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Unit 5 Three-View Drawings

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1 Unit 5 Three-View Drawings
Part 1-Section 2 Views Unit 5 Three-View Drawings

2 More than one view required when…
Shape of object changes Cut away or relieved geometry Complex machining required Complex fabrication

3 Most common views used View orientation Front Top Right side
Project image Line of sight


5 Front View View observer sees
Turn object until only one side can be seen Object lies on imaginary transparent plane Parallel rays leaving object forms Front View


7 Top View Process similar to developing front view
Seen squarely from a point directly above Place immediately above front view In line with front view



10 Side View View is developed same way as front & top
Imagine view from side Project parallel rays upon vertical plane


12 Front, Top, And Right Side Views
Swing top of imaginary projection box to vertical position Swing right side forward Top view is above front view Side view is to right of front view


14 Height, Width, And Depth Height-vertical distance
Width-horizontal distance Length & width used interchangeably Shop usage Depth-horizontal Front to back Shop may refer to as thickness


16 Working Drawings Actual drawing Working drawing
Top, front, & right side view No imaginary transparent planes Working drawing Completely dimensioned Notes Enough information to construct



19 Print Reading Assignment-Unit 5
Angle Bracket (BP-5A) Print Reading Assignment-Unit 5

20 Angle Bracket (BP-5A) 1. How many Angle Brackets are required?

21 Name the materials specified for the Angle Bracket.

22 State the order number of the Bracket.

23 What is the overall width (length) of the Bracket?

24 What is the overall height?

25 What is the overall depth?

26 What is dimension ? A

27 What is dimension ? B

28 What surface in the top view is represented by line in the right side view?

29 Name the three views that are used to describe the shape and size of the part.

30 What surface is the top view is represented by line in the right side view?

31 What line in the right side view represents surface in the front view?

32 What line in the right side view represents surface in the front view?

33 What line in the top view represents surface in the right side view?

34 What line in the front view represents surface in the top view?

35 What line in the right side view represents surface in the top view?

36 What kind of lines are and ? E L C D K

37 What kind of lines are and ? A B

38 What encircled letter denotes an extension line?

39 What encircled letter in the front view denotes an object line?

40 Print Reading Assignment-Unit 5
Cross Slide (BP-5B) Print Reading Assignment-Unit 5

41 What material is used for the Cross Slide?

42 How many pieces are required?

43 What is the overall width (length) of the Cross slide?

44 What is the order number?

45 What is the overall height of the Cross Slide?

46 What are the lines marked and called?

47 What do the lines marked represent?

48 What two lines in the top view represent the slot shown in the front view?

49 What line in the right side view represents the slot shown in the front view?

50 What line in the front view represents surface in the right side view?

51 What line in the front view represents surface in the top view?

52 What line in the top view represents surface in the front view?

53 What line in the side view represents surface in the top view?

54 What is the diameter of the holes?

55 What is the center-to-center dimension of the holes?

56 How far is the center of the first hole from the front surface of the slide?

57 Are the holes drilled all the way through the slide?

58 What is the width of the slot shown in the front view?

59 What is the height of the slot?

60 Determine dimension S

61 What is the width of the projection at the top of the slide?

62 How high is the projection?

63 What kind of line is ? M

64 What kind of line is used at and ?

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