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Lecture 3 – neutrino oscillations and hadrons

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1 Lecture 3 – neutrino oscillations and hadrons
Review of leptons Neutrino oscillations Introduction to hadrons FK7003

2 The lepton family Charge (e) Mass (GeV) e- (e+) -1 (+1) 0.0005 ne,(ne)
Spin 1/2 Lepton (antilepton) Charge (e) Mass (GeV) e- (e+) -1 (+1) 0.0005 ne,(ne) 0 m- (m+) 0.105 nm (nm) t- (t+) 1.8 nt (nt) 6 leptons + antileptons. Divided into 3 families/flavours/multipletes: electron,muon tau FK7003

3 Lepton interactions e- m- m- e- e- nm m+
W- g nm m+ Charged leptons interact via the em and weak forces. Neutrinos only interact via the weak force. Lepton number is always conserved at a vertex and in the whole process. As for all forces: Charge conservation and energy-momentum conservation for incoming and outgoing particles. Charge is conserved at a vertex though energy can appear to be violated when dealing with ”internal lines” (lecture 1). FK7003

4 Neutrino masses Mass (MeV) ne < 0.0003 nm <0.2 nt <18 Lepton

5 Neutrino oscillations
m+ p+ Conserves Lm nm Conserves Lt nt t- Whole process violates: Lm, Lt FK7003

6 Neutrino oscillation formalism

7 Real(ni) Real(ni) Real(na) FK7003 nb probability L na prob. na prob.

8 Neutrino Interactions in Matter
l I0 I(x) 103 106 109 n Neutrino interaction lengthi In water/km x  interaction 1 103 106 E  (TeV) Probability of interaction ~ 10-5 / km water at 100 TeV energy 100 billion neutrinos pass through your thumbnail each second but only 1-2 will interact in your body during your lifetime. FK7003

9 Neutrinos arriving at Earth – not for the exam
Relevant for this lecture relics from Big Bang nuclear reactions in Sun explosions of supernova Flux/energy (cm-2s-1MeV-1) natural radioactive decay in Earth nuclear reactors remnants of supernova interactions of cosmic rays in atmosphere Active Galactic Nuclei Neutrino energy (eV) FK7003

10 Atmospheric neutrinos and Super Kamiokande
Boat FK7003

11 Super-K: nm oscillations
From above 15 km Super-K no oscillations P(nm nm ) (Data/Prediction for oscillations) oscillations Earth From below 13000 km FK7003

12 Atmospheric neutrino results
E=1 GeV FK7003

13 Neutrinos arriving at Earth – not for the exam
Relevant for this lecture relics from Big Bang nuclear reactions in Sun explosions of supernova Flux/energy (cm-2s-1MeV-1) natural radioactive decay in Earth nuclear reactors remnants of supernova interactions of cosmic rays in atmosphere Active Galactic Nuclei Neutrino energy (eV) FK7003

14 Neutrinos in the sun – not for the exam
Fusion process leading to aa kne measured flux on earth can be predicted Solar neutrino energies FK7003

15 Solar neutrino problem

16 SNO FK7003

17 Results FK7003

18 Generalise for 3 neutrinos

19 Mass2 (eV2) 0.003 Flavour composition of mass state. 0.0001 FK7003

20 Question FK7003

21 Question FK7003

22 Question FK7003

23 Summary of neutrino oscillations
Neutrinos produced in the weak force are flavour eigenstates but not mass eigenstates. Neutrino oscillations between flavours occur as a consequence of non-zero mixing angles and a non- zero difference between the mass states Experiments on atmospheric and solar neutrinos demonstrate neutrino oscillations. FK7003

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