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0 eAMS-Konto Integrated online service Benchmarking Working Group Peter Oberbichler Budapest, 06. April 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "0 eAMS-Konto Integrated online service Benchmarking Working Group Peter Oberbichler Budapest, 06. April 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 0 eAMS-Konto Integrated online service Benchmarking Working Group Peter Oberbichler Budapest, 06. April 2011

2 1 Evaluation of AMS channels strategy and channel development by PES Management in 2009 (on basis of results of benchmarking working goup)  low level of adjustment between the channels  no steering of a balanced development  low focus on different customer groups and their different approaches towards AMS services  many different data storage systems  only few customers use e-Services –1:9 - 1:100 –Low costumer satisfaction with online services …other PES have much more better results higher share using self services

3 2 Current use of Service Channels Job seekers Companies Training Organisations personal contact writing phone online ServiceLine Internet Regional Offices e-Mail Goal: In 2014 80% of all services should be done by online channel

4 3 Project “Integrated Multi Channel Service” (IMS)  Long term Plan 2009- 2012  Multi channel Strategy 12/2008  Long term Plan 2009- 2012  Multi channel Strategy 12/2008  Integrated Multi Channel Service introduced within AMS 2009 2014 Step by step definition of the content of IMS targets within sub projects Definition of IT support …???... eAMS- Project (eServices) Customer Steering Customer Participation Customer Participation IT development

5 4 4 different services are put together within one IT-Tool,  Placement,  Unemployment benefits  Training,  Employment permits for foreign workers With direct connection to eJob-Room eAMS-Konto (in place, but quality has to improve until 2014)

6 5 Services for job seekers and companies  registration, updating and deregistration,  creating search profiles, adding documents,  direct connection with the matching tool (eJob-Room),  direct communication and information tool,  information about allowances and training measures,  application for allowances and training measures,  booking personal meetings with PES staff,  documentation of the written action plan (service contract),  secure e-Mail contact with PES-staff within the system. eAMS-Konto (in place, but quality has to improve until 2014)

7 6 Job seeker  application for unemployment benefits  Information about the status of dealing with the application by PES  online registration without personal contact with AMS if job seeker has a FinanzOnline – account  about 1/3 of working age population has a FinanzOnline account  by registration with FinanzOnline the jobseeker has to show up at the AMS office after 3 month (if not deregistered within this time)  documentation of job searching activities  printing confirmation documents for other organisations  access to all personal data on received benefits and times of registered unemployment  additional to the connection with the eJob Room exist a direct access to the “Jobroboter”,  direct access to the data base on education and training (organised by AMS and also by external organisations) eAMS-Konto (in place, but quality has to improve until 2014)

8 7 Company  Detailed overview about all current and closed business with AMS separated according to services  Register of all users of eAMS-Konto of the company and their individual entitlements Also documentation of PES staff member who has looked at this register  Applications for employment permits of foreign worker eAMS-Konto (in place, but quality has to improve until 2014)

9 8 AMS Web Page – 1. Page eAMS-Konto login

10 9 AMS Web Page – 2. Page Information about eAMS-Konto eAMS-Konto registration and login

11 10 AMS Web Page – 3. Page User name and password Demo version

12 11 AMS Web Page – 4. Page News: Infos to the user from AMS Access to eServices Access to training and qualification Access to eJob-Room Access to Jobroboter

13 12 AMS Web Page – eServices Registration & deregistration, application for unemployment benefits application for allowances Overview and affirmations

14 13 AMS Web Page – Job search Registration of job search activities by the job seeker

15 14 AMS Web Page – Training and Qualification AMS training courses extern training courses allowances for training courses

16 15 Advantages for customers and PES staff Flexibility  eAMS-Konto can be used 24/7 (hours and days) Accuracy  All data (and information) within eAMS-Konto goes immediately to the right person and place (Job seekers, Companies, training organisations) Time saving  Single-Sign-On for eAMS-Konto and eJob-Room Account  No waiting time – Everybody (Job seeker, company, training organisation can do changes in his own eAMS- Konto  Direct information and communication between job seekers, companies, training organisations and PES staff

17 16 Common data base  Transparency:  All actions by customers or AMS staff can be seen on both sides Correctness  With the help of a allocation register all information goes directly to the right AMS staff member and is immediately available  All entries in eAMS-Konto automatically go to other applications (avoiding of writing down information two or three times) Advantages for customers and PES staff

18 17 Surprising results:  High online potential  Training organisations now (within the pilot project) do a lot of administrative work themselves  Greatest challenges: Necessary changes of the mind set of staff towards job seekers: “Petitioner becomes Purchaser!” Process: Training and Qualification

19 18 Some data on eAMS-Konto Application for unemployment benefits  July 2010: 214 - December 2010: 938 Online notices on expected unemployment  2010: 1.782 Online deregistration by customer  2010: 12.751 Online booking of meetings with PES staff  2010: 1.128

20 19 Share of registered job seekers with active eAMS-Konto 01/2010: 6,7%; 12/2010 13,4%

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