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Navigating the Virginia Workforce Connections Website Educators’ Institute – March 26, 2012 David R. Tysinger, Economist.

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Presentation on theme: "Navigating the Virginia Workforce Connections Website Educators’ Institute – March 26, 2012 David R. Tysinger, Economist."— Presentation transcript:

1 Navigating the Virginia Workforce Connections Website Educators’ Institute – March 26, 2012 David R. Tysinger, Economist

2 What is the Virginia Workforce Connection?  The Virginia Workforce Connection (VWC) is your doorway to employment and labor market information in Virginia. It is a powerful online labor market information tool accessed as a website on the Internet.  It is specifically designed to connect job seekers, students, employers, training providers, veterans, workforce professionals, and others seeking to explore local labor markets in Virginia to helpful and current information.  VWC provides fast access to a complete set of employment 2

3 3

4 Getting Started  When you first log on to the Virginia Workforce Connection (VWC) website at, the first screen will be the VWC home page.  Registration allows users to save personal information, settings, and preferences that make using the system easier and quicker during future visits. 4

5 Job Seekers  On this page are many choices and links to the services available for Job Seekers such as Career Services, Job Seeker Services, and Youth Services.  Select Job Seeker Services to find job listings. 5

6 Job Seekers  Select Job Seeker Services  Resumes  Cover Letters  Employers 6

7 Job Seeker  On the Job Seeker page, you will find tabs to choose from based on how you would like to conduct your job search, i.e. quick job search, advanced job search, etc. Below the tabs is a section that gives you options to select that will aid you in narrowing your job search. 7

8 Job Seeker  After typing in a job title, zip code, and selecting a mile radius, select the search button.  A new window will open displaying job openings in your area in the career field you selected. 8

9 Labor Market Information – Occupational Profile  You can select a career and research that career’s growth and salary history as well as future projections of job growth. 9

10 Labor Market Information – Occupational Profile  Learn more about the many options and career paths that can be found within a specific career.  For example, nursing 10

11 Labor Market Information (LMI)  The Labor Market Information (LMI) page offers an online OneStop Center for job seekers, students, case managers, employers, training providers, workforce professionals, and others seeking benefits and services.  This page provides easy- to-navigate links to current and historical labor market data. 11

12 Example of Industry Employment Projections (Long Term)  How to search for projected employment information such as job growth  Select Industry Employment and Projections (Long Term) 12

13 Example of Industry Employment Projections (Long Term)  Select State 13  Select Workforce Region  Select Occupation and hit the search button to see the result

14 Example of Industry Employment Projections (Long Term)  Step 4  Select Occupation 14

15 Labor Market Publications  Several of the Virginia Employment Commission publications, such as the Virginia Economic Indicators, The Forum newsletter, and the Career Guide For Virginia (CV4VA), can be found on this user-friendly page.  Many LMI publications are also available for order through the LMI Store. 15

16 Visiting the LMI Store  Select “Visit the Store” button. 16  Select a publication from the dropdown menu.

17 Visiting the LMI Store  Select a quantity, then select “add to basket.” 17  When you are finished adding items to your basket, select “check out.”

18 Publications – Community Profiles  Select area desired  County/City, PDC, WIA, MSA, VCCS  Print from.pdf 18

19 Virginia Workforce Connection  The Virginia Workforce Connection website is your source for all things employment-related. With just a few clicks of your mouse, you can be on your way to finding the perfect job for your career, or the data needed to succeed in an ever-changing job market. Just go to  Also, you can get notifications and updates to this website and our Labor Market Information publications through Twitter, RSS Feeds, and YouTube. 19

20 For further Labor Market Information (804) 786-5880

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