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Cooperation with Chemical Safety Management for ASEAN Countries Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry JAPAN Including GHS Capacity - Building Including.

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1 Cooperation with Chemical Safety Management for ASEAN Countries Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry JAPAN Including GHS Capacity - Building Including GHS Capacity - Building

2 1. GHS expert service program > Send Japanese GHS experts to countries requesting assistance and hold seminars and workshops in the countries. > Began using JEXSA program in FY2003 after preliminary studies were conducted in FY2002. > GHS has been studied by the UN Economic and Social Council since 1990 and was adopted last July, with recommendations for all governments to implement the GHS as soon as possible and no later than 2008. > Member economies of the APEC Chemical Dialogue agreed in May, 2002 to implement the GHS by the end of 2006, on a voluntary basis. > To apply for the FY 2005 program, consult JETRO branch offices by Mid-December 2004. List of Technical Training Programs

3 List of Technical Training Programs (continued) List of Technical Training Programs (continued) 2. AOTS training program in Tokyo > Holds fortnight-long workshops on environmental protection and chemical safety management every fiscal year since FY1999 except for FY2000. > Accepts 20 persons from ASEAN countries* for each workshop. > One workshop has specialized in the GHS training program since FY2003. * Japan’s ODA is applicable to ASEAN countries except for Singapore and Brunei.

4 3. Responsible Care expert service program > Send Japanese RC experts to countries requesting assistance and hold workshops in the country. > Began using JESA program in FY2000 (*1) and have continued using JEXSA program (*2) since last year. > RC activity began in Canada in 1985 and has become a norm for the world’s chemical companies. > 47 countries including Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, the Philippines and Japan are members of ICCA, which was established in 1990. > Necessary to consult JETRO branch offices to apply for the 2005 FY program by Mid-December this year. (*1) JESA: JODC Expert Service Abroad (*2) JEXSA: JETRO Expert Service Abroad for Improving Business Environment List of Technical Training Programs (continued)

5 4. Cooperation in the development of legal systems under the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) scheme  Send Japanese experts to countries requesting assistance in order to design or develop the legal system  Provide a fortnight-long training course on the chemical management system by inviting administrators (policy-makers) to Japan Examples of curriculum: ・ laws related to chemical management ・ measures for pollution prevention, disposal, recycling ・ chemical risk assessment

6 List of Technical Training Program (continued) 5. Cooperation in the development of environment management under the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) scheme  Provide a one-month training course on the environment management technology in the chemical industry by inviting technical administrators to Japan Examples of curriculum: ・ pollution-prevention technology for waste water, exhaust gases and waste ・ energy saving technology ・ recycling technology

7 Please do not hesitate to contact us by e-mail if you are interested in these programs or have any questions. e-mail:

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