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Infrared Sea Surface Temperature Autonomous Radiometer Craig Donlon and Ian Robinson, ESA AO9081 First presented at the ENVISAT validation Workshop, ESA/ESRIN,

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Presentation on theme: "Infrared Sea Surface Temperature Autonomous Radiometer Craig Donlon and Ian Robinson, ESA AO9081 First presented at the ENVISAT validation Workshop, ESA/ESRIN,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Infrared Sea Surface Temperature Autonomous Radiometer Craig Donlon and Ian Robinson, ESA AO9081 First presented at the ENVISAT validation Workshop, ESA/ESRIN, Italy, December, 2002.

2 Infrared Sea AO-9081/2: ISAR-05 Outline Review of validation activities Presentation of results Particular concerns Future validation work into 2003 and beyond Summary

3 Infrared Sea AO-9081/2: ISAR-05 Validation Activities Based on UoL project RP16 060 “AATSR Validation Program” Work package VAL600 (Issue 4, 14/9/01): Key activities are: Negotiate the deployment of in situ instruments with shipping companies. Prepare and deploy ISAR radiometers during the post-AATSR SODAP commissioning phase of Envisat. Collect, process and archive in situ measurements measurements. Order and analyse AATSR data. Analyse in situ/satellite SSST co-locations. Submit processed data to the NILU database. Provide validation reports to the VS.

4 Infrared Sea AO-9081/2: ISAR-05 Project Structure PIs: C. Donlon (9081) & I. Robinson (9082) CoPIs: M. Reynolds (BNL) & T Nightingale (RAL) Project Manager: G. Fisher In situ data and archive AATSR data archive and processing Data management E. Mason (SOC) G. Fisher (SOC) C. Donlon (JRC) SOC-LSO data management team Software development and maintenance ISAR system Calibration Instrumentation C. Donlon (JRC) G. Fisher (SOC) M. Reynolds (BNL) R. Edwards (BNL) T. Nightingale (RAL) Ancillary instruments Data logging Software development and maintenance Operations G. Fisher (SOC) V. Narzin (BF) R. Collins (SOC) C. Donlon (SOC) Liaison with Brittany Ferries Data collection and backup Hardware maintenance Installation Software maintenance Analysis C. Donlon (JRC) E. Mason (SOC) I. Robinson (SOC) AATSR-ship colocation NILU database Report to VS Software development and maintenance Validation loop (VS & DQG) Data CollectionData analysis

5 Infrared Sea AO-9081/2: ISAR-05 In situ data collection Data/instrumentation: ISAR radiometer: SSTskin SSTdepth sensors: SSTdepth UK Met Office Ship reports for each ship 2 “operational” activities in the Bay of Biscay/E. Channel area: M/V Val de Loire May 15th - June 26th 2002 M/V Pride of Bilbao and EU FerryBox project August 16 th 2002 - Present

6 Infrared Sea AO-9081/2: ISAR-05 ISAR radiometer An autonomous in situ IR radiometer: Accuracy Specification +/-0.1K rms Longevity: 3 months at sea unattended Uses a sensitive rain gauge Triggers a shutter that seals the system Dedicated real time data log system Scan drum View aperture

7 Infrared Sea AO-9081/2: ISAR-05 ISAR Installation: Val de Loire ISAR5C Mount bracket shown in place on the bridge wing. ISAR-5C radiometer and ScTi MiniORG rain sensor.

8 Infrared Sea AO-9081/2: ISAR-05 Other Instruments and Data… SBE48 internal hull SST sensor @ 5m depth. YSI thermistor located in sea chest (x2) @ 5m Kipp&Zonen CM11 pyranometer Gill Wind- master 3 axis sonic anemometer (u,v,z @ 1 sec) ISAR-5C also provides: Position cmg & smg Roll/pitch/heave Precipitation (research) Master (gps) date/time

9 Infrared Sea AO-9081/2: ISAR-05 ISAR installation: Pride of Bilbao New ISAR mount bracket New Cable run (50m !!) New Rain Gauge mount bracket

10 Infrared Sea AO-9081/2: ISAR-05 SOC FerryBox Experiment Real-time underway data via Satellite link from Thermosalinograph and Flourimeter ISAR will be interfaced to the system in January 2003

11 Infrared Sea AO-9081/2: ISAR-05 AATSR/ATSR-2 Validation indicator Derived using ISAR sky Brightness Temperatures (BTsky): Good : clear sky (BTsky <200 K)  Fair : broken cloud (200 K < BTsky < 260 K)  No chance : Cloudy sky (BTsky > 260 K) local overpass time periods of 09:30–11:30 and 21:30-23:30. To assess the effort/success: EffortIndex=N.Val.chances/N.days.Obs

12 Infrared Sea AO-9081/2: ISAR-05 Val de Loire Operations May 15th - June 26th 2002 Summary of Potential validation data points: Good: 37 (Effort index=1.028) Fair: 42 (Effort Index=1.16) None: 29 (Effort Index=0.806)

13 Infrared Sea AO-9081/2: ISAR-05 Pride of Bilbao Operations  No chance: Cloudy sky (BTsky > 260 K)  Effort Index=NaN 22-26 October 2002

14 Infrared Sea AO-9081/2: ISAR-05 AATSR/ATSR-2 & RA-2 data Started to receive data 4 weeks ago… No time to process the data yet No data prior to September 2002 Work in progress…

15 Infrared Sea AO-9081/2: ISAR-05 Particular concerns Piloting a new system that will mature as we continue through 2003 Validation is not a 6 month only experiment test instrument performance atmospheric correction strategies geophysical data accuracy It is an important (but often overlooked) satellite mission component; an incomplete validation program: it becomes impossible to demonstrate any independent confidence limits for the geophysical satellite data products. In the case of satellite SST data sets having accuracies better than 0.3 K the quality of the in situ measurement becomes a critical factor NILU... Need an on-going funded validation program for AATSR Staff shortage… Operations and equipment calibration/maintenance funding

16 Infrared Sea AO-9081/2: ISAR-05 The Future Will continue operations on the M/V Pride of Bilbao until funding runs out (mid 2003). Collaboration with University of Miami under the NOPP ISAR aboard the Falstaff Inter-comparisons with other radiometers More ISAR radiometers are being solicited (UK, India, Japan, USA) Commercialization in July 2003 Planned Experiment in June 2003 Aqua-Alta Tower N. Adriatic. Scatterometers Visible radiometers IR radiometers Effect of sea state on sky corrections

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