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Hispanic Heritage Month Presentation. Introduction Hispanic Heritage Month is a national holiday in the USA. It is celebrated from September 15th to October.

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Presentation on theme: "Hispanic Heritage Month Presentation. Introduction Hispanic Heritage Month is a national holiday in the USA. It is celebrated from September 15th to October."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hispanic Heritage Month Presentation

2 Introduction Hispanic Heritage Month is a national holiday in the USA. It is celebrated from September 15th to October 15th. In the year 1968, Lyndon Johnson proclaimed National Hispanic Heritage Week.

3 Overview Several Latin American countries celebrate the anniversaries of independence during Hispanic Heritage Month. Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua celebrate independence on September 15. Mexico achieved independence on September 16, and Chile, on September 18. Hispanic Heritage Month was expanded by President Ronald Reagan in 1988 to cover a 30-day period. Hispanic Heritage Week into a month-long celebration, from September 15 through October 15.

4 Why? September 15 was chosen as the starting point for the celebration because it is the anniversary of independence of five Latin American countries: Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua. They all declared independence in 1821.Latin American Costa RicaEl SalvadorGuatemalaHonduras Nicaragua In addition, Mexico, Chile and Belize celebrate their independence days on September 16, September 18, and September 21, respectively.MexicoChileBelize

5 Interesting Facts Hispanic Heritage Month celebrates the long and important presence of Hispanic Americans in North America. Hispanic Heritage Month offers a unique opportunity to highlight Texas’ rich Hispanic history, showcase achievements of Hispanic leaders and demonstrate how our Hispanic citizens strengthen Texas’ cultural and economic ties to Spain, Latin America and beyond

6 Interesting Facts There are more than 100,000 licensed Hispanic professionals who day in and day out provide exceptional services, run successful businesses and greatly contribute to the economic success of communities throughout Texas; and Hispanic Americans entrepreneurs and business leaders provide meaning employment to many citizens throughout our state.

7 Hispanic Heritage Leaders Hispanic people continue to serve as leaders in all fields today...

8 Proclamation from the White House by George Bush “Hispanic Americans have enriched the American way of life, and by designating this month, we attempt to recognize the millions of Hispanic Americans whose love of family, hard work, and community have helped unite us as a people and sustain us as a Nation. As entrepreneurs and public servants, scholars and artists, Hispanic Americans have provided wisdom, energy, and leadership to our communities, and to our country. We also remember those Hispanics who established the vibrant and diverse American cities of Los Angeles, San Francisco, Santa Fe, San Antonio, and many others. We remember those who were instrumental in exploring and mapping our great hemisphere and we honor those proud Hispanic-American patriots who fought and died for our country in every war and conflict since our founding.”

9 Conclusion Choose one leader of Hispanic heritage and discuss their lives and accomplishments Provide examples of art and literature that are significant to Hispanic Heritage Month List the resources you used for your research

10 Project The youngest person to ever enlist in the Navy (at the age of 10!). One of only two women ever to have received a Tony, a Grammy, an Emmy and an Oscar. The first woman ever to be appointed as Surgeon General to the United States. One of the greatest women golfers of all times. What do these people have in common? They are all Hispanic Americans. Hispanic Americans have contributed to many areas of American life through science, art, entertainment, literature, sports and many other ways.

11 Hispanic Heritage Month Project IntroductionWhat do these people have in common? The youngest person to ever enlist in the Navy. One of only two women ever to have received a Tony, a Grammy, an Emmy and an Oscar. The first woman ever to be appointed as Surgeon General to the United States. One of the greatest women golfers of all times. They are all Hispanic Americans. Hispanic Americans have contributed to many areas of American life through science, art, entertainment, literature, sports and many other ways. TaskYour job is to choose one famous Hispanic American, find out several facts about that person, then write a brief biographical sketch about that person. These will be displayed in the hall to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month. Write a short biography of the person. Biography has to be in Spanish. (Spanish 1 classes should write in English) Process1. Visit sites for Hispanic American contributions. Hispanic American men and women who've made a difference in the arts, entertainment, sports, world affairs, human rights and history. 2. Choose a famous Hispanic American and write facts about the person you chose. Must include personal and professional facts. 3. Look for a picture of that person and save it for your document. 4. After you have gathered facts and a picture of your famous Hispanic American, you will write a short biography of your person in Word. Insert the picture that you have saved into the Word document. 5. Print out this document glue it to a poster board for teacher to display. Poster must be clean, large font, big picture of the person you choose. EvaluationYou will be evaluated on completion of your biography and the information you gather on the person you choose. You will be graded on neatness, creativity and effort you put into the poster. Your final product will be graded as a test grade. Do your best! ConclusionTake time to learn about other famous Hispanic Americans that others in your class chose to learn about. Many contributions have been made to America's culture by these great people! DeadlineYou will present to the class on October 4. No late work will be accepted. Do not begin working on this project the night before. Many things can happen, no ink in the printer, Internet not working, broken computer…etc. You must work on this during the weekend. I will give you some time in class. Do your best!

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