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Malapert Base By: Manny Pimenta The First City On The Moon Rutgers University June 6, 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "Malapert Base By: Manny Pimenta The First City On The Moon Rutgers University June 6, 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 Malapert Base By: Manny Pimenta The First City On The Moon Rutgers University June 6, 2007

2 The Dittmar Survey (2006)  Little awareness about VSE: “It has something to do with the Moon”  Low interest on the part of 18 to 24 year olds  Majority are AGAINST human Mars Exploration


4 The VISION for Space Exploration WHAT’S THE PROBLEM ?

5 Why Settle The Moon ?  Prosperity  Survival  Adventure

6 How Do You Sell Space Settlement ?

7  Prosperity  ADVENTURE !  Survival

8 How Do You Sell Space Settlement ?  Prosperity  ADVENTURE !  Survival



11 Malapert Base Preliminary Requirements / Objectives Economically self sufficient Based on existing or near term technology only Permanent (minimum 200 year design life) Accessible to everyone Operational by 2025

12 640 m 40 m 150 m Diameter Malapert Base

13 Malapert Mountain


15 40 m

16 Malapert Longitudinal Cross Sectional View


18 Primary Requirements / Objectives: Malapert Base Permanent (minimum 200 year design life) Permanence carries certain implications: Must be incredibly reliable, require low maintenance, and be well protected. Must employ the most conservative engineering design criteria. Underground construction most logical – provides stable thermal environment best radiation protection, protection from meteorite strikes up to several cm in size.

19 Primary Requirements / Objectives: Malapert Base Economically self sufficient Malapert Base should provide sufficient infrastructure and resources to support a diverse set of economic activities which make it a profitable venture overall. These can include: Tourism, Astronomy, Mining/Prospecting, Manufacturing, and more. Not possible to foresee the entire range of economic activities – many surprises are in store.

20 Primary Requirements / Objectives: Malapert Base Based on existing or near term technology It should be possible to build Malapert Base with the technology we have today. Technology which can be reasonably expected to mature within the next 10 years, acceptable. The only important assumption made is cheap, reliable access to LEO within 15 years. Technological breakthroughs, when advantageous, are incorporated as they become available.

21 Primary Requirements / Objectives: Malapert Base Accessible to everyone Crucial to enlist the support of the masses. Only way to get people interested is to make is so they can personally relate to it. Tourism to be a primary activity and profit center for Malapert Base. Lotteries, promotions and lunar jobs provide opportunities for everyone who wants to go.

22 Primary Requirements / Objectives: Malapert Base Operational by 2025. Crucial to enlist the support of the masses. Only way to get people interested is to make it so they can personally relate to it. Very few people really interested in what happens after they die. 2025 is soon enough that I will get to go myself (and so will you).

23 Critical Technologies: Malapert Base Launch / Propulsion systems Robotics / AI Power Generation / Storage Closed Environment Life Support Systems (CELSS) Materials Nanotechnology

24 Surface Observation Dome Central Atrium Orthogonal Tubes Main Horizontal Tube Elevator Shaft Malapert Base

25 Central Atrium Orthogonal Tubes Main Horizontal Tube Elevator Shaft Malapert Base Surface Observation Dome

26 How Are We Going To Do It ?

27 Lunar VirtueArts

28 Lunar VirtueArts

29 Lunar VirtueArts Creating a BOLD and INSPIRING Vision of the Future Making Space a PERSONAL Experience Providing Opportunities to directly PARTICIPATE

30 THANK YOU Malapert Base

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