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" Limited Use, Unlimited Power... "1 Welcome To The Esteemed Consumers Of BESCOM In Tariff Revision FY-16 Hearing.

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Presentation on theme: "" Limited Use, Unlimited Power... "1 Welcome To The Esteemed Consumers Of BESCOM In Tariff Revision FY-16 Hearing."— Presentation transcript:

1 " Limited Use, Unlimited Power... "1 Welcome To The Esteemed Consumers Of BESCOM In Tariff Revision FY-16 Hearing

2 2 Bangalore Electricity Supply Company Limited " Limited Use, Unlimited Power... " BESCOM on Justification for Tariff revision – FY 16

3 TECHNICAL PARAMETERS 3 Bangalore Electricity Supply Company Limited " Limited Use, Unlimited Power... " Parameter Details as on 31.03.201331.03.2014 Sub Stations402414 Consumers (In Lakhs)83.5589.81 HT Line in KM8018883142 LT Line in KM155072158500 LT to HT Ratio1.931.91 No. of DTCs (In Lakhs)1.771.93 Energy Input in Million Units2656926786 Energy Sold in Million Units2279623144 Revenue Demand in Rs. Crore 1072411519 Revenue Collection in Rs. Crore 1009611208

4 CONSUMER PROFILE 4 Bangalore Electricity Supply Company Limited " Limited Use, Unlimited Power... " Sl No.DESCRIPTION No. of Installation as on Dec-14 in Lakhs Cons. in Mus for FY 14-15 (Apr-14 to Dec- 14) 1BJ/KJ 7.6772.36 2DOMESTIC 63.264325.57 3Commercial 8.571249.32 4IP Sets 7.614043.63 5LT Industrial 1.74848.09 6Water Supply 0.58333.35 7Public Lighting 0.57391.09 8 Temporary Supply 3.52137.27 9TOTAL (LT) 93.5411400.68 10TOTAL (HT) 0.117096.66 11TOTAL (LT+ HT) 93.6518497.34

5 VARIOUS ONLINE SERVICES PROVIDED TO CONSUMERS 5  Online Bill Payment  Online Submission of Applications a)New Connection b)Name Change c)Tariff Change d)Load change e)Meter Shifting f)Surrender Installation g)Solar Rebate h)Consumer Complaints  Process Reengineering & Simplification of Forms Bangalore Electricity Supply Company Limited " Limited Use, Unlimited Power... "

6 Contd… 6  Power Outage Information on Website  Pushing of Bills through emails for HT and LT consumers (8800 no’s of HT consumers out of 10804 number of HT consumers and around 2.5 lakhs of LT consumers out of 53 lakhs consumers bills have been sent through Mails in the month of Feb-15)  More Payment Options to Consumers: a)ECS b)Online Payment (Net Banking, Cards) c)Bangalore One (Citizen Service Centre) d)Mobile one application e)Post offices  Immediate Plans: a)Mobile App for BESCOM Services b)Know Your Feeder Performance Bangalore Electricity Supply Company Limited " Limited Use, Unlimited Power... "

7 BILLING & COLLECTION EFFICIENCY IMPROVEMENT 7 1)Administrative Interventions: i.Meter Readers to report to Accounts wing ii.Meter Reading date reallocation a)First Fortnight Bill Serving b)Second Fortnight Disconnection & Mopping Up iii.Removal of Dummy Meter Reader Codes iv.Additional Meter Readers in Urban fast growing areas v.MBC Monitoring Team at Corporate Office vi.Slum Connections regularisation Drive Bangalore Electricity Supply Company Limited " Limited Use, Unlimited Power... "

8 Contd… 8 2) Administrative Interventions: i.Capturing Meter details (Type, location etc ) through SBM (Spot Billing Machine) ii.Tagging of Floating Consumers iii.Disallowance of Part Payment Except Court Orders 3)Business Intelligence Report 4)Photo Billing & Spot Billing Collection  Photo Billing: a)Instead of SBM, Android based Smart Phones are used b)GPS captures the LAT/ LONG of the consumers premises & camera captures the image of the meter read c)Through GPRS the data is pushed to the server Bangalore Electricity Supply Company Limited " Limited Use, Unlimited Power... "

9 Contd… 9 Bangalore Electricity Supply Company Limited " Limited Use, Unlimited Power... "

10 Contd… 10 Bangalore Electricity Supply Company Limited " Limited Use, Unlimited Power... "

11 Contd… Improvements in Revenue Demand: 11 Bangalore Electricity Supply Company Limited " Limited Use, Unlimited Power... "

12 Contd… 12  Spot Bill Connection:  The Meter Reader on the spot collects the electricity dues and gives receipt to the consumer. 5) Cleansing of Data Base: i.Long Disconnected & Ghost installations removed ii.IP Sets & Street Lights data properly filled iii.Zero consumption installations verified and monitored RAPDRP INTEGRATION WITH: 1.Distribution Automation System ( DAS) of Bangalore 2.Smart Grid ( Pilot in one section taken up with PGCIL being consultants) Bangalore Electricity Supply Company Limited " Limited Use, Unlimited Power... "


14 TARIFF HIKE COMPONENTS FOR FY- 16 Total deficit Rs.2062 (80 paise) FY-13- Regulatory Asset Rs.342 (13 paise) Truing up for FY- 14 Rs.840 (33 paise) Proposed gap for FY-16 Rs.881 (34 paise) 14

15 Regulatory Asset FY-13 Commission in Tariff Order 2014, dt.12.05.2014, Trued up FY-13 and approved the gap of 1,152 Cr. Rs.1152 Crs Rs.525 Crs. - GoK Rs.16Crs. -absorbed FY15 tariff Rs.611Cr - Regulatory asset FY-16 Rs.342Cr - Regulatory asset + carrying cost FY-17 Rs.384Cr - Regulatory asset + carrying cost 13 paise - Consider ed for FY-16 gap 15

16 Why Gap occurred during FY14 true up ? 1 Increase in Power purchase cost 2 Change in consumption mix 3 Non realization of approved tariff GAP of Rs. 840 Crs ( 33 paise) 16

17 Increase in Power Purchase Cost (Rs. Per unit) FY-14 Note : 26 paise increase is due to variance in PP cost of FY14 Source ApprovedActual Rs./unit KPCL Hydel0.590.51 KPCL Thermal3.733.84 CGS2.963.42 IPPs4.144.32 NCE3.553.56 Short-term4.614.95 AVERAGE3.623.88 17

18 Increase in power purchase cost FY-14 - Approved V/s Actual 18

19 Realization rate & its effect - FY-14 19

20 Non realization of Appd. tariff Note : 4 paise increase is due to variance in PP cost of FY14 20

21 Open Access details 21 Due to consumers leaving the grid, loss in revenue for BESCOM is approx. Rs.184 Crs. No. of consumersIndustrialCommercialTotal Open Access12052172 Captive315485 Total151106257

22 Breakup for 34 paise for FY-16 Rs.881 Crs (34 paise) Non realiztion of approved Tariff by the Commission for FY-15 17 paise under realization Estimated increase in expenditure 16 paise 22

23 Estimation of Expenditure for FY-16 Expenditure Power Purchase R&M Employee A&G Depreciation Interest & finance FY-14 Actl. 4.7 0.02 0.35 0.07 0.08 0.25 FY-16 Prop. 4.77 0.02 0.37 0.08 0.09 0.29 Diff. 0.08 0.00 0.02 0.01 0.04 Rs./unit 23

24 34 paise required for FY-16 1 paise in A&G 1 paise in Depr. 2 paise in Employees Cost 4 paise in Interest and Finance 8 paise in Power Purchase cost 17 paise incr. due to under realization 16 paise incr. due to incr. in expenditure 10 paise in Non Tariff 7 paise in HT 24

25 Revenue inadequate to cover Operational Expenses In Rs. Crs. 25

26 Avg. tariff Increase v/s Actuals realised over the years (In Ps./unit) Note : A total of 170 paise/unit increased in tariff by KERC during the period from FY-09 to FY-14 but where as the actual realisation was 102 paise/unit only. 26

27 Comparison of various Indices from the base year 2009 27

28 Compliance to Directives in BRIEF 28

29 Sl.No.DirectiveCompliance 1Power supply positionComplied 2 24X7 consumer service center Complied 3 Energy Audit & Metering of DTC’s Energy Audit feeder wise been done, However Subdivision wise Eenergy audit requires fixing of boundary meters which will be completed in next 2 months and 56% of DTCs are already metered 4HVDS HVDS works on going in 1)Tumkur taluka( total 25 feeders out of which 11 feeders are completed/Commissioned), 2)Chikkabalapura( total 6 feeders out of which 3 feeders are commissioned) and 3)Dodaballapura(total 9 feeders out of which 1 feeder is commissioned). 5NJY 1) NJY Phase-1 completed, 2) NJY phase-2 scheduled for completion in 2015. 3) Phase-3 tenders are called soon 6DSM in agricultureDPR under preparation 29

30 Sl.No.DirectiveCompliance 7Lifeline supply to un electrified households Taken up under RGGVY12th plan and DDUGJY plan 8Prevention of electrical accidents crores Works completed for making the network safe. Further division wise action plan is in place 30

31 31 Bangalore Electricity Supply Company Limited " Limited Use, Unlimited Power... "

32 32 Online Bill Payment Bangalore Electricity Supply Company Limited " Limited Use, Unlimited Power... " Month No. of Registered Consumers Total TransactionsTotal Amount in Rs. 14-Jan1378557443668291626 14-Feb1518427530771582192 14-Mar1665959396882382804 14-Apr18265510046397483914 14-May198824105904113976547 14-Jun215567113502139406923 14-Jul232586112717118685883 14-Aug251272126070135912518 14-Sep261488129829145776965 14-Oct281555140862160431073 14-Nov299123149102171950638 14-Dec318107162538172564776

33 33 Online Submission of Applications Bangalore Electricity Supply Company Limited " Limited Use, Unlimited Power... "

34 34 Process Reengineering & Simplification of Forms Bangalore Electricity Supply Company Limited " Limited Use, Unlimited Power... "

35 35 Power Outages Bangalore Electricity Supply Company Limited " Limited Use, Unlimited Power... "

36 36 Know Your Feeder Performance Screen Shot Contd.. Bangalore Electricity Supply Company Limited " Limited Use, Unlimited Power... "

37 37 Know Your Feeder Performance Screen Shot Contd.. Bangalore Electricity Supply Company Limited " Limited Use, Unlimited Power... "

38 38 Know Your Feeder Performance Screen Shot Bangalore Electricity Supply Company Limited " Limited Use, Unlimited Power... "

39 39 BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE REPORT Bangalore Electricity Supply Company Limited " Limited Use, Unlimited Power... "

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