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1 FY 11 Airport Budget Recommendations. 2 Aviation Department Mission Statement To provide a safe and secure air transportation system that is economically.

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Presentation on theme: "1 FY 11 Airport Budget Recommendations. 2 Aviation Department Mission Statement To provide a safe and secure air transportation system that is economically."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 FY 11 Airport Budget Recommendations

2 2 Aviation Department Mission Statement To provide a safe and secure air transportation system that is economically and environmentally sustainable while supporting regional growth

3 Aviation Passenger Traffic Enplaned passengers In Thousands ACTUAL FY 2009 BUDGET FY 2010 FORECAST FY 2010 Change Forecast FY10 vs. Actual FY09 BUDGET FY 2011 Change Budget FY11 vs. Forecast FY10 Passengers10,46810,31810,7582902.8%11,0542962.8% Seats12,97913,00013,4004213.2%13,6112111.5% Load Factor80.7%79.4%80.3%(0.4%) pts81.2%0.9% pts 3 Enplaned passengers are expected to increase 2.8% in FY 2010 compared to FY 2009 and an additional 2.8% in FY 2011 over FY 2010.

4 Domestic and International Enplaned Passengers FY 2001 – FY 2011 4

5 Domestic and International Passengers Distribution - FY 2010 versus FY 2001 5

6 Commercial and General Aviation Operations 2001 - 2011 6 Based on TAF data by calendar year

7 Commercial and General Aviation Operations - 2010 versus 2001 7

8 Key Comparative Performance Data FY 2009 8

9 Airline Market Share FY 2009 9

10 10 FY 2011 Key Budget Highlights Compared to FY 2010 Budget Budgeted non-airline operating revenue is projected to increase by $3 million (2.5%) over FY 2010 Budget as a result of concession revenue responding to the higher passenger levels Operating expenses are expected to decrease by 4% compared with FY 2010 Budget mainly due to a decrease in the ARFF expense and Property Insurance

11 Statement of Revenues, Expenses, & Changes in Net Assets 11

12 Revenue, Expense and Net Income - Five year Comparison 12

13 Operating Revenue Comparison 13

14 FY2011 Projected Preliminary Operating Revenue Highlights (versus FY2010 Budget) Overall Operating Revenues for FY2011 will increase 1% compared to FY2010 budgeted levels. Major variances relate to: 14 Concessions Rental Cars$1.5M Food & Beverage$1.0M Customer Facility Charges$0.6M Airline Revenue (Consolidation)($1.2M)

15 Operating Revenue Distribution – Budget 2011 15

16 Parking Transactions and Average Revenue per Transaction 16 Parking revenue is decreasing as a result of both a drop in the average number of transactions per enplaned passenger as well as a decrease in the average revenue per transaction

17 Parking Revenue Distribution - 2010 versus 2008 17 The percentage of daily and hourly parking of total revenue has not changed during the last two years. However, there has been a shift from valet to economy parking

18 Concession Revenue Mix – Budget FY 2011 versus Actual FY 2009 18

19 Airline Rates and Charges Five year Comparison 19 Airline Terminal Rates and Landing Fees are budgeted to stay at current rates:

20 Airline versus non-Airline Revenue FY 2009 20

21 Operating Expenses Comparison 21

22 FY 2011 Preliminary Operating Expense Highlights (versus FY 2010 Budget) Operating Expenses have been reduced by 4% primarily due to reductions in: 22 Aircraft Rescue and Firefighting (ARFF)($3.3M) Property Insurance($1.9M) Broward Sheriff Office – LEO(0.8M)

23 Operating Expense Distribution – Budget 2011 23

24 24 FY 2011 Projected Revenues and Proposed Appropriations

25 Aviation Capital Projects FY2011 – FY2015 25

26 FY 2011 Capital Improvement Budget with Funding Sources 26

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