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The Five Step Formula for Sunday School Growth General Leadership.

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3 The Five Step Formula for Sunday School Growth
General Leadership

4 Sunday School or Small Group?
The following characteristics tie Sunday School and small groups to Flake’s Formula, no matter what you call it at your church. The primary text is the Bible. Outreach is the primary focus. New people can enter the group anytime. The style of ministry is relational. It is a long-term, ongoing group. The group’s purposes match the five purposes of the church.

5 The Five Steps Know the possibilities Enlarge the organization
Provide space and equipment Enlist the leaders Go after the people

6 Know the Possibilities
Gather the data and take stock. Understand the information. Engage your leaders to understand the data. Get agreement that possibilities exist. Constantly communicate the possibilities.

7 Gather Data and Take Stock
Review Primary Ministry Area with pastor and church staff. Identify how you will gather information: Door-to-door surveys (Summer mission team or in-house ministry opportunity) Special events FRAN’s: Friends, relatives, associates and neighbors

8 Understand the Information
You have to take the time to review the information that has been collected so you more fully understand it. Need help? Marketing professionals in your church or community may be able to help you more fully understand demographic information

9 Help Leaders and Teachers Understand the Information
Share your understanding of the demographic information with your department directors and leaders. Encourage leaders to share relevant information with their teachers in their area of focus. e.g. “There are 100 unchurched families within three miles of our church and we need volunteers to help us begin visiting them.”

10 Enlarge the organization
Prepare for the possibilities. Organize by age groups. Start new units. Enlarge in every age group. To be sure, a few people will join as a result of being visited but there can be no permanent growth unless there is an organization strong enough to reach, hold, and teach the people . . . —Arthur Flake

11 Prepare for the possibilities
Develop organization based on potential not current attendance Organize by department Organize by group Organize by class

12 Organize by age groups Make it easier to reach those who ought to study the Bible. Make it easier to teach those who are studying the Bible. Make sure someone is responsible to share Jesus with each person studying the Bible.

13 Start New Units Starting new units is the most important principle of church growth. New groups grow faster than established groups. New units empower possibilities. Go HERE for ideas on new units.

14 Enlarge Every Age Group
Enlarging the preschool is key to growth. Multiple preschool areas allow for greater ministry to preschoolers and parents. Enlarge to meet needs. Create a class for each primary grade. Separate 6th graders as a transition year.

15 Enlarge Every Age Group
Enlarge the organization for students Create a department to help students transition to adulthood. Enlarge for adults Allow flexibility so age and circumstance are used to create new classes.

16 Provide Space and Equipment
Follow ideal space recommendations. Have multiple Sunday School hours. Remember that students are flexible. Have a Master/Teacher approach. Be open to off-campus group meetings: Schools Coffee shops Book stores Libraries Homes

17 Ideal Space Recommendations
Preschool 35 sq. feet / student Children sq. feet / student Youth sq. feet / student Adults 12 – 15 sq. feet / adult Special Needs 25 sq. feet / student

18 NOT Ideal Space Options
Multiple Sunday Schools Challenging but not impossible Ask others that have done it Plan, plan, plan Master Teacher / Flexible Students Teach concepts in large groups and do application activities in smaller groups around tables, in hallways, etc. Some groups don’t mind noise or change; allow them to experiment with space that’s not ideal.

19 Enlist and Train Workers
The 10 Factor Enlisting workers Importance of training The apprentice Curriculum connection

20 Enlist Workers Enrollment potential is seldom higher than 10 times the number of workers Three steps to enlistment: Pray publicly and privately for workers. Make a list of prospective workers. Secure the consent of those selected.

21 Enlist Workers Enlist with integrity/ Don’t say ‘NO’ for someone else.
Have a face-to-face conversation. Between Sunday School and Worship is never acceptable Describe what they can expect from you. Describe what you expect from them. Give them time to pray and respond. Don’t say ‘NO’ for someone else. They can’t consent if they aren’t asked.

22 Train Workers Training is important. Training methods vary.
Self-study; Christian Growth Study Plan Boot camp or Kickoff Week Conference Centers Sunday School Week in the summer State and Association events and clinics

23 Train Workers Apprentice teachers Curriculum Connection
Assigned to a particular class Teacher acts as primary mentor Opportunity to discover gifts and develop skills and abilities over time Curriculum Connection Biblically sound Developmentally sound Similar curriculum can improve enlistment

24 Go After the People 5 This is the meaningful challenge.
Be intentional. Don’t give up.

25 Be Intentional Categorize prospects
Guests that have visited Guests that haven’t visited yet Set a definite time, BUT encourage all the time contacts. Make face-to-face contact with prospects. Follow-up with phone calls, letters, and . Report on contacts made to encourage additional contact, and help show members where they might intersect with prospects.

26 Be Intentional Leave something with contact information to remind them you were there. Open enrollment; anytime anywhere An empty chair shows we are open to new members. Use all resources to say “We’re Open” Church bulletins, Web sites, advertisements

27 Don’t Give Up It may take 20 contacts to get a person to attend.
Lives and souls are at stake. Every name represents a person who needs Jesus.

28 if you need additional information.
Thanks for reviewing The 5 Step Formula for Sunday School Growth Please contact us at if you need additional information.

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