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Lecturette 2: Planning Change. Effective change efforts begin with an assessment of the goals of a school to identify areas that need change. What will.

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Presentation on theme: "Lecturette 2: Planning Change. Effective change efforts begin with an assessment of the goals of a school to identify areas that need change. What will."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lecturette 2: Planning Change

2 Effective change efforts begin with an assessment of the goals of a school to identify areas that need change. What will the school look like when the goal is met? Needs Assessment

3 Goals to Outcomes Increase teachers’ understanding of culturally responsive systems Increased teacher capacity so that kids become their own best resources Synergistic partnership Outside groups should be invited in to have conversations with school personnel

4 Teachers need increased practical understanding about developmental stages of learners Students own and operate their own learning to a high level; teachers facilitate that learning Goals to Outcomes

5 Planning for Alternative Tomorrows with Hope (PATH) is a process for planning for the future. Begin with the end in mind. © 2004 NIUSI PATH Planning Process

6 Step 1: Ideal Outcome Dream Big! If everything goes as planned, what will the outcome be? Describe the outcome, and keep it as your vision. PATH Planning Process

7 Step 2: What Change Needs to Happen? Brainstorm ideas about changes that must occur to achieve your vision. After identifying some potential changes, ask questions about each idea to narrow the focus of the change effort PATH Planning Process

8 ControlPriority TrendPracticality UrgencyScope Big Picture Impact Ask Questions to Focus the Change

9 Step 3: Who Do We Enlist? Identify and explore opportunities for collaboration Who in your school should be involved? Are other people or organizations working on the same issue? Are you aware of other organizations that should be involved in implementing this change? PATH Planning Process

10 Step 4: What Resources Do We Need? Resources might include material, supplies, financial support, personnel, time, organizational support, access to people. PATH Planning Process

11 Step 5: Planning Next Steps Next week In three months In six months PATH Planning Process

12 Questions

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