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Preparing to Take the CESP Exam

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1 Preparing to Take the CESP Exam
First in the Nation! Patricia K. Keul, ESPCC Director 11/13/2012

2 Introductions ESPC Council- 2012/2013
Patricia K. Keul – ESPCC Director Janice Moore – Certification Consultant- Seacrest, LLC Leon Gross, Ph.D. – Psychometric Consultant-Seacrest, LLC ESPC Council- 2012/2013 Sue Killam, Louisiana Jim Hinson, Vermont Macey Chovaz, Wisconsin Cherene Caraco, North Carolina Karen Flippo, ICI,Boston Jeffery Tamburo, New York Wendy Parent, Ph.D, Kansas Kenji Kellen, North Carolina Mindy Oppenheim, California (consumer ) 4/14/2017

3 Presentation Goals Define certification and accreditation
Define governance requirements- Impartiality Role Delineation Study (RDS) & How CESP Test Blueprint was developed CESP Test Blueprint- five domains, 80 topic areas Exam Eligibility & Exam preparation Role of training programs in exam prep Getting ready to take the exam Overview of what’s involved in starting a new, PROFESSIONAL certification program 4/14/2017

4 What is Certification? Process by which individuals demonstrate required knowledge and skill Tool for identifying minimally competent individuals Usually voluntary, non-governmental (vs. licensure) Time-limited Independent of a specific class, course, or other education/training program (vs. certificate programs) Primary focus on assessment All professional certification programs have the same basic key components, regardless of the profession/industry ASPE has content knowledge, expertise, experience = critical SeaCrest brings knowledge of certifications standards, process (especially important for exam) 4/14/2017

5 The Value of Certification
Provides recognition and increased credibility for employment support professionals Supports and encourages continued professional development Provides a way for employment support professionals to demonstrate their commitment to supported employment May create job advancement or increased earnings opportunities Increased safety (disciplinary process) and industry standards Helps employers and customers identify qualified employment support professionals Reasons WHY associations start certification programs Value is different for job coach, employer, customers, others 4/14/2017

6 What is Accreditation? Third party Recognition granted to a certification program by a non-governmental agency after verification that it has met predetermined standards Time limited Usually voluntary One way to add value to the certification program 4/14/2017

7 Accreditation Standards
The ESPCC program will seek accreditation from the National Commission for Certifying Agencies (NCCA) Accreditation standards represent the minimum requirements for a quality certification program Consistent with certification industry best practice Objective, third party recognition Increased credibility Potential competitive advantage It’s WONDERFUL that you are building the program from the beginning to comply with these standards It’s much more difficult to change and “fix” things later 4/14/2017

8 2010 2011 2012 Overview 4/14/2017 3. Policy Development
1. Certification Body Governance / Structure 2. Role Delineation Study 2011 3. Policy Development 4. Test Development 5. Marketing & Communications Plan 6. Candidate Materials 2012 7. Certification Program Launch Plan 8. Test Administration 9. NCCA Accreditation Application 3 – year process with the BULK of the work occurring in 2011 and wrap-up activities in 2012 This is an aggressive timeline 2010 = foundation 2011 =building the program 2012 = ready to launch 4/14/2017

9 Certification Board Essentials
Autonomy and independence Ability to make all essential certification decisions Includes Public Member/consumer and CESP certified individuals No involvement in education / training- No endorsement or recommendation of any specific training program or organization 4/14/2017

10 How the CESP Exam was Developed: The Role Delineation Study (RDS)
Outcome: Clear definition of the roles and responsibilities of employment support professionals Identification of the skills and knowledge required for successful professional performance Built on existing resources Research based (via online survey tool) Input from Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) at all stages of development Serves as the foundation for the exam Opportunity to collect valuable demographic data 4/14/2017

11 Initial RDS Topic Areas
Application of Core Values and Principles to Practice & Legislation and Funding Individualized Assessment and Employment / Career Planning Community Research and Job Development Workplace and Related Supports Ongoing Supports 4/14/2017

12 RDS – Rating Scales 4/14/2017

13 RDS – Sample Items 4/14/2017

14 Cool Things We Learned from the RDS
Items with high frequency ratings generally had high criticality ratings 588 completed surveys (65% from APSE members) 15% response rate from total APSE members (2,500 members) Average age 48 39% bachelor’s degree 40% master’s degree 45% work in an urban environment 44 of the 50 states represented 67% have primary job responsibility in community employment services 13 average years of experience in community employment services Largest concentration of services is provided for clients with intellectual disabilities (56%) 4/14/2017

15 Test Development Steps: Completed
Role Delineation Study Exam Blueprint Item Writing & Review Exam Development Cut Score Study Exam Administration Initial Scoring & Data Analysis Review of Cut Score Data / Equating Final Scoring & Data Analysis Candidate Score Reports, Technical Report & Database Maintenance Item Development Ongoing Exam Development and Administration 4/14/2017

16 Eligibility Standards?
Applicants for certification must meet all of the following requirements before they take the exam: Education Requirement  High school diploma, GED or equivalent Experience Requirement  Each applicant must meet one of the following requirements: 1 year of employment services professional (ESP) work experience as defined below, which may include up to a maximum of 3 months of internship or practicum time OR 9 months of ESP work experience with training component as defined in the candidate handbook. Code of Conduct  Each applicant must agree to and sign the Code of Conduct 4/14/2017

17 CESP Exam Logistics The exam administration takes one half day to administer & requires: A large room with lecture style tables- test takers sit – arm’s length apart. Access to nearby restrooms Quiet, climate controlled setting- proctor from ESPC C present at all times! Freedom from distraction for 4 hours Area to register test takers & check credentials at sign- in. Coffee & tea and water would be Nice to have We will also offer to hold test item writing sessions after the exam and/or we can conduct a presentation or keynote address for your group at no additional cost. 4/14/2017

18 How to Study for the CESP Exam?
Visit the APSE web site: www. to get the test blue print. Study the 80 items listed on the test blueprint & candidate handbook. Read and or attend nationally recognized training materials Focus on the five domain areas of the CESP exam: Application of Core Values and Principles to Practice & Legislation and Funding Individualized Assessment and Employment / Career Planning Community Research and Job Development Workplace and Related Supports Ongoing Support ESPCC recognizes that there are many valuable training programs across the country that may prepare professionals to pass the ESPCC examination. ESPCC does not endorse specific training programs, and ESPCC does not engage in education or training programs. 4/14/2017

19 The CESP Test Blue Print = Five Domains/ 80 Topics
Application of Core Values and Principles to Practice & Legislation and Funding (13 to 17%) Individualized Assessment and Employment / Career Planning (23-29%) Community Research and Job Development (19-25%) Workplace and Related Supports (27-33%) Ongoing Support (6-8%) 4/14/2017

20 CESP Topic Areas- Sample #1
Domain 1: Application of Core Values and Principles to Practice (13-17%) All people having the right to work and being entitled to equal access to employment in the general workforce Zero exclusion Disability etiquette People First Language Job seeker strengths interests and talents Full inclusion in the general workforce Self determination and empowerment  ETC. 4/14/2017

21 CESP Topic Areas- Sample #2
Domain 2: Individualized Assessment and Employment/Career Planning (23-29%) Rights and responsibilities related to disclosure of disability Counseling job seeker on disability disclosure Practices unique to school-to-work Rapid engagement in the employment process Limitations of traditional vocational evaluation for job seekers with significant disabilities Motivational interviewing techniques Interviews with job seeker and others familiar with his/her abilities and work history  ETC. 4/14/2017

22 CESP Topic Areas- Sample # 3
Domain 3: Community Research and Job Development (19-25%) Gathering and analyzing labor trend information Identifying patterns in job markets  Disability etiquette  Maintaining updated information on businesses type of jobs available and locations of jobs within the community Developing and communicating effective marketing and messaging tools for employment Positioning the agency as an employment service  Targeting message to specific audience ETC.  4/14/2017

23 CESP Topic Areas- Sample # 4
Domain 4: Workplace and Related Supports (27-33%) Communicating with job seeker/employee and his/her natural and paid supports Impact of earned income on entitlements  Transportation for work  Family support  Housing/residential staff cooperation  Gathering clear job expectations from employers  Preparing and coordinating for the first day on job  ETC. 4/14/2017

24 CESP Topic Areas- Sample # 5
Domain 5: Ongoing Supports (6-8%) Scope and limitation of funding sources for ongoing support Access to community resources and supports (e.g. transportation counseling food assistance financial housing) Impact on benefits/entitlements as earned income changes and ongoing access to benefits counseling (e.g., Community Work Incentive Coordinators) Collaboration with employees employers and family members to ensure successful employment Support employees for job and/or career advancement 4/14/2017

25 ESPCC- Impartiality ESPCC recognizes that there are many valuable training programs across the country that may prepare professionals to pass the CESP examination. ESPCC does not endorse or recommend any specific training programs, and ESPCC* does not engage in education or training programs. *APSE may offer training as ESPCC is governed independently from APSE 4/14/2017

26 Benefits to Target Audiences
Local Gov. Agencies State Agencies Federal Agencies Trade Associations Advocacy Groups Civic & Business Groups Community Rehabilitation Programs Direct Service Agencies Secondary & Post Secondary Education Transition Programs Employment Support Professionals Employment Specialists Job Developers Transitions Specialists Career Enhancement Economic Gain Consumer/Family Confidence Business Credibility 4/14/2017

27 Benefits of CESP Credential
CESP certification opens the door to:  Improved professional advancement & job opportunities; Increased income opportunities. Enhanced credibility with employers For provider agencies and Community Rehabilitation Programs (CRPs): Sponsoring staff to earn their CESP credentials, or hiring CESP-certified professionals, increases your credibility with community business leaders and opens the door to new employment opportunities for people with disabilities.  Supporting CESP certification for your staff: Increases your marketing edge with employers & businesses Assures the public and consumers of your commitment to best practices Validates your commitment to ethical and safety standards 4/14/2017

28 Please visit the APSE Website for Exam Information
Upcoming CESP Exams Please visit the APSE Website for Exam Information 4/14/2017

29 Thanks for your time and interest Stay tuned as CESP Grows!
Patricia K. Keul Janice Moore Leon Gross, Ph.D. ESPCC Director Seacrest Consulting Seacrest Consulting x APSE

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