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UM-Flint Budget Process Goals In support of the University’s mission Encourage programs that stimulate academic excellence and enrollment growth Protect.

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Presentation on theme: "UM-Flint Budget Process Goals In support of the University’s mission Encourage programs that stimulate academic excellence and enrollment growth Protect."— Presentation transcript:

1 UM-Flint Budget Process Goals In support of the University’s mission Encourage programs that stimulate academic excellence and enrollment growth Protect our human capital and physical infrastructure that support the academic mission Be fiscally responsible and leverage external funding Allow decentralized flexibility to School/College level in allocating resources Be simple, easy to administer and transparent January 2015

2 Change in New Program Tuition Revenue 80% to Academic unit, 20% to Support units Change in Fees Allocate 100% to unit owning fee Change in Current Program Tuition Revenue 60% to Academic unit, 40% to Support units Change in State Appropriations, Other Revenue Allocate based on % of total budget Allocation of Marginal Revenue Academic Units CAS, SEHS, SHPS, SOM, OEL Dean determines appropriate allocation method within unit Support Units Chancellor, Provost, Assoc Provost-Grad, Assoc Provost- Undergrad, VCBF, DSA Executive Officer determines appropriate allocation method within unit General Administration Systems contracts Business operations recharge Unemployment compensation Tuition reimbursement Utilities (Electricity, Natural Gas, Fuel Oil, Water & Sewer) Academic Units LEO salary increases Faculty promotion increases Any initiatives applicable to academic units Support Units Student aid increase Union salary increases Any initiatives applicable to support units Unavoidable Costs, Initiatives and Student Aid Funded by all units, based on % of total budget 60% 80% 100% 20% 40% 100% 57 % 43% 57 % 43% 2 January 2015


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