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HEP Development Educational Series Wednesday, July 1, 2009, 2 - 3 p.m. Presenter: Gail A. Ferris Director, Development Services The Catholic University.

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Presentation on theme: "HEP Development Educational Series Wednesday, July 1, 2009, 2 - 3 p.m. Presenter: Gail A. Ferris Director, Development Services The Catholic University."— Presentation transcript:

1 HEP Development Educational Series Wednesday, July 1, 2009, 2 - 3 p.m. Presenter: Gail A. Ferris Director, Development Services The Catholic University of America

2  Purposes of this session ◦ To define essential data to maintain in order to maximize matching gift revenue ◦ To review the best practices for administering matching gifts to maximize funds raised July 1, 2009 Best Practices in Matching Gifts Administration2

3  Essential data to maintain in order to maximize matching gift revenue ◦ Biographic information on individual donors ◦ Company matching gift guidelines July 1, 2009 Best Practices in Matching Gifts Administration3

4 ◦ Biographic information on individual donors  Address Information  Home  Business  Employment Information July 1, 2009 Best Practices in Matching Gifts Administration4

5  Sources of critical biographical information ◦ Directory projects ◦ On-line communities ◦ Surveys ◦ USPS ◦ Lost constituent search firms ◦ Prospect research July 1, 2009 Best Practices in Matching Gifts Administration5

6  Company matching gift guidelines ◦ Stay current on matching gift guidelines ◦ Know limits on matching gift eligibility ◦ Make available in a variety of ways to different audiences July 1, 2009 Best Practices in Matching Gifts Administration6

7  Limitations on matching gifts ◦ Percentage matched ◦ Purpose of gift ◦ Type of charity ◦ Donor relationship to charity ◦ Donor relationship to corporation July 1, 2009 Best Practices in Matching Gifts Administration7

8  Matching ratio may vary by ◦ Employee position ◦ Amount of gift ◦ How paid by employee or organization  Donor-advised fund  Securities  Services  In-kind July 1, 2009 Best Practices in Matching Gifts Administration8

9  Purpose of gift – common limitations ◦ Athletics ◦ Scholarships ◦ Buildings ◦ Unrestricted July 1, 2009 Best Practices in Matching Gifts Administration9

10  Type of charity ◦ Educational  Foreign/domestic  Private/public  Level of school ◦ Arts ◦ Health ◦ Environmental July 1, 2009 Best Practices in Matching Gifts Administration10

11  Individual donor relationship to institution ◦ Attendee ◦ Alum ◦ Graduate ◦ Parent of alum ◦ Spouse of alum ◦ Donor July 1, 2009 Best Practices in Matching Gifts Administration11

12  Individual donor relationship to corporation ◦ Full-time/part-time employee ◦ Director ◦ Retiree ◦ Spouse ◦ U.S. employee July 1, 2009 Best Practices in Matching Gifts Administration12

13 ◦ Make matching gift information available in a variety of ways  To donors  Mailings  Phonathon  On-line giving  To staff  In database for soliciting and processing July 1, 2009 Best Practices in Matching Gifts Administration13

14  Using data to market matching gifts ◦ Employment data allow you to  Inform donors that they may be eligible for a match if they fail to submit documentation for their employers  Encourage non-donors who work for matching gift companies to contribute, as their gifts leverage the corporate match  Potentially enlist employees at matching gift company to solicit fellow alums employed there July 1, 2009 Best Practices in Matching Gifts Administration14

15  Administration of matching gifts ◦ Process gift from individual donor ◦ Certify to matching organization ◦ Monitor arrival of matching gift ◦ Process matching gift ◦ Acknowledge/recognize July 1, 2009 Best Practices in Matching Gifts Administration15

16  Process individual donor gift ◦ No matching gifts happen without (exception: matching of gifts of services) ◦ Connect employee’s gift properly with employer to ensure proper crediting and to document expected revenue ◦ Follow up where forms are missing July 1, 2009 Best Practices in Matching Gifts Administration16

17  Certify to matching organization ◦ Critical to most organizations; be timely ◦ Means of certification variable and changing ◦ May be administered by third party July 1, 2009 Best Practices in Matching Gifts Administration17

18  Monitor arrival of matching gift ◦ Prompt updating of information systems is essential ◦ Chronological file of submitted forms enables follow-up on outstanding payments ◦ Be aware of payment schedules  Critical to supporting follow-up process July 1, 2009 Best Practices in Matching Gifts Administration18

19  Process matching gift on information system ◦ Connect properly to individual and organization ◦ Remember who is the donor ◦ Clear pending records July 1, 2009 Best Practices in Matching Gifts Administration19

20  Acknowledge/recognize ◦ Receipt organization properly for tax purposes, as required ◦ Acknowledge individual donor ◦ Recognize both July 1, 2009 Best Practices in Matching Gifts Administration20

21 Remember, you are a fundraiser! July 1, 2009 Best Practices in Matching Gifts Administration21

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