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1 FY 2006 BUDGET PROPOSAL Sacramento Regional Transit District.

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1 1 FY 2006 BUDGET PROPOSAL Sacramento Regional Transit District

2 2 Ridership is Up! Overall Cost Efficiency Is Improving - - Cost Per Revenue Service Hour on Bus & Rail Down. Cost Containment/Productivity Measures are Underway - - with Results! THE GOOD NEWS...

3 3 WHY FARE AND SERVICE CHANGES? SINCE FY 2000… Rail Service Up -- +74% Bus Service Up -- +32% ADA/Paratransit Service Up -- +28% RT Farebox Revenue Flat No Increased Federal, State, or Local Operating Revenue Sources One Fare Increase in 18 years!


5 5 DEFICIT REDUCTION STRATEGIES Reduce & Contain Cost Improve Productivity Reduce Service Increase Revenue

6 6 FY 2006 BUDGET CHALLENGES REVENUE  “Flat” System – Generated Revenue  State Transportation Funding “Erosion”  “Uncertain” Federal Funding EXPENSES  Cost Increases  System Expansion ( significant over past 3 years)

7 7 FY 2006 DEFICIT REDUCTION PLAN  Reduced Staffing Levels  New Health Care Coverage/First-Time Employee Contributions  Workers’ Compensation Case Management  Safety & Security Enhancement  “Contracting Out” Opportunities  Other Reductions (i.e., Travel, Outside Services) REDUCE & CONTAIN COSTS

8 8  Operator Attendance Improvement  Implement CBS Rate  ADA/Paratransit Contracting Changes  Reduce Fare Evasion  Increase Fares  Real Estate Programs (i.e., Fiber Lease, TOD, Surplus Property Sale, Vendor Program)  Pursue Other Opportunities (i.e., Lease Transaction, CIP Update)  Eliminate Non-Productive/Low-Performing Service IMPROVE PRODUCTIVITY FY 2006 DEFICIT REDUCTION PLAN INCREASE REVENUE REDUCE SERVICE




12 12 OPERATING EXPENDITURES – WHERE DOES IT GO? Total = $133.7 million


14 14 RT STAFFING LEVELS (FY 2006) TOTAL # OF AUTHORIZED POSITIONS 1229 TOTAL # RT MANAGERS* 50 4.1 % TOTAL % DIRECT OPERATIONS 986 80.2 OPERATIONS SUPPORT 60 4.9 ENGINEERING & CONSTRUCTION 47 3.8 GENERAL ADMINISTRATION 136 11.1 * Includes all RT Managers/Superintendents/ Administrator Positions

15 15 OPERATING COST BY TRANSIT MODE Total = $133.7 million

16 16 RT TRANSIT SERVICES COMPARISON* *Based on FY04 audited data. **Paratransit data based on trips not boardings.

17 17 FUTURE REALITY…  Focus on “Financial Sustainability”  Live Within Our Means  Balance “System Maintenance & Preservation” with “System Growth”  Align Future Plans with Funding Reality  Help Build Public Support for Increased Local Transportation Funding

18 18 Fare Policy Study

19 19 Recommended Fixed Route Fare Structure Local Bus Routes Rail Trips (1-14 stations)Hub Bus RoutesRail Trips (>14 stations) Rider CategoryCurrentRecommendedCurrentRecommendedCurrentRecommended Full Fare$1.50$2.00$0.50$1.00n/a$3.00 Reduced Fare$0.75$1.00$0.50 n/a$1.50 Cash Fares:

20 20 Recommended Fixed Route Fare Structure Prepaid:  Additional fare policies: eliminate transfers; retain Lifetime Pass for seniors over age 74; $1.00 route deviation charge; $3.00 day pass for classroom trips. Daily PassSemi-Monthly PassMonthly Pass Rider CategoryCurrentRecommendedCurrentRecommendedCurrentRecommended Full Fare $3.50 $6.00n/a$40.00$60.00$80.00 Reduced Fare: Senior, Disabled $1.75 $3.00n/a$20.00$30.00$40.00 Student $1.75 $3.00$7.50$10.00$15.00$20.00

21 21 Recommended ADA Fare Structure Fare CategoryCurrentRecommended Base Fare ADA Fares Cash Guest Child Personal Care Attendant Monthly Pass $1.50 $3.00 $1.50 Free $100.00 $2.00 $4.00 $2.00 Free $100.00

22 22 The Recommended Fare Structure Meets RT’s Fare Revenue Targets Recommended Fare Structure Ridership31,807,00032,123,00032,528,00033,508,00034,802,00037,219,000 Fare Revenue$22,000,000$26,744,000$32,044,000$32,972,000$34,203,000$36,640,000 Average Fare Per Trip$0.69$0.83$0.98

23 23 Alternative Fare Considerations Earlier new fare start date: September 2005 –Base fare increased to $1.75 –Retain transfers at 25-cent charge –Daily pass at $4.50 Increase floating zones to15 stations Eliminate hub service fares Retain pre-paid tickets for social service agencies Equalize discounts for special groups

24 24 Service Change Proposal

25 25 Potential September 2005 Service Reduction Plan

26 26 Potential September 2005 Service Reductions Entire Route Elimination Service Span/Day Reduction Frequency Reduction Individual Trip Elimination

27 27 Entire Route Elimination Route 12 (Exposition) Route 76 (La Rivieria-American River) Route 79 (River Park- La Rivieria)

28 28 Route 12 (Exposition)

29 29 Route 76 (La Rivieria-American River)

30 30 Route 79 (River Park- La Rivieria)

31 31 Service Span/Day Reduction Route 5 (Meadowview Valley Hi) Saturday: Eliminate trips after 7pm Sunday: Eliminate trips after 7pm Route 6 (Land Park) Saturday: Eliminate service Sunday: Eliminate service Route 9 (Carmichael) Saturday: Eliminate service Route 10 (Carmichael-Dewey) Saturday: Eliminate service Route 13 (Northgate) Saturday: Eliminate service Sunday: Eliminate service

32 32 Service Span/Day Reduction continued Route 15 (Rio Linda Blvd.-T St) Weekday: Eliminate trips after 7:30 pm Route 16 (Del Paso Heights-Norwood) Weekday: Eliminate trips after 7pm Route 17 (Del Paso Heights-McClellan) Saturday: Eliminate service Route 18 (Del Paso Heights- Bell Ave) Weekday: Eliminate trips after 7pm Saturday: Eliminate service

33 33 Service Span/Day Reduction continued Route 21 (Sunrise) Weekday: Eliminate trips after 10pm Saturday: Eliminate trips after 10pm Sunday: Eliminate trips after 10pm Route 22 (Arden) Saturday: Eliminate service Sunday: Eliminate trips after 7:30 p.m. Route 25 (Marconi) Saturday: Eliminate service Route 28 (Fair Oaks-Folsom Blvd) Saturday: Eliminate trips after 7:30 pm Sunday: Eliminate trips after 7:30pm Route 30 (J Street) Saturday: Eliminate trips after 7:30 pm

34 34 Service Span/Day Reduction continued Route 36 (Folsom) Saturday: Eliminate service Sunday: Eliminate service Route 37 (Tahoe Park-21st Ave) Saturday: Eliminate service Route 51 (Broadway – Stockton) Weekday: Eliminate trips after 10 pm Route 54 (Center Parkway) Sunday: Eliminate service Route 55 (Center Parkway) Weekday: Eliminate trips after 7 pm

35 35 Service Span/Day Reduction continued Route 61 (Fruitridge) Sunday: Eliminate service Route 64 (24th St-City College) Saturday: Eliminate service Route 72 (Rosemont-Lincoln Village) Weekday: Eliminate trips after 7pm Route 73 (White Rock) Weekday: Eliminate trips after 7pm Route 74 (International) Weekday: Eliminate trips after 7pm

36 36 Service Span/Day Reduction continued Route 75 (Mather Field) Weekday: Eliminate trips after 7 pm Route 82 (Howe-65th St) Saturday: Eliminate service Sunday: Eliminate service Route 91 (Citrus Heights-Sunrise) Weekday: Eliminate trips after 7:30pm Sunday: Eliminate service Route 143 (East End-Amtrak) Friday: Eliminate special Friday service Saturday: Eliminate service

37 37 Frequency Reduction Route 24 (Madison-Greenback) Weekday: Increase headways to 60 minutes Route 140 (Ziggurat-Downtown) Weekday: Increase headways to 60 minutes between 9am and 3pm Route 141 (3rd/16th Streets) Weekday: Increase headways to 60 minutes between 9am and 3pm Route 142 (9th/10th Streets) Weekday: Increase headways to 60 minutes between 9am and 3pm Route 143 (East End-Amtrak) Weekday: Increase headways to 60 minutes between 9am and 3pm

38 38 Individual Trip Elimination

39 39 NEXT STEPS     

40 40 COMMUNITY MEETING SCHEDULE (7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.) April 27Mills Building (Mather Field/Mills Light Rail Station) May 2Oak Park Community Center (3425 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd) May 3Robertson Community Center (3525 Norwood Avenue) May 4Citrus Heights City Hall (6237 Fountain Square Drive) May 11Sacramento County Sheriff’s Station (2500 Marconi Avenue, Suite 100) May 17Sam Pannell Community Center (2450 Meadowview Road) Email Comments to:

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