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Modern Family S02E06 “Halloween”. Who loves Halloween? What do people do at Mitchell’s law firm? What’s Gloria’s problem? What happened to Phil’s neighbor?

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Presentation on theme: "Modern Family S02E06 “Halloween”. Who loves Halloween? What do people do at Mitchell’s law firm? What’s Gloria’s problem? What happened to Phil’s neighbor?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Modern Family S02E06 “Halloween”

2 Who loves Halloween? What do people do at Mitchell’s law firm? What’s Gloria’s problem? What happened to Phil’s neighbor?

3 The Phrasal Verbs 1.Dress up* 2.Get through (non) - Endure or deal with a difficult experience Sometimes it’s hard getting through English class without falling asleep. 3.Come up with (non) – think of a solution, excuse, etc. If I skip English class, I need to come up with a good excuse for the teacher. 4.Check out (sop) – look, get information Hey, check it out…Anthony is on TV. I’ll check it out on YouTube later. 5.Show up* 6.Work out*

4 The Phrasal Verbs 7.Bring in (sop) – take inside Please bring in the laundry. 8.Get on sb about (sob) – bother sb about st Don’t get on me about cleaning my room. 9.Make fun of (non) – tease I used to make fun of my brother a lot. 10.Push away (sop) – move away through force or emotion Why won’t you talk to me? Don’t push me away. 11.Get down (int) – party, have fun, have sex I’m gonna get down tonight!

5 The Phrasal Verbs 12.Get down (int) – descend, go or come down from st Please get down from the ladder. 13.Be over (int) – to be finished The movie is over at 8pm. 14.Pick on (non) – tease My brother picked on me when we were kids. 15.Take over (sop) – take control Sometimes the teacher lets the students take over the classroom, just for fun.

6 The Idioms and Other Expressions Knock sb sock’s off – be very surprising or amazing This pizza is going to knock your socks off. Epic - awesome The Dark Knight was epic. Tool / Douche – idiot, moron My dad is such a tool/douche. Guns - muscles Check out my guns! Out of the blue – unexpected I just fell down out of the blue. Dog eat dog world – a selfish and competitive world I don’t want to go to any of the SKY schools. It’s like a dog eat dog world there. Blessings in disguise – st that seems bad but turns out to be good. Losing my job was a blessing in disguise. Now I am free to travel. Wet one’s pants – pee in one’s pants Children often wet their pants. They also wet their beds.

7 What do you think about Halloween? Have you ever celebrated Halloween? Have you ever had misunderstandings or problems like Gloria?

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