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IC BT FSS SP PL INN PRM-PS MAGIC Motion Detectors Excellent Performance in Modern Design.

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1 IC BT FSS SP PL INN PRM-PS MAGIC Motion Detectors Excellent Performance in Modern Design


3 IC BT FSS SP PL INN PRM-PS EN, VdS ? Ready…..!

4 IC BT FSS SP PL INN PRM-PS MAGIC Highlights  MAGIC Mirror Technology  Both sensitive and reliable detection performance  Modern and elegant design  Complete detector family in 2 housings (12 / 18m)  Energy efficient and future proof  Easy, quick and error-free to install

5 IC BT FSS SP PL INN PRM-PS Multiple Sensor Filter  highest disturbance immunity Advanced Imaging of Detection Zones  homogeneous sensitivity coverage Great Detection Performance  highly sensitive but robust motion detection Integrated Antimasking Optics  antimasking covers completely PIR detection path Compact Design  thin & flat housing for complete detector family

6 IC BT FSS SP PL INN PRM-PS MAGIC Design  Modern design for every installation situation  Flat front – but full creep zone protection  Thinner than any detector family on the market

7 IC BT FSS SP PL INN PRM-PS MAGIC Design  Metallized base part  Perfect adaptation in non-white background by reflecting the colour and structure of the background  Available for 12 and 18m housing (accessory)

8 IC BT FSS SP PL INN PRM-PS Flush mount installation  Complete integration of motion detector into wall enables minimum visibility of detector  Unique feature on the market  Base part (accessory)  Fitting for all 12m versions  Security degree unchanged

9 IC BT FSS SP PL INN PRM-PS MAGIC intruder deterrence  Only 2 housings - one for 12m detection range - one for 18m detection range  All detector versions look the same  No visible differences for - PIR and Dual - Grade 2 and grade 3 (anti-mask)  Intruder must anticipate highest security level 12m 18m

10 IC BT FSS SP PL INN PRM-PS MAGIC EoL concept Easy, Error-free & Fast Installation  Pre-assembled EoL resistors for use with SPC/Sintony panel  No wiring of resistors needed  Only connect power and output cables SPC/Sintony „pre-assembled“:  lowest installation effort with Siemens panel Default

11 IC BT FSS SP PL INN PRM-PS EoL concept - Three Options THT resistor sockets:  replace resistors with alternatives  simple and flexible solution EoL-modules for most common panels  replace resistors with EoL-module (accessory) Easy, Error-free & Fast Installation Option 2 Option 3

12 IC BT FSS SP PL INN PRM-PS MAGIC Innovations Auto Walktest  After power-up detector enters walktest mode for 3 minutes  No reset of DIP switch necessary  Shorter installation time

13 IC BT FSS SP PL INN PRM-PS MAGIC Innovations Occupancy (G2 dual detectors)  Increased sensitivity in unset mode to detect small motions  Can be used for e.g. air conditioning control (via panel)  Additonal presence sensor redundant

14 IC BT FSS SP PL INN PRM-PS Energy efficient Lowest current consumption on the market - lower total energy consumption - cost savings due to smaller PSU’s and batteries TypDescriptionCurrent consumption Idle state average in mA LED on max peak in mA PDM-I12, -I18PIR 12m, 18m2.54.7 PDM-I12T, I18TPIR AM 12m, 18m3.96.6 PDM-IXx12, -IXx18Dual 12m, 18m4.010.7 PDM-IXx12T, IXx18TDual AM 12m, 18m5.713.5

15 IC BT FSS SP PL INN PRM-PS Energy efficiency – comparison of current consumption mA

16 IC BT FSS SP PL INN PRM-PS Future Proof  Complying already today to future EMC standards EN50130-4:2011 Frequency up to 2.7 GHz, Field strength 10V/m  Complying to latest approval standards VdS Klasse B, C EN50131-2 Grade 2/3 SSF NFa2p type 2/3 ….and many more

17 IC BT FSS SP PL INN PRM-PS Detection range Volumetric 12m 18m Curtain 20m 30m Homogeneous sensitivity over detection range

18 IC BT FSS SP PL INN PRM-PS Mounting / Opening Push screwdriver upwardsTurn screwdriver (underneath ceiling)

19 IC BT FSS SP PL INN PRM-PS Smart mounting accessories ¼“ adapter for camera mounting bracket All brackets with included ¼“ screws can be used (e.g. CCTV brackets) Mounting bracket for wall and ceiling installation Cable guiding in bracket Grade 2

20 IC BT FSS SP PL INN PRM-PS Pet immunity  Pet clip is clipped underneath secondary mirror  Accessory for PDM-I12

21 IC BT FSS SP PL INN PRM-PS MAGIC Portfolio quiet moderate harsh Risk Environment Pet immunity Grade 3 / anti-mask Dual Technology ResidentialCommercialBankingIndustrialSmall commercial Low MediumHigh Military PDM-IX12 Dual 12m PDM-I12 PIR 12m PDM-IX18 Dual 18m PDM-I18 PIR 18m PDM-IX12T Dual AM 12m PDM-I12T PIR AM 12m PDM-IX18T Dual AM 18m PDM-I18T PIR AM 18m

22 IC BT FSS SP PL INN PRM-PS MAGIC Accessories Description PO-C20PZ-MBG2PZ-CA Curtain lens set for PDM-I12 Mounting bracket Packing sizeSet of 4 pcs TypePO-C30 Curtain lens set for PDM-I18 1/4" Adapter for camera bracket PO-CL 1 pcSet of 4 pcs Pet clip for PDM-I12 Set of 10 pcs Product

23 IC BT FSS SP PL INN PRM-PS MAGIC Accessories Description PO-FM Flush Mount Housing Base PDM-I12 Packing size1 pc TypePO-MHB12 Metalliz. Housing Base PDM-I12 Product

24 IC BT FSS SP PL INN PRM-PS Accessories - End of Line Board Offering Type PO-PA01 Antimask EoL Panels Alarm Texecom Premier GE Master Honeywell Galaxy PO-PA02PO-PA03PO-PA04 4k7 2k2 12k 1k 6k8 4k7 12k PO-PA05 1k 3k3 RiscoCaddX, Texecom, Inim Packing size Set of 100 pcs Product Type

25 IC BT FSS SP PL INN PRM-PS MAGIC Motion Detectors Availability with VdS, EN and SSF approval DescriptionTypeVdS, EN, SSF MAGIC PIR 12m: PIR, PIR AMPDM-I12, -I12TMay 2013 18m: PIR, PIR AMPDM-I18, -I18TMay 2013 MAGIC Dual 12m: Dual, Dual AMPDM-IXD12, -IXD12TSep 2013 18m: Dual, Dual AMPDM-IXD18, -IXD18TSep 2013

26 IC BT FSS SP PL INN PRM-PS MAGIC Motion Detectors Availability of accessories TypeDescriptionDate PO-C20Curtain lens set for PDM-I12Jun ‘13 PO-C30Curtain lens set for PDM-I18Jun ’13 PZ-MBG2Mounting bracketJun ’13 PO-PA0xEoL boardsJun ‘13 PZ-CA1/4" adapter for camera bracketJun ’13 PO-MHB12Metallized housing base PDM-I12Jul ‘13 PO-FMFlush mount housing base PDM-I12Aug ’13 PO-CLPet clip for PDM-I12Sep ‘13

27 IC BT FSS SP PL INN PRM-PS MAGIC motion detectors Unrivalled detection performance through MAGIC mirror technology Modern and elegant design Unique flush mount installation Complete detector family in only 2 housings Energy efficient and future proof Easy, quick and error-free to install Part 2

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