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A Unique Partnership: The MN Workforce Center System and Adult Basic Education Juanita Lauritsen, CEO, SW MN Private Industry Council Jill Miller, Manager,

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Presentation on theme: "A Unique Partnership: The MN Workforce Center System and Adult Basic Education Juanita Lauritsen, CEO, SW MN Private Industry Council Jill Miller, Manager,"— Presentation transcript:

1 A Unique Partnership: The MN Workforce Center System and Adult Basic Education Juanita Lauritsen, CEO, SW MN Private Industry Council Jill Miller, Manager, WEST ABE Pat Thomas, Manager, SW ABE Connie Ireland, Regional Administrator, MN DEED Steve Larson, Regional Administrator, MN DEED

2 A Unique Partnership! AGENDA Workforce Investment Act of 1998 Workforce Investment Board Workforce Center System Partners How ABE aligns with 16 WSA’s Benefits of ABE & Workforce Center Partnerships Other key players and their roles The future of the partnership Finish with Q & A with the presenters

3 Minnesota’s 16 WSA’s: 1. Northwest PIC 2. Rural MN CEP 3. Northeast MN 4.City of Duluth 5. Central MN 6.SW MN PIC 7. South Central 8. Southeastern MN 9. Hennepin-Carver 10. City of Minneapolis 12. Anoka 14. Dakota-Scott 15. Ramsey 16. Washington 17. Stearns-Benton 18. Winona County

4 Workforce Center Locations

5 The Workforce Investment Act of 1998 (Federal Law) Co-Located partners into Workforce Centers or One- Stops Partners signed cost- allocation plans (Different Funding streams) One-Stops must have a resource room with computers, a receptionist, ADA Accessibility Memorandum of Understanding with partners Created Workforce Investment Boards

6 SW MN Workforce Investment Board (26 Member Board) 14 Private Business 2 Organized Labor 1 Economic Dev 3 Education 1 Public Employment Services 3 Community-Based Organization 1 Public Assistance 1 Voc-Rehabilitation

7 SW MN WORKFORCE COUNCIL – 14 COUNTIES MISSION “To be the accountable champion for an effective workforce development system that is appropriately integrated with economic and education development.” VISION “ Provide a diverse and high quality workforce that best meets the needs and challenges of the citizens and businesses of the Southwest Minnesota Region.”

8 Workforce Investment Board Goals Improve Business Service Delivery Integrate workforce & economic development strategies for labor market regions Determine critical growth & emerging employment needs for the region by industry sector; i.e. Manufacturing, Bioscience, Healthcare, etc. Engage the community in the workforce challenges for the region and enlist support in addressing the identified issues

9 Workforce Center Partners, Programs and Services Adult Training Program Community-Based Services and Youth Services Disability Services Dislocated-Worker Program Job Service and Veterans Employment Service Migrant and Seasonal Farm-worker Program MN State Services for the Blind MN Veterans Licensure and Certification Program Minnesota’s Job Bank Rehabilitation Services Senior Community Service Employment Program Veterans Programs Workforce Center Resource Areas

10 Adult Basic Education Mission Statement To provide adults with opportunities to acquire and improve the essential skills necessary to be self-sufficient and to be contributing citizens, productive employees and effective family members.

11 Why Adult Basic Education and Workforce Partnership? 40% of people in the United States lack basic skills necessary to get or retain a job 42% of MFIP caseload does not have a high school degree or equivalent (DHS TANF Report) 36% of job applicants tested by major U.S. Firms in 1998 lacked the reading and math skills to do the job they sought (this figure is up form 23% in 1997 (Am. Mgt. Assn.) 12% of Minnesotans over 25 years old lack high school degree or equivalency. ABE “target population” shows 624,250 adults (2000 Census)

12 Teaching ABE in a WFC Monthly Reports ABE Referral Form Instructional Services Gold mine for ABE- waiting to be tapped- WFC Partnerships and beyond – SW ABE WEST ABE Lab - CMJTS ABE lab made up 18 % of West ABE’s total hours in FY05 Waiting Lists

13 The Good News – ROI! US Census 2000 reports that the average H.S. graduate or equivalent earns $7000 more per year than a H.S. dropout In FY 2004, 1,877 ABE learners gained (or bettered) their employment. Using minimum wage statistics for those gaining employment, $12 million in additional personal income was generated and thus resulted in $1 million in new tax revenue for FY2004 In FY 2004 at least 176 ABE learners left public assistance (under-reported due to self-report). At an average welfare cost of $12,600 per family, this represents an annual savings to the state of $2,218,000

14 In the State and Federal Eye ABE Programs are extremely cost- efficient and effective Over 88% of ABE Costs are used for instructional salaries One out of every eleven diplomas issued in MN during 2004 was a GED or H.S. Diploma issued through the ABE System Reduction in recidivism

15 Minnesota State College and Universities (MNSCU) The Minnesota State Colleges and Universities system is made up of 32 institutions, including 25 two-year colleges and seven state universities. The system is separate from the University of Minnesota. Population and target audience The role of MNSCU? Business needs – are we prepared? Who are the partners? How are they identified? How can we let them know about us?

16 Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) The agency's mission is to support the economic success of individuals, businesses, and communities by improving opportunities for growth. DEED is the state's principal economic development agency, with programs promoting business recruitment, expansion, and retention; workforce development; international trade; and community development. Workforce Development Workforce Development Division supports local and statewide partners to provide training for unemployed, dislocated workers, and incumbent workers. Business Services provide a solutions network to meet the demands of business. MN Job Skills Partnership provides financial resources for businesses to develop skills training for their employees. Connie or Dave insert

17 Regional Administrators for DEED Connie Ireland – Regional Administrator for SW MN The Regional Administrators facilitate a strategic approach to coordinate workforce and economic development within a region of the state through successful integration of Workforce Development activities with other businesses and regional economic development activities. This approach is accomplished through successful partnerships within DEED, state entities, Workforce Councils, regional and local economic development organizations, MN State Colleges and Universities, non-profit organizations, private investment entities and local businesses.

18 Word-of-mouth marketing Know your MNSCU and Workforce partners. They may be the best marketer of your services! Website: This site will be consistently updated with current information. Check for partners in your area today!

19 The Future of ABE and Workforce Development ABE Direction and Employability What is the focus of your ABE Program? How was your direction decided? Is everyone on board?

20 Let them know about ABE! Do you know where your closest Workforce Center is located? Are your ABE programs isolated or connected to the Workforce? Do you know your: –MFIP Director? –WSA Director? –WIB Chairperson? –DEED Representative? –Chamber Director? –Welfare–to-work counselors? How has this paid off? Win-win situation.

21 Could changing our focus really make a difference? What will an ABE program look like that...... is workforce focused?... teaches healthcare, parenting and computer skills and civic responsibility?... focuses on teaching individuals the skills necessary to be the best employee they can be.

22 The Future? Where do we go from here? How can we become a part of an effective system to provide needed workers in Minnesota? It’s our future- Dream it! Design It! Do it!

23 Unique Partnerships! The Minnesota Workforce Center System –DEED Divisions –WIA Providers –Local MFIP Agency Adult Basic Education MNSCU “Partnerships that will change Minnesota’s future!”

24 Questions from YOU! Juanita Lauritsen, CEO of SW Minnesota Private Industry Council Pat Thomas, ABE Manager, SW ABE Jill Miller, ABE Manager, WEST ABE Connie Ireland, Regional Administrator, MN DEED Steve Larson, Regional Administrator, MN DEED

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