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 While every refugee's story is different and their anguish personal, they all share a common thread of uncommon courage – the courage not only to survive,

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Presentation on theme: " While every refugee's story is different and their anguish personal, they all share a common thread of uncommon courage – the courage not only to survive,"— Presentation transcript:

1  While every refugee's story is different and their anguish personal, they all share a common thread of uncommon courage – the courage not only to survive, but to persevere and rebuild their shattered lives.

2 1.Issues effecting RCO Groups and Members.  2. Salford Forum for Refugees and people Seeking Asylum.  3.Transition to Refugee status from Asylum Seeker.

3  1.UK Discretionary Leave to Refugees.  2.Family re-union.  2.Education  3.Employement  4.Health  5.Housing -Serco


5 Hold regular meetings Information sharing and support Campaign about issues Raise awareness Provide help and support Provide training Organise social and cultural events

6 Hate crime training with housing providers PCT consultation Consultation with Salix Homes Participation in Salford ‘Better communities Group’ Bringing together different communities through events and celebration

7 Refugee Week Refugee World Cup Black History Month Food festival Football competition

8 Establish and extend solid partnerships Promote inclusion and diversity Inform and influence policy and decision making Empower Forum members through trainings Seek core and operational funding

9 University of Salford Allerton Building Frederick Road Campus Salford M6 6PU We also meet at Pendleton Gateway Library every 1 st and 3 rd Saturday of the month from 10.30am to 12.30pm Website:

10  Transition to Refugee status from Asylum Seeker.

11  Housing  Benefits  Setting up a bank account  Helping agencies  Family reunion  Child Tax Credits  Education / Jobs

12  If civilization is to survive, we must cultivate the science of human relationships - the ability of all peoples, of all kinds, to live together, in the same world at peace.

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