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Word of the Day Denotation Definition – (n) the dictionary definition of a word; the literal meaning Write a sentence using Denotation Draw a picture to.

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Presentation on theme: "Word of the Day Denotation Definition – (n) the dictionary definition of a word; the literal meaning Write a sentence using Denotation Draw a picture to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Word of the Day Denotation Definition – (n) the dictionary definition of a word; the literal meaning Write a sentence using Denotation Draw a picture to represent Denotation

2 Word of the Day Connotation Definition – (n) the cognitive meaning of a word Write a sentence using Connotation Draw a picture to represent Connotation

3 Word of the Day Tone Definition – (n) A literary technique that tells the reader what the author's attitude behind writing the work is Write a sentence using Tone Draw a picture to represent Tone

4 Word of the Day Mood Definition – (n) the feeling created in the reader by the literary work or passage Write a sentence using Mood. Draw a picture to represent Mood.

5 Word of the Day ANALOGOUS Definition – (n) a similarity between like features of two things, on which a comparison may be based Write a sentence using Analogous Draw a picture to represent Analogous

6 Word of the Day IRONY Definition – (n) the technique that portrays differences between appearance and reality, or expectation and result Write a sentence using Irony. Draw a picture to represent Irony.

7 Word of the Day Genre Definition – (n) a category or form of literature Write a sentence using Genre Draw a picture to represent Genre

8 Word of the Day Voice Definition – (n) a writer’s distinctive “sound” or way of “speaking” on the page. It is related to word choice, sentence structure, and tone Write a sentence using Voice Draw a picture to represent Voice

9 Word of the Day Theme Definition – (n) a central message or insight into life revealed through a literary work (the story’s life lesson) Write a sentence using Theme Draw a picture to represent Theme

10 Word of the Day Expository Essay Definition –(n) nonfiction work that gives information, discusses ideas, or explains a process Write a sentence using Expository Essay Draw a picture to represent Expository Essay

11 Vocabulary Quiz! Denotation Connotation Analogous Tone Mood Irony Genre Voice Theme Expository Essay

12 Word of the Day Disposition Definition – (n) natural mental and emotional outlook or mood; final settlement of a matter Write a sentence using Disposition. Draw a picture to represent Disposition.

13 Word of the Day Characterization Definition – (n) the act of creating and developing a character. Could be directly or indirectly stated Write a sentence using Characterization Draw a picture to represent Characterization

14 Word of the Day Conflict Definition – (n) a struggle between opposing forces. Characters in conflict form the basis of stories Write a sentence using Conflict Draw a picture to represent Conflict

15 Word of the Day Foreshadowing Definition – (n) the use of clues in a literary work that suggest events that have yet to occur Write a sentence using Foreshadowing Draw a picture using Foreshadowing

16 Word of the Day Monologue Definition – (n) a long speech in a play by one character addressed to other characters Write a sentence using Monologue Draw a picture representing Monologue

17 Word of the Day Prose Definition – (n) the ordinary form of written language. Writing that is not poetry, drama, or song Write a sentence using Prose Draw a picture to represent Prose

18 Word of the Day Symbol Definition – (n) a character, place, thing or event that stands for something else Write a sentence using Symbol Draw a picture to represent Symbol

19 Word of the Day Oxymoron Definition – (n) a combination of words that contradict each other Write a sentence using Oxymoron Draw a picture to represent Oxymoron

20 Word of the Day Allegory Definition – (n) a story or tale with two or more levels of meaning – a literal level and one or more symbolic levels Write a sentence using Allegory Draw a picture to represent Allegory

21 Word of the Day Allusion Definition – (n) a reference to a well-known person, place, event, literary work, or work of art Write a sentence using Allusion Draw a picture to represent Allusion

22 Vocabulary Quiz!! Disposition Characterization Conflict Foreshadowing Monologue Prose Symbol Oxymoron Allegory Allusion

23 Word of the Day VERBATIM Definition – (adj) word for word; exactly as written Write a sentence using Verbatim Draw a picture to represent Verbatim

24 Word of the Day SOPHOMORIC Definition – (adj) immature Write a sentence using Sophomoric Draw a picture to represent Sophomoric

25 Word of the Day Volatile Definition – (adj) tending or threatening to break out into open violence; explosive Write a sentence using Volatile Draw a picture to represent Volatile

26 Word of the Day Anecdote Definition – (n) a brief story about an interesting, amusing, or strange event told to entertain or make a point Write a sentence using Anecdote Draw a picture to represent Anecdote

27 Word of the Day Epiphany Definition – (n) a sudden flash of insight into a conflict or situation Write a sentence using Epiphany Draw a picture to represent Epiphany

28 Word of the Day Hyperbole Definition – (n) a deliberate exaggeration or overstatement Write a sentence using Hyperbole Draw a picture to represent Hyperbole

29 Word of the Day Pun Definition – (n) a play on words involving a word with two or more meanings or two words that sound alike Write a sentence using Pun Draw a picture to represent Pun

30 Word of the Day Perceptive Definition – (adj) having or showing insight, understanding, or intuition Write a sentence using Perceptive Draw a picture to represent Perceptive

31 Word of the Day Impartial Definition – (adj) not in favor of one side or the other; unbiased Write a sentence using Impartial Draw a picture to represent Impartial

32 Word of the Day Vindicated Definition – (v) Freed from blame Write a sentence using Vindicated Draw a picture to represent Vindicated

33 Vocabulary Quiz!! Verbatim Sophomoric Volatile Anecdote Epiphany Hyperbole Pun Perceptive Impartial Vindicated

34 Word of the Day Acrimonious Definition – (adj) Bitter or sharp in language, tone, or behavior Write a sentence using Acrimonious Draw a picture to represent Acrimonious

35 Word of the Day Peruse Definition – (v) to read carefully Write a sentence using Peruse Draw a picture representing Peruse

36 Word of the Day ILLICIT Definition – (adj) Illegal; not permitted for ethical or moral reasons Write a sentence using Illicit Draw a picture representing Illicit

37 Word of the Day Forthright Definition – (adj) honest, direct, outspoken Write a sentence using Forthright Draw a picture representing Forthright

38 Word of the Day Elusive Definition – (adj) difficult to capture or comprehend Write a sentence using Elusive Draw a picture representing Elusive

39 Word of the Day Deface Definition – (v) to mar the surface or appearance of; disfigure Write a sentence using Deface Draw a picture representing Deface

40 Word of the Day Incognito Definition – (adj) hidden or in disguise Write a sentence using Incognito Draw a picture representing Incognito

41 Word of the Day Kinetic Definition – (n) pertains to motion Write a sentence using Kinetic Draw a picture representing Kinetic

42 Word of the Day Supercilious Definition – (adj) showing excessive pride Write a sentence using Supercilious Draw a picture representing Supercilious

43 Word of the Day Metamorphosis Definition – (v) a transformation Write a sentence using Metamorphosis Draw a picture representing Metamorphosis

44 Vocab Quiz!! Acrimonious Peruse Illicit Forthright Elusive Deface Incognito Kinetic Supercilious Metamorphosis

45 Word of the Day AMIABLE Definition – (adj) having or showing pleasant, good-natured personal qualities Write a sentence using Amiable Draw a picture representing Amiable

46 Word of the Day FICKLE Definition – (adj) Likely to change; instability; not constant Write a sentence using Fickle Draw a picture representing Fickle

47 Word of the Day Consolidate Definition – (v) to bring together into a single or unified whole; unite; combine Write a sentence using Consolidate Draw a picture representing Consolidate

48 Word of the Day STOIC Definition – (adj) unmoved by joy or grief Write a sentence using Stoic Draw a picture representing Stoic

49 Word of the Day DOCILE Definition – (adj) easily managed; easily trained Write a sentence using Docile Draw a picture representing Docile

50 Word of the Day OPAQUE Definition – (adj) not transparent or translucent; does not allow light to pass through Write a sentence using Opaque Draw a picture representing Opaque

51 Word of the Day AUSPICIOUS Definition – (adj) promising success or opportunity; prosperous Write a sentence using Auspicious Draw a picture representing Auspicious

52 Word of the Day EMACIATE Definition – (v) to make abnormally lean or thin by a gradual wasting away of flesh. Write a sentence using Emaciate Draw a picture representing Emaciate

53 Word of the Day HOMAGE Definition – (n) respect or reverence paid or rendered Write a sentence using Homage Draw a picture representing Homage

54 Word of the Day ANIMOSITY Definition – (n) a feeling of strong dislike Write a sentence using Animosity Draw a picture representing Animosity

55 LAST VOCAB QUIZ!!!!! Amiable Consolidate Docile Fickle Auspicious Stoic Emaciate Opaque Homage Animosity

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