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FY 2015 Data Call: What’s New?
ICASS Service Center FY 2015 Data Call: What’s New? L: Hello everyone! Welcome to our webinar on the FY15 ICASS Data Call. My name is Cathy Lienhart, I am a Financial Management Specialist and work on the Policy Coordination and Training team at ISC. S: Hi everyone. I am Yuting Shao, I work on the same team as Cathy and am also a Financial Management Specialist. Today Cathy and I will discuss with you the new ICASS software, changes from the prior software, and policies that will impact the FY15 Data Call process which you all are either working on now or will be very soon. G: Hi, I’m Ann Grant, I work with Yuting and Cathy. I will be monitoring the technical side of this webinar and assisting Cathy and Yuting in taking care of your questions. Please type your questions in the chat box at the lower left side of the screen and then send to us by pressing either “enter” or the balloon next to the chat box. If we are unable to answer your question during this session (due to complexity of your question or time limitations), we will get back to you in the next several days. Be sure to tell us what your questions are as we go over the topics so we can answer before moving to another topic. G: If you are participating in this webinar as a group, you may want to go to the upper right hand corner and click on the icon that has four outward-pointing arrows so that the slides fill the screen. L: Information on the topics that we will cover today have been communicated to posts in the past few weeks through cables and FY15 Data Call Checklist. We would like to use this interactive session to clarify any questions that post may have. So please ask questions. If any post has a unique situation that may require further discussion, we can take care of it after the webinar session through or a phone call.
Discussion Topics FY-15 Data Call in ICASS 3.0
Data Population from ICASS 3.0 to 4.0 Lease Module and Depreciation Worksheet Removed “Uniformed” Personnel New Distribution Factor Lite Posts: Optional Standard GSO Cost Centers Financial Management Changes Budgets and Financial Plans Financial Management Services Vouchering Sub-cost Center FAP Annual Assessment Sub-cost Center Diplomatic Security Realignment Looking forward to FY16 G: O.K. Cathy, why don’t you start to discuss some of the important changes coming in FY15. L: O.K. As you can see from the list of topics on the screen, we have a lot to cover in the next 1 ½ hours. Post should already be somewhat familiar with these issues since they were listed in recent cables and included in the FY15 Data Call checklist that were posted on our SharePoint site. Participants in this Webinar also were asked to review these document ahead of time. Because of the new ICASS 4.0 software being rolled out, and policy changes in the last year, post will definitely need to spend time ensuring that they understand the changes and are prepared for the new software. We are going to mention 3.0 and 4.0 quite often during this briefing. The 3.0 is the current software and the 4.0 is the new software to be used for FY15. I am sure many of you are wondering about all these crazy things that we are asking you to do in the 3.0 such as creating sub-cost centers and entering workload in an unusual place. There are two main reasons for this. First because the workload counts for various sub-cost centers have to be in the software in order to generate the workload count reports. These FY15 workload reports are then distributed to the agencies for approval in the June/July time period. The second reason is to have relevant data in the software so it can either be “populated” by the software developers, or it will be in a location in the software so post can easily copy over the data in the There is a good reason for everything that we are asking you to do.
Changes FY14 to FY15 Multi-year exercise to redesign the software.
The 4.0 delayed from FY14 to FY15. Policies were implemented based on the 4.0 software. In FY14 posts were allowed to implement via a work- around. Actions required to transition from 3.0 to 4.0 software. G: Thanks Cathy. Yuting, could you provide some background for those participants who may be new to ICASS. S: Sure. For the past few years, the ISC and our software contractors have been designing and developing a new ICASS software platform. This was originally to be completed in FY14. A number of errors were identified during testing resulting in the roll-out being delayed until FY15. But, in anticipation of the software release as originally scheduled in FY14, the ISC announced new policies. Because some posts were prepared for the policy changes, we created work-arounds in the software and posts were allowed to implement these changes if they wanted to in FY14. Although the 4.0 was delayed, a few posts actually tested the new software this past year by duplicating FY14 Initial Budget in the This was an additional testing exercise to try to identify any other problems. Over the last year the software has been tested, revised, and is now at the point where it will be rolled out and used in the preparation of the FY15 Initial Budget. L: I would like to talk about the transition from 3.0 to As we mentioned, the new software will be used for the FY15 Initial Budget, but won’t be available for the FY15 Data Call. For that reason posts will be required to enter their FY15 Data Call information (workload counts and time allocations) in the The second point is that posts will be tasked with a number of actions in order to prepare for this conversion between the old and new software. For now we are providing guidance on preparing the FY15 Data Call. Later this summer we will provide guidance on what to do once you receive your new 4.0 software that has been populated with the data from your Data Call Plan. Don’t worry. We will be providing extensive instructions, both in writing and through webinars. We will also be available by or phone to help you through this. This is a major change and we will be supporting you through the process. 3
FY-15 Data Call in ICASS 3.0 Collect FY15 workload count and time allocation. Enter FY15 data in the ICASS software 3.0. Distribute workload and time allocation reports to customer agencies by June 13, 2014. Detailed instructions on FY15 Data Call are provided in FY15 Data Call Checklist. G: So Yuting, let’s begin to talk about the process for preparing the FY 15 Data Call plan. S: Yes. You’ve probably already started working on consolidating the workload counts. Because the 4.0 will not be released until August, you should enter workload counts and update the staff time allocation in a FY15 Data Call plan created in the ICASS The reports you generate from this plan (related to workload and time allocations) should be distributed to all agencies no later than June 13th. This will give the agencies 30 days to review them before you must submit the FY15 Data Call plan to the ISC. L: I want to remind everyone that you should create the Data Call Plan from the 3.0 AFTER you’ve finished your FY14 Final Budget and after the related invoices have been approved by the agencies. Also, you must submit your FY15 Data Call plans to ISC by the due date listed on the checklist (between July 21 and July 24) . The FY15 Data Call Checklist includes more detailed information on completing the Data Call.
Data Population from ICASS 3.0 to 4.0
Post submits FY15 Data Call in 3.0. Software developer populate ICASS 4.0 with FY15 Data Call. Software 4.0 provided to post in the Initial Requirements stage. Data crosswalk actions to set up the 4.0 for the Initial Budget will be provided to post in August. S: As mentioned previously, post will submit their FY15 Data Call plan using the 3.0 software. The software developer will then use the data contained in the data call plan to pre-populate each post’s FY15 plan at the Initial Requirements stage in the 4.0 software. But this data population process will take time and must be completed before 4.0 is released in August. So if a post misses the deadline to submit the FY15 Data Call plan, the data for that post will not be populated to 4.0. G: Yuting, can a post request an extension on the deadline? S: Sorry. No extension will be given. Post should distribute the workload counts and time allocation in sufficient time to obtain agency approval and make any necessary changes before the date of submission for the FY15 Data Call plan. L: Unfortunately any post that misses the deadline will have to manually enter a significant amount of data since the 4.0 plan provided to those posts will be blank. Everything, including the positions, time allocation, and workload counts, etc. will have to be entered after ICASS 4.0 is released. So please DO NOT MISS THE SUBMISSION DEADLINE WHICH IS BETWEEN JULY 21 and 24. Look at the front of the Data Call checklist to see the due date for your bureau. S: We know you all are probably very curious about what happens once you have access to the We don’t want to burden you with too much information at this point. There will be additional instructions and webinars covering that topic in August. G: Are there any questionson why FY15 Data Call Plan must be submitted using ICASS 3.0?
Lease Module Gone The Lease Module is removed.
Lease Budgeting Module in the Real Property Application (RPA) used by OBO for budget request data. OBO will establish the FY 2015 initial targets based on RPA data. Post obtains lease costs from the RPA and enters data directly in the USDH or OBI worksheet. G: Yuting, would you discuss the two things that are going away in the 4.0 software? S: Sure. The first one relates to how you will budget for residential and non-residential leases. The lease module will no longer be in the ICASS 4.0 software since the bureau of Overseas Building Operations (OBO) has launched an enhanced version of the Real Property Application (RPA) that includes a lease budgeting module. The RPA replaces the ICASS and Non-ICASS lease budgeting module currently used in the ICASS software. OBO will use data from RPA to set target amounts for both ICASS leases and Non-ICASS leases for FY15. L: In 4.0 the lease costs will be entered directly into the USDH positions worksheet for each position with a residential lease based on the lease amount reported in the RPA. For non-residential leases or residential leases not connected to a USDH position, the lease costs will be entered directly into the Other Budget Items Worksheet. Also based on the lease amounts reported in the RPA. Post will also be able to budget Sub-object code 1211 LQA in the USDH worksheets.
Depreciation Worksheet Removed
The Depreciation worksheet will not be included in the ICASS 4.0. GFMS calculated depreciation data will be used in the budget. To be posted on the ISC SharePoint site. S: Another worksheet that will be discontinued in ICASS 4.0 is the Depreciation Worksheet. The ISC will post depreciation data obtained from GFMS on our SharePoint site at the appropriate time. Post must enter these depreciation figures in the Other Budget Items module. Post will no longer have to worry about or spend time updating all those numbers related to the post vehicles in the ICASS software. G: Great! Are there any questions on these two things that will be discontinued in ICASS 4.0?
“Uniformed” Personnel Distribution Factor
There is a new capitation distribution factor “Uniformed”. “Uniformed” personnel may exist under: DoD agency codes HHS/CDC Public Health Service Officers Coast Guard G: O.K. Now let’s look at some new things in ICASS 4.0, Cathy. L: There is a new capitation distribution factor “Uniformed” which is being added in response to a request by the Department of Defense ( DoD). This distribution factor will be used to separately identify “uniformed” personnel under DoD agency codes. However, CDC may also use this distribution factor for its U.S. Public Health Service commissioned officers and the Coast Guard may use this factor group as well.
“Uniformed” Personnel Distribution Factor
The ICASS 4.0 includes this distribution factor in all capitation-based cost centers except 6222-Payrolling Services 6441-HR Services-USDH 6445-HR Services(Lite) S: This is how the distribution factor “Uniformed” will appear in ICASS This was not put into the payrolling or human resources cost centers since these individuals generally should not subscribe to these cost centers. Their headquarters provide these services to them. S: Cathy, since ICASS 3.0 does not have this distribution factor, and posts need to provide the workload counts to agencies, how should post enter the workload counts for uniformed personnel in FY15 Data Call Plan?
“Uniformed” Personnel Distribution Factor
Enter the workload count for “Uniformed” personnel in the “Other” factor group. In the comments box, note the number that are uniformed versus other. L: When collecting the workload data for FY15, post should first work with the relevant agencies (DOD, CDC, and Coast Guard) to identify the break down of their workload counts between “uniformed” and non-uniformed “USDH” personnel for each cost center that uses capitation counts. When entering the workload in the distribution module in the 3.0, add together the workload count for “uniformed” personnel with “other” workload count and enter the total count under the “other” factor group. In the comment field to the right, note the breakdown between the two factor groups—uniform or other. When post receives their 4.0, you will then see a “Uniformed” factor. At that time, you will then shift the uniformed workload count from the “other” distribution factor to the correct “uniformed” distribution factor. S: Here is an example. Agency has a workload count of 6 USDHs in Basic Package. Two are USDH non-uniformed, two are uniformed personnel and 2 are non-uniformed other personnel. In the distribution module, enter 2 on the line of “USDH” and 4 on the line for “Other” with a comment explaining the breakdown. G: Are there any questions on this new distribution factor? Remember to type them in when you think of them. There is no need to wait until we pause to take them.
Lite Posts: GSO Cost Centers
Activate up to three “Standard” General Service cost centers. Cost centers will use the same distribution factors as in Standard (e.g., use kilometers driven for 6139-Motor Pool Services.) G: Yuting, I understand that ICASS 4.0 has some new features for the Lite posts. S: You are right. The first one is that in ICASS 4.0 Lite posts can activate up to three General Services standard cost centers . In FY14 some posts went ahead and created these “cost centers” but as a work around by creating sub-cost centers in ICASS 3.0 and using the Standard Distribution factors. The 4.0 software will allow Lite posts to create the 3 Standard GSO cost centers. By creating these cost centers Lite posts can address some equity issues without having to convert to the Standard platform. If a post decides to create up to 3 cost centers in FY15, they should have secured approval from post’s ICASS Council and collected the correct workload counts. But again, we are faced with a dilemma. We need to record the workload counts and related time allocations in the 3.0 but the new GSO cost center feature does not exist until the 4.0 is released. S: So, Cathy can you talk post through how to handle the workload and time allocations related to these new GSO cost centers in the ICASS 3.0?
Lite Posts: GSO Cost Centers
Enter workload in “Other” Factor Group L: Since the new GSO cost centers can’t be created in ICASS 3.0, post has to create sub-cost centers instead. The sub-cost centers are created under cost center 6145 General Service but the factor groups appearing are only capitation groups. So all those standard factor groups needed such as kilometers driven or number of shipments do not exist in the Post should create sub-cost centers to load the data related to the each of the new GSO cost centers. Once the sub-cost centers are created, in the distribution module enter the workload count in the sub-cost center in the “Other” factor group line. This will work for all cost centers EXCEPT Procurement Services. For Procurement Services, use the factor group “TCN” for procurement over $150,000, “contractor” for $3,000 to $150,000 and “Other” for $3,000 or less. Please refer to the appendix 2 of Data Call Checklist if you have any questions. S: Remember there is a maximum of 3 sub-cost centers using Standard distribution factors. If post wants more than three sub-cost centers, anything over the three must use the Lite distribution factor which is capitation. Also, please don’t forget to allocate appropriate USDH and LE Staff time to these sub-cost centers in the USDH and LE Staff module as appropriate. Post should reduce the time allocation in cost center 6145-General Services and move them to the new sub-cost centers. G: (Pause for questions)
Budgets and Financial Plans
Lite Posts 6211-Budgets and Financial Plans will be a separate cost center. The distribution factor is number of hours spent on Budget and Financial Plans. Create a sub-cost center in ICASS 3.0 to capture the workload for Budgets and Financial Plans. S: O.K. Let’s look at another change in ICASS 4.0 for Lite posts. Budgets and Financial Plans will be a new separate stand alone cost center. It already exists in Standard posts. The distribution factor is the number of hours spent on Budgets and Financial Plans. While preparing the FY15 Data Call Plan in ICASS 3.0, Lite posts need to create a sub-cost center under 6225-Financial Management Services. Enter the workload count (hours) on the distribution factor line “Accts & Records”. Make sure that the time allocation reconciles to the workload count, i.e. workload count = time allocation x 2080 hours except for special circumstance such as part time employees. (You can refer to FY14 Final Budget scorecard #5 Standard for more details).
Budgets and Financial Plans
Lite Posts (ICASS 3.0) S: Here’s how it will look in ICASS Data in this sub-cost center will be populated to the same sub-cost center under cost center 6225 – Financial Management Services in ICASS 4.0. Post will then need to move data from this sub-cost center to the new Cost Center 6211 in ICASS 4.0. G: Does any one at a Lite post have questions on these two items that are specific for Lite posts?
6225-Financial Management Services
Standard Posts (ICASS 3.0) Three cost centers discontinued: 6221- Accounts & Records Services 6223 – Vouchering Services 6224 – Cashiering Services 6225-Financial Management cost center includes Accounts and Record Services Cashier Services Vouchering Services (sub-cost center) New G: Cathy, I understand that there are some major changes in Standard Financial Management Services cost centers. Could you please talk about that? L: Yes. Standard posts currently have three separate cost centers 6221 Accounts and Records Services, 6223 Vouchering Services and 6224 Cashiering Services. In ICASS 4.0, these three cost centers will be discontinued and bundled under cost center 6225 Financial Management Services. Standard and Lite Posts (ICASS 4.0)
6225-Financial Management Services
ICASS 3.0 L: Here are two screenshots to show you how they appear in ICASS 3.0 and 4.0 The distribution factors for cost center 6225 in ICASS 4.0 will include the same distribution factors as those used in the former cost centers (Number of obligations./changes to obligations, number of strip codes processed for non-cashier transactions, disbursements, collections, and accommodation exchange transactions as reported in the accounting system(s) of record). This means that Standard Posts and Lite Posts will have the same Financial Management Cost Center 6225. S: However, posts SHOULD NOT use the distribution factor “number of strip code processed for non-cashier transaction” for vouchering services in the main cost center Instead, all posts MUST create a sub-cost center in 6225 for Vouchering. G: Yuting, would you tell us why? I mean, if the software was designed to bundle all three services together, why do posts have to separate out “Vouchering” in a sub-cost center? Is this due to a policy change? ICASS 4.0
Vouchering Sub-Cost Center
All posts, Standard and Lite, must create a sub-cost center for Vouchering. Workload for non-cashier vouchers are entered in the sub-cost center. Standard posts remove all workload and time allocation from main cost center. USDH and LE Staff time allocation also shifted. S: Yes. Due to the increased focus on the PSU and the potential to increase off-shore processing of vouchers, accurate data comparisons between the PSU and the post voucher operations are critical. So the Under Secretary for Management, the OIG, the Office of the Comptroller in CGFS, and the Regional Bureaus agreed that posts should budget in a way that preserves or enhances this comparability. To meet this newly emerging requirement, we are instructing posts to create a sub-cost center under cost center 6225-Financial Management Services. L: In FY15 Data Call Plans in 3.0, Lite and Standard posts must create a sub-cost center for Vouchering (Lite under 6225 and Standard under 6223). Post must then put all workload counts in the sub-cost center and remove any workload from the main cost center under the distribution factor “strip codes processed (non-cashier transactions)”. Post must also then shift any time allocation for USDH and LE Staff from the main cost center to the sub-cost center.
Vouchering Sub-Cost Center
Lite Post (ICASS 3.0) S: For LITE posts, here is how the workload will appear in the cost center and sub-cost center. There will be no workload count in the vouchering distribution factor in the main cost centers. The workload for vouchering will be in the sub-cost center 6225-X223. Remember to do the same for time allocation as well. All the data in this sub-cost center will be populated to the same sub-cost center 6225-X223 in ICASS 4.0 Enter workload in sub-cost center
Vouchering Sub-Cost Center
Standard Post (ICASS 3.0) Zero in main cost center L: For Standard posts, this is a little bit trickier. A sub-cost center 6223-X223 Vouchering Services must be created under cost center 6223-Vouchering Services. You should leave the main cost center blank and enter workload and time allocation only in the sub-cost center. Again, remember to enter the staff time allocation in the sub-cost center as well. When the data is populated to 4.0, the sub-cost center will be populated under the new 6225 Financial Management cost center and the old cost center 6223 Vouchering will be discontinued in 4.0. Enter workload in sub-cost center
FAP Assessment Sub-Cost Center
Sub-cost center 6144-X144 used to capture ONLY the annual assessment costs. No USDH or LE Staff time allocated to this sub-cost center The workload count in 6144-X144 should exclude: G: I know Furniture Pools are also a hot topic. Are there any changes in FAP for FY15? S: Yes, beginning in FY15, all posts must create a sub-cost center X144 under cost center 6144 – Household Furniture, Furnishings and Appliance Pool Services. This new-sub-cost center is intended to help in separating out the management cost of the FAP operation --the main cost center-- from the annual assessment charged each year, --the sub-cost center--which should definitely help track fenced FAP funding. This sub-cost center is used to capture ONLY the FAP annual assessment, which means that USDH or LE staff should not allocate any time to this sub-cost center. Time allocation should remain in the main cost center because that’s where all the labor and other supporting costs to operate FAP should be budgeted. The workload counts in the main FAP cost center should include residences of all agencies subscribed to the furniture and appliance pool, including short term positions and positions newly buying into the pool in FY 15. Workload in the sub-cost center might be different from that in main cost center because it will exclude residences for short term positions and positions for which buy-in payment will be collected in FY15. Even if your post doesn’t have positions such as we just mentioned, you still need to create the sub-cost center, and in that case the workload should be identical to that of the main cost center. Residences for short-term positions Residences for new positions just buying into the furniture pool
FAP Assessment Sub-Cost Center
Example: Agency FAS has one USDH at post and joins FAP. In the first year FAS pays the full buy-in to the pool, but not pay the annual FAP assessment. Workload counted in L: Let’s go over a simple example. Agency Foreign Agricultural Service just arrived at post and has one USDH that needs housing and furniture. They decide to join the furniture pool the year they arrive. FAS will pay a buy-in cost for a full set of furniture in the first year, but do not need to pay the annual FAP assessment. But they do need to pay for the management of the furniture pool in the year of joining, and that is in the main cost center. So the workload count in the main cost center will be “one”. The workload count in the sub-cost center for FAS will be -0- since this is the year they joined. In the coming year there will be a workload count of “1” in both the main cost center as well as the sub-cost center for FAS. “Zero” in the sub-cost center
FAP Workload Count For Location Budgets, if the FAP is by location, then a sub-cost center for each location is needed. Designated Residences (e.g. CMR and DCMR) are not included in FAP workload count. Residences for Public Diplomacy positions belong under – Public Diplomacy . MSG Detachment Commander Residence belong under – State MSG Support . S: There are a few other issues related to FAP workload counts that we would like to bring to your attention: First, if you budget FAP by locations, then post should also create sub-cost centers for annual assessment for each location. Second, Designated Residences such as CMR and DCR that are furnished by OBO, are not included in FAP workload counts. If your post has any other designated residence, such as Consul General residence, furnished by OBO, it should not be included in FAP workload counts either. We also noticed that some posts counted residences for Public Diplomacy positions and MSG Detachment Commanders against State D&CP. These should be counted against – Public Diplomacy or – State MSG Support respectively. G: O.K. Are there any questions on FAP?
Diplomatic Security Realignment
In FY 2015 workload counts for Diplomatic Security positions that were previously counted against State will be shifted to State-DS. Regional Security Officer (RSO) Security Engineering Officer (SEO) Security Technical Specialist (STS) Security Protective Specialist (SPS) Couriers Seabees RSO OMS Bodyguards G: Cathy, are there any other policy changes for FY15? L: Yes. Beginning in FY15, the Regional Security Officer (RSO)-both those established prior to and those after the 1998 East African bombings, Assistant RSOs, and some other positions as listed here on the screen, will be counted under State-DS. Some of these positions were counted against State before. Some are already counted under DS. Beginning in FY15, the workload count related to all of these positions will be shifted to State DS. This is not like the residential local guard program coming into ICASS. This is a change affecting positions outside of ICASS, shifting from one agency code to another agency code, but remaining outside of ICASS. If your post has any positions that have non-standard job titles that you are not sure about, please ICASS Service Center to verify whether they should be shifted.
Diplomatic Security Realignment
Static Count (Shift on May 1, 2014) Capitation Square Meters, Number of Leases, etc. Cumulative Count No retroactive action is required for FY15 Workload count based on official report (ILMS, RFMS, etc.) Workload count based on post-maintained logs S: Let’s see how this will affect FY15 workload count. For the static count snap shot on May 1, 2014, workload counts related to these positions will shift to State DS. For the cumulative counts from May 1, 2013 to April 30, 2014, if they were counted against State D&CP, leave it as it is and do not try to retroactively change the workload counts or pro-rate it. Now you have begun to track the cumulative workload from May 1, 2014 to April 30, 2015, which will be used for FY16. For the cost centers that use post-maintained logs, post can make the shift immediately such as travel, counting them under – State DS. For cost centers where you use system generated reports, such as strip codes for Financial Management Services, rely on the official reports. So if the funding for transactions related to these positions change to DS on October 1, 2014, the system will report transactions from May 1, 2014 to September 30, 2014 as workload count for State D&CP. That’s fine. Don’t try to manually adjust it.
Looking ahead to FY2016 Lite Posts that will activate new GSO Standard Cost Centers in FY2016 need to begin cumulative workload counts. Standard Posts with large reproduction centers under cost center Reproduction Services may establish a method of counting that more equitably distributes costs for the different services provided. G: While we are on the subject of tracking workload counts for FY2016, which began on May 1, 2014, are there other things that posts should be aware of? S: Yes. If a Lite post decides to activate new GSO Standard Cost Centers beginning in FY16, post must begin to collect cumulative workload counts now for those GSO cost centers that it wishes to activate. L: Another change coming in FY16 is the guidance on workload count methodology for 6135 Reproduction Services. This should only affect a few posts that have large printing and reproduction service centers. The current distribution factor in this cost center is number of copies printed, but it does not take into consideration color versus black and white prints, posters, binding, etc. New guidance will provide posts with more flexibility to develop its own methodology. In order to have cumulative counts available for FY16, posts should establish and implement a post Budget Committee approved workload count methodology as soon as possible.
References ICASS Home: Budget cables & Instructions: S: We’ve covered all the topics. Here are some links you may find useful. At this point does anyone have any questions that were not yet addressed. For those who sent in questions we were not able to answer during the presentation, we will get back to you in the next several days with a reply. NOTE: ANSWER ANY LAST MINUTE QUESTIONS: G: Please note that in the next day or so, a recorded version of this Webinar will be added to our OpenNet website under the section “What’s New in FY15”, as well as on our ICASS Learning Center under Recorded Webinars. You will be able to review it, and share it with your colleagues who were not able to participate today. (move to Conclusion layout) NOTE: Continue to ANSWER ANY LAST MINUTE QUESTIONS: G: Now please tell us whether you liked this Webinar format for learning this material. Most importantly, let us know if you feel you are better prepared for the ICASS work ahead because you participated in this Webinar. We are constantly trying to improve our outreach efforts. Please use the box at the top right of your screen to give us feedback. S: Thank you all for participating in the Webinar. As mentioned previously we will have another webinar in August to talk about what needs to be done once post receives access to their 4.0 software. L: Thanks again for participating in the webinar. We enjoyed being with you.
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