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AWIPS II Status Update NWS Staff Meeting November 30, 2010.

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1 AWIPS II Status Update NWS Staff Meeting November 30, 2010

2 2 Events Since Last CB Brief Sep. 23 - CB Brief Oct. 18 - DUS Brief –Approved re-baselined schedule Commitment to No-Later-Than Q1 FY12 deployment NWS Target: Deployment Start Q4 FY11 Oct. 18 –> 22 – Forecaster Initial Testing (FIT) #14 –Localized to Salt Lake City Oct. 27 – Don Berchoff sponsored telco with RD’s on AWIPS II & local apps Oct. 29 – Commerce IT Review Board (CITRB) Brief –New schedule formally briefed and accepted Closely watching progress Status update due in March ‘11 DR’s down almost 500 –932 Open impact 1-3’s as of 11/19 v.s. 1428 on Sep. 23

3 3 Actions Status Update #Action Source StatusNotes 1Enlist RD support to mobilize Local Applications team to identify and eliminate Local Application duplications; and develop a strategy to fence off critical field personnel CB 9/23 In Progress Results of scrub presented in this brief. Going well right now. Will keep watch on need to fence off resources 2Schedule monthly AWIPS II telecon for OST/D with RDs; one week following each FIT CB 9/23 Closed First one held Oct. 27 3Arrange a meeting with Dave Caldwell to brief him on Field OT&E and early deployment strategy CB 9/23 Closed Meeting held 4Determine whether NCEP Centers can constitute an "official deployment" site CB 9/23 Closed OBE due to re-baselined schedule there is no need 5Determine if Honolulu WFO, due to ties with NAWIPS, could be considered an early deployment site (RD looking into prospect) RD Telco 10/27 Closed OBE due to re-baselined schedule there is no need 6Investigate and report on possible solutions to Pacific Region regarding feasibility of getting live data to their ADAM platforms RD Telco 10/27 Closed Investigations have occurred, testing planned. Raytheon will report test results by Dec. 3 7Investigate and report on possible solutions to Alaska Region regarding feasibility of getting live data to their ADAM platforms RD Telco 10/27 Closed Same as #6 8Provide answer to Pacific Region as to how and when they are going to get access to the MCIDAS/MTSAT data via satellite RD Telco 10/27 Closed NCO has developed an AWIPS II plugin. Will turn over to Raytheon for inclusion in initial deployment. Earliest date for deployment to PR would be Field OT&E (June-Sep. ’11)

4 4 Overview AWIPS II steadily improving Raytheon DR fixing productivity increasing –Avg. 110 fixes per week over last three weeks –4 weeks of schedule margin Regions scrub of local apps reduced critical list by 324 (19%) –5 critical remaining to complete for entry into Phase II of System OT&E –Currently, no blocking DR’s Training still a risk –Application Focal Point modules are the biggest challenge Acceptable drafts by April 15, for Field OT&E New approach for FFMP expected to show success in December –Small team of focused experts for each module »Focus on differences between AWIPS I and AWIPS II »Training Division staff to provide training development technique, mission oriented focus and AWIPS I expertise »Raytheon to provide targeted AWIPS II expertise from individual developers on an application by application basis –Use as model for remaining modules Next FIT (Dec 6  17) is critical for entrance into Phase II of System OT&E –Testing service backup –Testing fully localized RFC –Stability 12 day stability assessment No more than 15 minutes total of system downtime –WarnGen performance key

5 5 DR Progress Tracking Open Planned v.s. Actual (11/19/10) 5 # of Open DR’s 104 net DR decrease, (v.s. 44 planned) 3 wk. rolling avg. = 104 (decrease) 2.69 DR’s per person per week, for current wk. –2.46 wk. ending 11/12, 3.28 wk. ending 11/05 Raytheon staff: 39 (unchanged from wk. ending 6/28) 105 DR’s fixed last week. Avg. 110/wk, last 3 wks. –96 wk. ending 11/12, 128 wk. ending 11/5 Actuals as of (11/19/10) 0% rework rate (0 failed DR’s out of 11 tested) –9% wk. ending 11/12 28% wk. ending 11/5 22 DR’s Discovered last week Avg. 27/wk, last 3 wks –13 DRs wk ending 11/12, 47 DRs wk. ending 11/05 FIT Tests System OT&E Test Periods

6 66 Local Applications Before System OT&E Phase II Start Phase II System OT&E

7 77 Local Application Migration Status 5 Remaining Critical Local Apps ApplicationMigration Lead Migr. Tech. Expert OfficeStatusIssues and Concerns ClimoPoPDave MyrickJohn OlsenWRHIn ProgressProposed Completion Date 12/17/2010 erhLAPSJoshua Watson N/AERHIn ProgressShould be only minor changes. Verify in Dec Release Proposed Completion Date 12/15/2010. Meet-Me NotificationJohn LagueWufeng Zhou KRFIn Progress75% complete. Outstanding Alert Vis DR. Proposed Completion Date 12/15/2010. qpfHelperKen PomeroyTom McGuire WRHIn ProgressProposed Completion Date 12/17/2010 CopyFromModelISCTom LefebrveTom McGuire GSDTesting Blocked Need to populate the ISC database with grids. Will be addressed in Nov TIM. Proposed Completion Date 12/30/2010.

8 88 Start Field OT&E Local Applications Before Field OT&E Start Phase II System OT&E Regional Inventory Review

9 99 Start Field OT&E Start Deployment Local Applications Before Deployment Start Phase II System OT&E Regional Inventory Review

10 10 Training Progress Application Focal Point Training Target: Acceptable Drafts of All Modules Complete by April 15, 2011

11 11 AWIPS II Schedule PhaseDescriptionStartFinish 1System OT&E Phase I5/10/20101/7/2011 2System OT&E Phase II1/10/20115/27/2011 Install at NWSHQ and NWS Training Center January Install at Central Region HQ and Southern Region HQ February Install at Western, Eastern and Pacific Region HQ March - May 3Field OT&E5/31/2011 4Deployment9/30/2011

12 12 ADAM Status – AWIPS II Data & Application Migration (ADAM) platform: a standalone, workstation platform (leveraging scalability of AWIPS II software) using “baseline AWIPS II software” enables sites to migrate local data BEFORE AWIPS II installation, and migrate local applications prior to system deployment to mitigate technical and schedule risk. – 45 sites have been identified as Beta sites – 19 sites installed so far – ingesting data successfully Delivered with November software release (R1G1-5) – Draft localization documents on track to be delivered Dec 1 Sites can begin localizing – Once localized, sites can begin migration activities immediately with platform as is i.e. no software upgrade needed Existing DR’s in baseline functionality will not prevent local apps from being migrated – New DR’s could be found that will prevent some local apps from being migrated » These will be prioritized appropriately by Test Review Group for resolution by Raytheon Local apps that can be immediately migrated will not have to be re-done later Raytheon NCF will take trouble calls and support – ADAM is non-operational so Trouble Tickets are will be lower priority than operational tickets and will be worked as resources are available – AWIPS II DR’s can be written but must be filtered for duplicates and ADAM specific issues Raytheon will update software periodically – depending on local apps and site migration needs

13 13 NCEP NAWIPS Migration Status Vendor missed key hardware delivery date of 11/4 On track to meet new delivery date of 11/24 –Vendor agreed to significant compensation for missed delivery Impact to schedule NCO Test Bed TasksOriginal Scheduled Date Schedule Slip Date Delivery of Test Bed Hardware to WWB11/05/201011/24/2010 Hardware Installation by RTS completed11/19/201012/10/2010 Software Installation and Configuration by SIB completed 12/03/201012/23/2010 Dataflow established to Testbed by NCO12/10/20101/07/2011 SIB Testing/Checkout Completed12/17/20101/14/2011 Begin NCEP FIT’s w/National Center Participation 12/20/201001/18/2011 Impact #1: SIB will not have time to test software on Test Bed prior to software handoff to RTS scheduled for December 13 Impact #2: This will extend OTE for NCEP

14 14 Summary Continue to support FIT’s and follow-on System OT&E Test Periods with field personnel Once ADAM is installed and localized, expect sites to begin local apps and site migration activities Support training development –Support new small-team expert approach to get training materials in good enough shape for Field OT&E April 15 th target

15 15 Backup

16 16 Preliminary Results of Regions Scrub of Local Apps (11/12/10) RegionFBSO Before FBSO After FBFO Before FBFO After Deploy. Before Deploy After Total Before Total After Diff/ (%) AR33213120284462+18 /(44) CR22989922757327156-171/ (-48) ER22214 240230456446-10/ (-2) PR00883311 0/(0) SR2256372162372742677/(-3) WR132193236414261620466-153/ (-25) Other224410 16 0/(0) Total2413594629113082617481424-324/ (-19)

17 17 AWIPS II System OT&E Phase 2 Entrance Criteria Status ElementStatusColor Code All Impact 1-Critical, 2-critical, 2-high and 3-critical DRs in the first bin by 11/26/10 There are 36 DRs that are still open Cautiously Optimistic FBSO critical local applications successfully migrated8 applications complete, 5 incomplete Cautiously Optimistic Radar Interface Certification Test successfully completedTest complete. Certification received for non-operational sites On Track RRS interface test successfully completedTest complete. One issue identified. Retest planned once issue has been resolved. On Track Performance and Stability must be at acceptable levels for at least 12 consecutive days Discussions are ongoing for determining specific criteria/metrics. Tentatively will use the December pre-FIT and FIT period as 12 day test Concern Operating System Upgrade beta test has started and is a prerequisite for installation at the 5 RHQ System Test sites Beta has started on schedule with no major problems. On Track NCF is ready to support transition from TTRs to TT.The NCF is currently training personnel on the aspects of the new software. Cautiously Optimistic Hardware: LAN Switch installation completedInstallation complete at all System Test sites. On Track Hardware: LX installation completedInstallation complete at all System Test sites. On Track Hardware: DX1/DX2/PV installation completed11 sites complete, 2 incomplete (NTCA and NTCC). On Track Hardware: DX3/DX4 installation completed11 sites complete, 2 incomplete (NTCA and NTCC). On Track Hardware: Rack Consolidation/Modem Nest installation5 sites complete (NTCD, NHDA, NMTW, NHOR and NMTR), 8 incomplete. Cautiously Optimistic Updated draft of localization, SMM and variance training documentation SMM: An interim update occurred October 2010. Forecaster Variance: latest version was released with the October FIT. Cautiously Optimistic Draft installation instructions that are suitable to begin mod note development Redesign under evaluation Cautiously Optimistic Support Task Order for Phase II must be approved and in placeCurrent Task Order in place through February 1, 2011. On Track ITSO provides Status update on Certification and Accreditation activities, including providing Authority to Operate at RHQ. AWIPS Program Office to get required clearance by end of the year. On Track Configure and localize software for RFC operations are availableOn schedule. Goal is to complete by December FIT Cautiously Optimistic

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