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Welcome to IGDA! President – Curtis Humphrey Adviser – Dr. Uvais Qidwai.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to IGDA! President – Curtis Humphrey Adviser – Dr. Uvais Qidwai."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to IGDA! President – Curtis Humphrey Adviser – Dr. Uvais Qidwai

2 What is IGDA? International Game Developers Association Q. & A. –Q: This is just for Programmers… A: NO! We need artist, writers, musicians, sound composers, and much more! Biggest thing the projects currently need are artists! –Q: This is just of Game Geeks A: No! It helps, but some who likes art or stories will find themselves at home here too.

3 IGDA Goals Make the means to finish projects Give avenue for personal advancement (papers etc…) Community events –Game Tournaments, etc. Speakers / Showcase / Seminars –3D Max mini-series? / Intro to Game Engines? Have fun and be creative!

4 What is IGDA? A network of people and resources – to start, work, and complete game projects – and have fun doing so!

5 Current Leadership President – Curtis Humphrey V. P. Events – Michael Conway Treasurer – James Terry

6 Positions Open – Elections Next Meeting! V.P. Marketing –duties: Flyers, Fundraising, Publications Webmaster –duties: Design, maintenance, forum Secretary –duties: Web textual content, meeting notes, calendar, group emails ESC Rep – Open only to Fr –duties: Representation, T-Shirts!

7 Positions Open - Elections Elections! V.P. Marketing –duties: Flyers, Fundraising, Publications Names:

8 Positions Open - Elections Elections! Webmaster –duties: Design, maintenance, forum Names:

9 Positions Open - Elections Elections! Secretary –duties: Web textual content, meeting notes, calendar, group emails Names:

10 Positions Open - Elections Elections! ESC Rep –duties: Representation, T-Shirts! Names

11 Meeting Times Saturday at 5pm! Food! –Email to follow about location –Options?

12 Projects Osiris –2D Team Based A.I. Seeker / Odyssey –RGP? Others? –Arcade?

13 Seeker / Odyssey

14 Project Tomahawk

15 New Project?

16 Questions?

17 See you Soon! Sign in Sheet!

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