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Vocabulary Week 5 Campagna. Glut  Hollywood studios glut theaters with big- budget action movies during the summer season.

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Presentation on theme: "Vocabulary Week 5 Campagna. Glut  Hollywood studios glut theaters with big- budget action movies during the summer season."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocabulary Week 5 Campagna

2 Glut  Hollywood studios glut theaters with big- budget action movies during the summer season.

3 glut  V. to provide more than is needed or wanted; to feed or fill to the point of overstuffing; n. an oversupply

4 incognito  Just before the battle, the rebel army went incognito and snuck behind enemy lines.

5 incognito  Adj., adv. In a disguised state, under an assumed name or identity; n. the state of being disguised; a person in disguise

6 invalidate  Lawyers will try to invalidate the contract if it will help their client.

7 invalidate  V. to make valueless, take away all force or effect

8 legendary  Ajax was one of the legendary Greek heros who fought before the walls of Troy.

9 legendary  Adj. described in well-known stories; existing in old stories (legends) rather than real life

10 maim  Each year, falls maim thousands of people, some of them for life.

11 maim  V. to cripple, disable, injure, mar, disfigure, mutilate

12 minimize  Whenever you are in a car, you should wear your seatbelt to minimize the risk of injury in an accident.

13 minimize  V. to make as small as possible, make the least of; to make smaller than before

14 oblique  The boxer’s oblique punch left his opponent unscathed.

15 oblique  Adj. slanting or sloping; not straightforward or direct

16 veer  The huge storm finally veered out to sea, leaving much destruction in its wake.

17 veer  V. to change direction or course suddenly, turn aside, shift, swerve

18 venerate  In a number of religions, it is customary for people to venerate saints and martyrs to the faith.

19 venerate  V. to regard with reverence, look up to with great respect

20 wanton  The gas chambers at Auschwitz are a grim testimony to the wanton cruelty of the Nazis

21 wanton  Adj. reckless; heartless; unjustifiable; loose in morals; n. a spoiled pampered person; one with low morals

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