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Matthew Marl. Overview  Existing management commitment to the environment at Pembrokeshire College  Environmentally sensitive new builds with biomass.

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Presentation on theme: "Matthew Marl. Overview  Existing management commitment to the environment at Pembrokeshire College  Environmentally sensitive new builds with biomass."— Presentation transcript:

1 Matthew Marl

2 Overview  Existing management commitment to the environment at Pembrokeshire College  Environmentally sensitive new builds with biomass boilers / solar electric and heating.  Pursued and achieved Green Dragon environmental standard Level 4.  Winner of Green Gown awards for carbon reduction (two entries highly commended previous year).

3 What next and how?  Investigate areas of highest expenditure first, environmental savings are often proportional to financial savings  Change behaviour  Raise awareness  Enlist the help of environmentally sympathetic staff and students and market the benefits  Make staff & students accountable, relate to real money and/or trees  Offer a viable alternative

4 The infinite pursuit of the paperless office

5 That’s quite a lot of paper………

6 The cost (GROSS)  In paper £7,500  In toner £22,500  In printer maintenance kits £5,000  In IT support time ????  TOTAL £35,000 (NET)

7 The Objectives  To reduce the overall volume of printing at Pembrokeshire College by 20%, saving £7,000 (GROSS).  To introduce a managed printing solution in co-operation with staff which raised awareness without impacting on people’s ability to do their job.

8 The Objectives cont.  To improve the systems hosting electronic information to provide a viable alternative to printing by introducing a new Intranet web based information storage system.  To improve the uptake to the ‘Moodle’ learning environment by staff.

9 Raising awareness

10 Raising awareness cont..  JISC – Greening ICT project (ERGO) Pledging system

11 Monitoring progress  must be owned  Monthly reporting  List of repeat offenders for senior management review  Internal costs associated

12 Outcomes  341,771 pages saved during the academic year 09/10 representing  16.3% reduction in printing (staff and student)  40 fully grown trees - approx 7 tonnes of CO2/year  £5,700 (GROSS) saved on paper and ink  These are annual operational savings  Introduced toner & battery recycling for staff & students

13 Outcomes cont.

14 This academic year  No time for awareness raising until now  slight increase in printing over 2009-10 so far  Reprographics now part of computer services  Improve system for job submission  Implement system whereby big print jobs are automatically redirected to reprographics  Extend reprographics service to include document upload as an alternative

15 This academic year cont..  Charging system needs to be reviewed –  for recharging departments the print charge must reflect the real cost  Simplify management reporting and billing reports for finance, and align reprographics and printing

16 This academic year cont..  Interview / chat to highest users  What are they printing?  Why so much?  What systems can be implemented or improved to support teaching / job role without such heavy reliance on printing?  Design centralised printing model  Less printers, less consumables, lower cost per page

17 Ongoing  Advertise the results and keep the momentum going  Make sure management continue to review printing  Market the benefits of a paperless office  Introduce league tables ??

18  Adopt other methods to embed a subtle change of ethos…. Raising awareness

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