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28 February 2011 International School Bangkok. What is IB? IBO - International Baccalaureate Organization IB Diploma – the recognized award for successful.

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Presentation on theme: "28 February 2011 International School Bangkok. What is IB? IBO - International Baccalaureate Organization IB Diploma – the recognized award for successful."— Presentation transcript:

1 28 February 2011 International School Bangkok

2 What is IB? IBO - International Baccalaureate Organization IB Diploma – the recognized award for successful completion of the IB Diploma program including 6 academic subjects with required assessments including examinations and 3 other components IB Certificates – the recognized award for the successful completion of 1 or more academic subjects with required assessments including examinations

3 Why does ISB have IB? Excellent academic programme – high quality curriculum with external examinations College preparation curriculum for a college prep school (ISB graduates in all kinds of colleges and universities report that it is good preparation) International community at the school – IB diploma is recognized in 120 countries so it can be useful to most, if not all, our students The IB diploma programme matches the mission and vision of this school and what it wants to achieve for it’s students, that is, reaching their academic potential.

4 Becoming an IB diploma student Reasons: (current juniors) “I want to challenge myself” “I wanted to prove to myself I could do it.” “I think the colleges will see what I can do.” “My parents made me do it” Sibling Friends Discussions with counselors Open access at ISB – but need to start in 11 th grade

5 An ISB graduate view of IB diploma “I was so prepared for classes at college. I understood what the professor was talking about in class so I could follow the discussion. There was still lots of new information but I wasn’t confused or anxious like the others.” “The Extended Essay really gave me the experience to know how to research and write at length. I understand the value (of it)now and I remember what it felt like to finish it.” “It’s good to meet other IB diploma students and swap stories. It doesn’t seem so difficult once you have your results, but I’m proud of what I achieved.”

6 Should I do IB diploma if… I’m involved in: a) 2 or 3 season sports b) performance both semesters and CC c) MUN, Debate, Forensics, CC d) many out of school activities e) participate in many service activities I am planning on going to college in: a) USA, Canada b) Japan, Korea

7 Planning to do the diploma Read the Program of Studies Discuss with your counselor Discuss subject choices and levels with your teachers Talk to Miss Lund Make a plan…


9 IB classes at ISB (selected in 10 th grade for 11 th and 12 th grade) 1. Two year courses 2. Higher (HL) and Standard (SL) level options. 3. Only 3 SL subjects offered in one year: History, Psychology and Computer Science 4. Assessments completed during the 2 years with written examination in May of final year 5. IB Diploma and IB Certificate students are in the same class

10 ISB INTERNATIONAL BACCCALAUREATE DIPLOMA PROGRAM 2011 - 2012 Group 1Group 2Group 3Group 4Group 5Group 6Mandatory Language ALanguage B, Ab initio Individuals and Societies Experimental Sciences MathematicsArtsAdditional requirements Higher Level (Two year courses) Literature: Engilish Language and Literature: English Japanese Thai French Dutch Mandarin Spanish French B Japanese B Mandarin B Spanish B Dutch B Business and Management Economics Geography History – Americas History – Asia and Oceania Biology Chemistry Physics MathematicsDance Music Theatre Arts Visual Arts OR additional Group 2 subject, Group 3 subject, Group 4 subject, Group 5 -Computer Science Mandatory class Theory Of Knowledge(TOK) 11 th – 2 nd sem, 12 th – 1 st sem Outside of classes Extended Essay (4000 words) 11 th – 2 nd sem, 12 th – 1 st sem Standard Level (Two year courses, unless indicated otherwise) Literature: Engilish Language and Literature: English Japanese Thai French Dutch Mandarin Spanish French B Japanese B Mandarin B Spanish B Dutch B Business and Management Economics Geography Environmental Systems and Societies One year courses: History Psychology Biology Chemistry Physics Environmental Systems and Societies Math Standard Math Studies Dance Music Theatre Arts Visual Arts OR additional Group 2 subject, Group 3 subject, Group 4 subject, One year course: Group 5 -Computer Science (CAS) Creativity, Action, Service (minimum 150 hours over 2 years) Tutoring program for other A: Literature languages For beginners: French ab initio Spanish ab initio

11 Becoming an IB diploma student Planning your two year programme: Be sure you have a set of documents; IB course table with IB planning table; 4 year planning document (10 th grade) All course descriptions are in the Program of Studies ISB website – HS/Curriculum section

12 ISB INTERNATIONAL BACCCALAUREATE DIPLOMA PROGRAM 2011 - 2012 Group 1Group 2Group 3Group 4Group 5Group 6Mandatory Language ALanguage B, Ab initio Individuals and Societies Experimental Sciences MathematicsArtsAdditional requirements Higher Level (Two year courses) Literature: Engilish Language and Literature: English Japanese Thai French Dutch Mandarin Spanish French B Japanese B Mandarin B Spanish B Dutch B Business and Management Economics Geography History – Americas History – Asia and Oceania Biology Chemistry Physics MathematicsDance Music Theatre Arts Visual Arts OR additional Group 2 subject, Group 3 subject, Group 4 subject, Group 5 -Computer Science Mandatory class Theory Of Knowledge(TOK) 11 th – 2 nd sem, 12 th – 1 st sem Outside of classes Extended Essay (4000 words) 11 th – 2 nd sem, 12 th – 1 st sem Standard Level (Two year courses, unless indicated otherwise) Literature: Engilish Language and Literature: English Japanese Thai French Dutch Mandarin Spanish French B Japanese B Mandarin B Spanish B Dutch B Business and Management Economics Geography Environmental Systems and Societies One year courses: History Psychology Biology Chemistry Physics Environmental Systems and Societies Math Standard Math Studies Dance Music Theatre Arts Visual Arts OR additional Group 2 subject, Group 3 subject, Group 4 subject, Group 5 -Computer Science (CAS) Creativity, Action, Service (minimum 150 hours over 2 years) Tutoring program for other A: Literature languages For beginners: French ab initio Spanish ab initio

13 IB classes 1: Native or taught first language 2: Taught second language Language A: Literature Higher and Standard level English Language A: Language and Literature Higher and Standard level Dutch English French Japanese Chinese Thai Language B (with previous experience/learning) Higher and Standard level Dutch French Japanese Mandarin Spanish Language ab initio (beginners) Standard level only French Spanish

14 IB classes 3: Individuals and society 4: Experimental Sciences HL and SL Business and Management Economics Geography History (SL one year course) HL History of Americas HL History of Asia and Oceania SL only Psychology (one year course) Theory of Knowledge (IB diploma students only) HL and SL Biology Chemistry Physics SL only Environmental Systems and Societies

15 IB classes 5: Mathematics 6: Arts Three courses available – teacher recommendations Math HL Math SL Mathematical Studies SL Not Mathematics but available as HL and SL Computer Science HL and SL – note pre-requisities Dance Music Theatre Visual Art

16 IB course planner Select from the matrix to complete the table: 3 HL only; 3 SL only; TOK mandatory class Must have Groups 1 – 5; Group 6 can be second class from Groups 1 - 5 Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5 Group 6 TOK 3 HL Eng A: Lit History3:Geog 3 SL Span BBiologyMath

17 Make up of an IB diploma 3 Higher level subjects Choose from Groups 1 - 6 3 Standard level subjects Choose from Groups 1 - 6 TOK Extended Essay CAS Complete over 2 years of programme

18 IB diploma – Science focus 3 Higher level subjects Math Chemistry Physics 3 Standard level subjects English: Lit or L/L French B Geography TOK Extended Essay CAS Complete over 2 years of programme

19 IB diploma – Arts focus 3 Higher level subjects English A: Lit Theatre Dance, Music or Visual Arts 3 Standard level subjects Spanish B Environmental Systems and Societies Math SL or Math Studies TOK Extended Essay CAS Complete over 2 years of programme

20 IB diploma – Social Studies focus 3 Higher level subjects English A: Lit History: Asia/Oceania Economics 3 Standard level subjects Mandarin B Biology Math SL or Math Studies TOK Extended Essay CAS Complete over 2 years of programme

21 IB bilingual diploma 3 Higher level subjects Japanese L/L Business and Management Music 3 Standard level subjects English A: L/L Chemistry Math SL or Math Studies TOK Extended Essay CAS Complete over 2 years of programme

22 IB diploma results 3 Higher level subjects Max score per subject: 7 Minimum total: 12 Maximum: 21 3 Standard level subjects Max score per subject: 7 Maximum: 21 TOK Extended Essay CAS TOK and EE scored A – E 3 bonus points Max total diploma: 45 pts Diploma awarded: 24 pts

23 IB course selection For 10 th grade students: January/February Discussions with counselors, teachers and parents in (diploma, certificates, no IB) Program of Studies online in January – read carefully and read prerequisites Current 10 th grade classes – teachers will review 11 th and 12 th grade courses in February February/March Prospective IB diploma students meet with IB coordinator Course registration in March

24 Talking about IB diploma and certificates Learn about the IB programme options from the IB coordinator Talk to your counselor Talk to visiting college admissions officers about IB diploma and certificate policies

25 IB and colleges – latest news Myth vs Reality Only UK and Australian universities are interested in the IB. I’m going to the US, I don’t need IB. Japanese universities don’t recognize the IB. The IB is too hard and it is only for smart people.

26 IB and University applications University expectation of IB examination results: UK, European, Australian university acceptances or conditional offers based on predicted and final grades Many US and Canadian colleges requesting IB exam predicted grades on applications ISB Transcript notation for clarity – no IB exam

27 For more information… …go to the IB Blog Access through Inside ISB or Parent Portal

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