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Coming About, Charting a New Course -- Orlando 2010 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Coming About, Charting a New Course -- Orlando 2010 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Coming About, Charting a New Course -- Orlando 2010 1

2 2 It’s Time to Turn Things Around! Squadron membership is down. Squadrons are having trouble filling leadership positions.

3 Coming About, Charting a New Course -- Orlando 2010 3 We Need to Make Membership Job One! MEMBERSHIP IS JOB #1

4 Coming About, Charting a New Course -- Orlando 2010 4 The Environment Has Changed Folks have less time for civic organizations. States are offering low cost or even free boating classes. Our traditional methods of recruitment just aren’t as effective.

5 Coming About, Charting a New Course -- Orlando 2010 5 However, the Market is Huge! With 70 million boaters and 13 million registered boats, our 40,000 members represent only 0.06% of the market.

6 Coming About, Charting a New Course -- Orlando 2010 6 We Have the Tools Our educational program, with our classes, seminars, and operator certification, is second to none. We have marketing and public relations tools available for free or reduced cost. We have experts in recruitment, retention, leadership, activities, and member benefits. We have membership opportunities for every type of boater.

7 Coming About, Charting a New Course -- Orlando 2010 7 Time for Action Time to chart a new course!

8 Coming About, Charting a New Course -- Orlando 2010 8 Coming About – Action Items Increase the cost of the ABC3 online course from $34.95 to $49.95 and include a 6 month membership in the Cyber Squadron. [PART OF WEBSITE UPGRADE] Include a free copy of the ABC3 course to new members signing up for a one year membership in the Cyber Squadron. [UNDERWAY]

9 Coming About, Charting a New Course -- Orlando 2010 9 Action Items (Con’t) Enhance the ABC website by including information regarding USPS member benefits and other advantages of being a USPS member. [UNDER CONTRACT] –Establish a link from the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission to the ABC Website as a trial for expansion to other states. [DONE]

10 Coming About, Charting a New Course -- Orlando 2010 10 Action Items (Con’t) Develop a specific action plan for squadrons to recruit Cyber Squadron members into their local squadrons. Create a recruiting tool kit for squadrons to include recruiting materials, talking points and selling skills.

11 Coming About, Charting a New Course -- Orlando 2010 11 Action Items (Con’t) Develop a team of regional experts to assist the NAO with issues regarding new member recruitment and to assist the Districts and Squadrons to obtain necessary promotional items, education material and recruitment tools --Team Ready Reps.

12 Coming About, Charting a New Course -- Orlando 2010 12 Action Items (Con’t) Pursue the concept of Unified Membership as presented in Kansas City. Enlist the help of ComRules to develop model bylaws for Family Unit Dues Structure and provide District and Squadron Treasurers tools to assess the impact of Family Unit Dues Structure on their organization.

13 Coming About, Charting a New Course -- Orlando 2010 13 Action Items (Con’t) Develop seminar kits for 10 students which will include preprinted publicity materials and student manuals and return instructions and labels for unused materials. Extend 60 day payment terms to squadrons on seminar orders. [IN PROCESS]

14 Coming About, Charting a New Course -- Orlando 2010 14 Action Items (Con’t) Promote a Boating Class Team concept consisting of Marketing, Education and Membership team members to successfully promote, deliver instruction and recruit new members by qualified and motivated members of the team.

15 Coming About, Charting a New Course -- Orlando 2010 15 Action Items (Con’t) Develop a New Member Welcome page on the Membership website to introduce new members to the organization, promote the benefits of USPS membership, and assure they receive value and satisfaction from their membership.

16 Coming About, Charting a New Course -- Orlando 2010 16 It’s Time! It’s time to make membership Job 1! MEMBERSHIP IS JOB #1

17 Coming About, Charting a New Course -- Orlando 2010 17 The Goal: 6000 New Members in 2010.

18 Coming About, Charting a New Course -- Orlando 2010 18

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