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Tribal Priority Allocation (TPA) Regional Office Programs (ROP) & Contract Support.

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Presentation on theme: "Tribal Priority Allocation (TPA) Regional Office Programs (ROP) & Contract Support."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tribal Priority Allocation (TPA) Regional Office Programs (ROP) & Contract Support

2 NORTHWEST REGION - FY 2015 – TPA 2015 Omnibus Enacted - P.L.113-235 Functional Area PROGRAM TITLE TRIBES BUREAU TOTAL Functional Area PROGRAM TITLE TRIBES BUREAU TOTAL A0T902020 Aid to Tribal Government2,870.292 372.525 3,242.817 A0E931010 Scholarships1,109.116 0.477 1,109.593 A0T913030 Consolidated Tribal Gov't Prgm-CTGP4,377.469 0.000 4,377.469 A0E932020 Adult Education45.301 0.000 45.301 [T0002] TRIBAL GOVERNMENT7,247.761 372.525 7,620.286 A0E939090 Other, Education572.249 0.000 572.249 A0E904040 Johnson O'Malley470.897 22.164 493.061 A0T965050 Road Maintenance3.039 10.484 13.523 [E0002] EDUCATION2,197.563 22.641 2,220.204 [T0009] TRIBAL GOVERNMENT - NO YR.3.039 10.484 13.523 A0J908080 Tribal Courts1,600.547 618.709 2,219.256 A0H901010 Social Services1,394.822 1,064.740 2,459.562 A0J913030 Community Fire Protection101.597 0.000 101.597 A0H922020 Indian Child Welfare Act712.126 0.000 712.126 [J0002] PUBLIC SAFETY & JUSTICE1,702.144 618.709 2,320.853 A0H949090 Other, Human Services253.927 0.000 253.927 [H0002] HUMAN SERVICES2,360.875 1,064.740 3,425.615 A0C903535 Job Placement & Training273.877 0.000 273.877 A0C911010 Economic Development309.668 0.000 309.668 A0N9A0505 Natural Resources, General941.042 51.543 992.585 A0C9F6060 Minerals and Mining0.059 96.652 96.711 A0N9B1010 Agriculture490.254 1,341.911 1,832.165 [C0002] COMMUNITY & ECON. DEVELOPMENT583.604 96.652 680.256 A0N9C3030 Forestry2,550.660 6,507.933 9,058.593 A0N9D4040 Water Resources444.571 0.008 444.579 A0A901010 Executive Direction23.197 1,776.649 1,799.846 A0N9E5050 Wildlife and Parks1,569.207 26.180 1,595.387 A0A912020 Administrative Services131.117 1,882.543 2,013.660 A0N9F6060 Minerals and Mining0.000 A0A913030 Safety Management0.000 1.023 [N0002] TRUST-RESOURCES MANAGEMENT5,995.734 7,927.575 13,923.309 [A0002] EXEC.DIRECTION & ADMINISTRATION154.314 3,660.215 3,812.886 A0R9A1010 Trust Services30.404 997.039 1,027.443 ** GRAND TOTAL **20,984.615 17,902.589 38,887.204 A0R912020 Rights Protection50.350 53.151 103.501 A0R9C7070 Real Estate Services619.037 2,404.113 3,023.150 A0R9B1010 Probate8.683 654.255 662.938 A0R9D4040 Environmental Quality Services31.107 20.491 51.598 [R0002] TRUST-REAL ESTATE SERVICES739.581 4,129.049 4,868.630

3 NORTHWEST REGION - FY 2015 – ROP 2015 Omnibus Enacted - P.L.113-235 Functional AreaPROGRAM TITLENWROFunctional AreaPROGRAM TITLENWRO A0T600000Tribal Government Regional Oversight A0R6A5050Land Titles & Records1,417.889 A0T602020 Aid to Tribal Government29.064A0R602020Other Indian Rights Protection54.581 A0T608080 Self-Determination173.722A0R6C0000Trust Real Estate Svcs Regional Oversight [T0002]TRIBAL GOVERNMENT 202.786 A0R6C1010 Trust Services310.480 A0R6C1212 DRD-Trust Services3.210 A0H600000Human Services Regional Oversight A0R6C4040 Other Real Estate Services887.671 A0H603030 Housing Development134.461A0R6C7070 Environmental Quality Services109.101 [H0002]HUMAN SERVICES 134.461 [R0002]TRUST-REAL ESTATE SERVICES 2,782.932 A0N6A0000Resources Management Regional Oversight A0C6B1010 Minerals and Mining Regional Oversight59.726 A0N6A1010 Natural Resources [C0002]COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 59.726 A0N6A2020 Agriculture58.479 A0N6A3030 Forestry224.486A0A600000Executive Direction386.550 A0N6A3031 Forest Marketing Assistance20.540A0A611010Regional Safety Management102.937 A0N6A4040 Water Resources109.631[A0002]EXEC DIRECTION & ADMINISTRATION 489.487 A0N6A5050 Wildlife & Parks224.205 [N0002]TRUST-NATURAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT 637.341 GRAND TOTAL 4,306.733



6 Regional Tribal Priorities for TIBC 1.Natural Resources: Fish, Forestry, Water & Litigation Support/Attorney Fees 2.Public Safety & Justice: Law Enforcement, Detention Centers & Tribal Courts 3.Education: Scholarships, Adult Education & Johnson O’Malley 4.Human Services: Social Services & Indian Child Welfare 5.Economic Development 6.Regional Budget

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