jefferson and Gilpin County Senate Bill 94

12 CURRENT PROCEDURES Juvenile Detention Screening & Assessment
Court Assessment Pre trial Services Graduated Sanctions Fast Track Felonies Data Entry

Jefferson County Juvenile Assessment Center Detention Screening Juvenile Detention Screening Guide Detention Specialist

Assessment Team Court Coordinator Pre Sentence Investigations Substance Abuse Evaluation Referral

Drug/Alcohol screening/monitoring

Multisystemic Therapy Functional Family Therapy Individual, Group and Family Therapy Drug / Alcohol Intervention Programs Anger Management Mediation Mentoring

17 GRADUATED SANCTIONS Work programs Residential Work Programs
Male and Female Weekends Non Residential Work Program Sunday to Friday

18 FAST TRACK FELONIES Any Youth with pending felony
Level 4 or 5 on the Juvenile Detention Screening & Assessment Guide Face to Face with Youth and Parents Promise to Appear Pre trial Supervision Contract Tracking Drug / Alcohol Screen

19 DATA ENTRY Colorado Trails
Jefferson County Juvenile Assessment Center Database Juvenile Information System

20 Juvenile Assessment Center
Jefferson County Juvenile Assessment Center Diversion and case management services: Sheriff’s Dept. District Attorney Arvada & Golden Truant & at-risk youth Expelled youth Discipline problems The Johnson Program: an alternative, year-round middle school for expelled Jeffco students Advice center: in person or by phone Parents who need help with children Police officers: whether to detain Criminal and academic information Education and training: Every Jeffco police officer annually X 2; Teacher in-services JCJAC: SB-94 District Attorney Mental Health Human Services R-1 Schools Municipal warrants: all police agencies Alternative to detention Municipal probation and diversion services Run-aways & homeless Beyond control of parent Abused and neglected

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