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Published byDevyn Belk Modified over 9 years ago
Delivering the message: innovation in external communication Liisi Uder and Thea Teinemaa, National Audit Office of Estonia IX EUROSAI Congress 18 June 2014
Auditi eesmärgid ja kriteeriumid Auditi eesmärgiks oli hinnata kas praegune pensionisammaste süsteem on jätkusuutlik tagades nii praegu kui edasipidi pensionikindlustuse eelarve tasakaalu, pensionide adekvaatsuse ning pensionäride võrdse kohtlemise. Hinnangu andmise kriteeriumid: –Pensionisüsteem on jätkusuutlik siis kui võimalikult paljud inimesed töötavad vanaduspensionieani. Pensionisüsteem tervikuna (sh eriliiki pensionid) soodustab inimeste võimalikult pikaajalist tööturul aktiivsena püsimist, mida toetab välja arendatud täiendus- ja ümberõppekorraldus. –Pensionisüsteem on jätkusuutlik kui riikliku pensionikindlustuse kulud ja tulud on tasakaalus ning tagatud on pensionide adekvaatsus. –Pensionifondide minimaalne eesmärk on ületada tootlusega inflatsiooni tase, et suurendada tulevaste pensionide ostujõudu. –Kogumispensionisüsteem täidab selle kehtestamisel loodud viite eesmärki või liigub nende täitmise suunas. Eesmärgid olid järgmised: 1. Individuaalse huvitatuse ja vastutuse suurendamine pensionisüsteemis 2. Keskmise pensioni asendusmäära languse vältimine ja pensionide ostujõu kasv 3. Pensionisüsteemi ohustavate riskide (demograafilised, poliitilised, majanduslikud riskid) hajutamine erinevate pensionisammaste abil. 4. Eesti majanduskasvu ja finantsturgude arengu soodustamine 5. Poliitilise sõltumatuse vähendamine.
Workshop goals Present innovative examples Share experiences Choose the best ideas
Communication bingo!
Why is innovation in communication important for SAIs? More effective communication higher value added Who are the stakeholders? –parliament –auditee –experts –citizens –...?
Delivering the message: during the audit process (1) Why start delivering your message early? –Get the key players on board –Although - harder to use to get the attention of the wider public
Delivering the message: during the audit process (2) Example 1: Experts and focus groups –Testing the main message; –Briefing the experts before actual publishing; –Carefully selected focus group members can support our message. In general: Focus group members and experts can be used as our messengers in disguise.
Delivering the message: during the audit process (3) Example 2: Interviews/ polls – can they attract the attention of the participants? Getting representatives of the target group members informed: –Long-term unemployed; –Interviewed local government officers; –Family doctors. In general: People who have been involved in the audit activity are more eager to look at audit results – in Estonia we send them the audit reports (after publishing).
Delivering the message: publishing the audit & after (1) Example 1: How to cooperate effectively with the media? –Press briefings –Press releases
Delivering the message: publishing the audit & after (2) Example 2: How to really reach the citizen? –Distribution of annual report
Delivering the message: publishing the audit & after (3) Example 3: How to really reach the citizen? –Social media How many SAIs use Facebook and other social media channels? How to use them best?
Armenia Aserbaijan Estonia Israel Lithuania Luxembourg Moldova Norway Poland Portugal Netherlands Turkey UK
Questions 1. What is the best way to involve stakeholders during the audit process? (Green) 2. Which (new) method is best for delivering the message to the right audience(s)? (Yellow) 5 minutes – short answer
Choose the best answer for each question and mark it with a sticker.
Thank you! Any questions?
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