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State Grants For California Airports Gwyn Reese, Aviation Funding Specialist Caltrans - Division of Aeronautics September 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "State Grants For California Airports Gwyn Reese, Aviation Funding Specialist Caltrans - Division of Aeronautics September 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 State Grants For California Airports Gwyn Reese, Aviation Funding Specialist Caltrans - Division of Aeronautics September 2006

2 State Funding Programs Annual Credits Airport Improvement Program (AIP) Matching Grants Acquisition and Development (A&D) Grants Airport Loan Program

3 Annual Credits  Eligibility Cities, counties, and airport districts Cannot be a reliever or a commercial service airport  Annual Certification Enables funding of Annual Grants, AIP Matching grants, and A&D grants  Disbursements Requests As needed—can accrue funds for 5 years/$50,000

4 Annual Credits  No local match required  Forms will be sent this fall and expect disbursement requests received to be processed January 2007.  After processing, it takes 6 to 8 weeks to receive the check from the State Controller’s Office.  Application form for the Annual Credit is available online: – loans.php loans.php

5 AIP Matching Grants  Eligibility Cities, counties, and airport districts with general aviation and reliever airports.  Match all AIP grants that primarily benefit general aviation.  Project must be included in the current Capital Improvement Program (CIP).  Application Restrictions No AIP Matching allowed prior to sponsor’s acceptance of the federal grant or if the project is started or completed prior to State allocation.

6 AIP Matching Grants  Funding Cycle A sponsor initiates AIP Matching process by providing a copy of the ACIP to Caltrans that sponsor submits to FAA annually. CIP timeline –Fall 2006 - joint letter to sponsors from FAA and Caltrans. –Spring 2007 - CIP is finalized. –Only when the sponsor accepts the FAA grant can they apply for State matching grant. Application approval is based on the availability of State funds.

7 AIP Matching Grants  Recommend combined resolution for FAA and State grant. Authorizes filing application, accepting allocation of funds, execution of grant agreement; and authorizes (name) to sign any documents required to apply for and accept these funds.

8 AIP Matching Rate  State Matching Grants pay for 2.5% of the Federal Grant.  95% Fed, 2.37% State, 2.63% sponsor  Local match for AIP is currently 5% through September 2007.  FAA assurance, Section C (3) on page 4 Sponsor Fund Availability. irport_sponsor_assurances.pdf

9 AIP Matching Grants  Current average processing time is 2 to 3 weeks.  FY 05/06, 61 grants for $2.43 M.  FY 06/07, 34 grant requests totaling $868,000.  Application form for AIP Matching Grant is available online: – loans.php loans.php

10 A&D Grants  Eligibility Cities, counties, airport districts with general aviation, reliever, and commercial airports  ALUC’s -- An airport land use commission (ALUC) can receive funding to prepare/update an airport land use compatibility plan (ALUCP).

11 A&D Grants  Grants cannot be provided for projects that have already been completed or have started construction prior to execution of agreement.  Cannot be used as local match for AIP grants.  12% of actual construction costs can be for “project services.”  The 10% match cannot come from state funds such as Annual Credits or State Loans.

12 A&D Grants  Capital Improvement Plan A sponsor initiates it’s A&D request through the Capital Improvement Plan (CIP). For NPIAS airports, entry into the CIP is through the federal ACIP. Non-NPIAS airports and ALUCs apply directly to Caltrans for the CIP.


14 A&D Grant Process  Submit application to Department: – nts-loans.php nts-loans.php  Allocation by CTC.  Submit PS&E for approval to Department.  Department approves contractor.  Department prepares grant agreement.  Progress payments can be made with 10% retention pending final inspection.

15 Grant Funding  Revenue $7.65M per year  $3M Division Support  $1.49M Annual Credits  $1.65M set-aside for AIP Matching @ 2.5%  Match rate reviewed annually by CTC  $1.5M for A&D safety projects, ALUCPs, and the pending projects list

16 Airport Loan Program  Eligibility Cities, counties, and airport districts.  Most projects that benefit the airport are eligible.  Local Match for AIP is eligible.

17 Airport Loan Program  Loan Approval Considerations  Economic feasibility is a major factor in the approval of loans for revenue-generating projects such as hangars and fueling facilities.  Sponsor’s overall financial status is considered.

18 Loan Process  Three to four month process.  Submit complete application to Department.  Department conducts public and internal hearings.  Loan agreement is prepared by Department.  Department of General Services reviews and approves.  State Controller’s Office (SCO) prepares loan disbursement.

19 Loan Process  Submit application to Department: – nts-loans.php nts-loans.php  First payment on loan is due one year from the date the warrant was issued by SCO.  Loan terms vary from 8 to 17 years.  Simple interest is charged.  Loans are subject to audit.

20 Information  Periodically, check our website for updates on Annual Credits and AIP Matching such as timing and availability of funds: and click on the “Credits, Grants, and Loan”  Detailed program information and forms are all on the website.

21 State Dollars for Your Airport  State Dollars for Your Airport has been updated and is available on CD and will be on our website.  This publication is for airport managers, sponsoring agencies, and ALUCs to better understand the funding programs available.

22 Thank you! Division of Aeronautics Homepage Aviation Funding Specialist -- Gwyn Reese  Email:  Phone: 916-654-4718  Annual Credits, AIP Matching Grants, and Loans Office Chief Technical Services– Lee Provost  Email:  Phone: 916-654-3775  A&D Airport Engineers – Parvin Bijani, Alan Song

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