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1. WHAT IS EMPLOYMENT FIRST? APSE Statement on Employment First (Association of People Supporting EmploymentFirst) Employment in the general workforce.

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Presentation on theme: "1. WHAT IS EMPLOYMENT FIRST? APSE Statement on Employment First (Association of People Supporting EmploymentFirst) Employment in the general workforce."— Presentation transcript:

1 1

2 WHAT IS EMPLOYMENT FIRST? APSE Statement on Employment First (Association of People Supporting EmploymentFirst) Employment in the general workforce is the first and preferred outcome in the provision of publicly funded services for all working age citizens with disabilities, regardless of level of disability. 2

3 WHAT IS EMPLOYMENT FIRST? The State Employment Leadership Network (SELN, 2011) describes it as integrated individual employment that is offered and explored before other service options in a system where community employment is supported as a priority outcome in policy, practice, and quality management. 3

4 DC’S VISION FOR EMPLOYMENT FIRST 4 The District of Columbia expects that all people of working age, including people with disabilities, will work and earn the prevailing wage in the career path they choose

5 EMPLOYMENT FIRST IS DRIVEN BY THE BELIEFS THAT:  All people want to be valued, to contribute, to be engaged, and to have a reason to get up in the morning  Work is important and valued for all adults  We need to engage in joint learning experiences in which people explore new activities, places, relationships – and where people jointly reflect on what they discover  We need to build on those things that seem to be meaningful and engaging in ways that might lead to employment  We need to continually identify what people can contribute and the ways they can make their contribution, focusing on someone’s capacity rather than their limitations  We need to identify places where that capacity might be welcomed and provide assistance as needed, adjusting that assistance as situations change  We need to intentionally maximize community connections for/with people  We need to view set-backs and unsuccessful tries at employment or employment-related activities as opportunities for growth and learning

6 What Is Customized Employment? 6 Customized employment is a flexible process designed to personalize the employment relationship between a job candidate and an employer in a way that meets the needs of both.

7 What Is Customized Employment? Customized employment is based on an individualized match between the strengths, conditions, and interests of a job candidate and the identified business needs of an employer. Customized Employment utilizes an individualized approach to employment planning and job development — one person at a time... one employer at a time. 7

8 What Is Customized Employment? Customized employment will often take the form of: Task reassignment: Some of the job tasks of incumbent workers are reassigned to a new employee. This reassignment allows the incumbent worker to focus on the critical functions of his/her job (i.e., primary job responsibilities) and complete more of the central work of the job. Task reassignment typically takes the form of job creation, whereby a new job description is negotiated based on current, unmet workplace needs. Job carving: An existing job description is modified — containing one or more, but not all, of the tasks from the original job description. Job sharing: Two or more people share the tasks and responsibilities of a job based on each other's strengths. 8

9 CUSTOMIZED EMPLOYMENT UNBUNDLES DEMAND Employers have typically met needs by bundling demands into job descriptions. Job seekers with complex lives often don’t have the “whole package” to offer. Customized Employment allows employers to “unbundle” demand and to take advantage of discrete competencies. Marc Gold & Associates

10 Customized Employment Features The primary focus of the customized job description is on contribution instead of competition. Job developers and job seekers with complexities present employers with a proposal to be considered by the employer in a voluntary manner. job seekers voluntarily disclose issues concerning their complexities as a good faith strategy to resolve support and accommodation issues that may be needed. Marc Gold & Associates

11 Discovery Discovery allows you to gain insight or knowledge of something previously unseen or unknown; to notice or realize; to make known, reveal, disclose Discovery is often assumed, we think “what we see is what they’ve got.” When we discover rather than presume and diagnose, a useful description of a person starts to emerge. Discovery shows possibilities and leads to things a person is motivated to do rather than to fears, negativity and deficits. Adapted from Marc Gold & Associates

12 G riffin-Hammis Associates’ approach to Customized Employment 12  The job-seeker’s interests, preferences, and talents drive the employment development process, not the labor market;  A negotiation of mutual benefit between the job-seeker and the employer is a critical component of successful employment;  We all customize our jobs. However, the typical job-seeker customizes after being hired and many people with significant disabilities will succeed only if the customization occurs prior to beginning work;  Groups of people with disabilities are never offered up to employers; the process requires absolute individualization.  The individual job seeker, not a program, is presented to the employer.

13 Important Questions What are the things you never tire of doing? What do you do that gives you energy? What do you care about deeply? What are you passionate about? When/where are you at your best? How can you characterize yourself in a cover letter, resume or portfolio? What activities do you enjoy?

14 HOW IS THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA SUPPORTING EMPLOYMENT FIRST? 14  Holding an Employment First Summit  Working with the State Employment Leadership Network (SELN)  Training Trainers on Customized Employment  Providing support for organizational change efforts  Creating an Administrative Employment Network  Creating a Benefits Planning /Work Incentives Network  Exploring volunteerism possibilities through local and National Service programs  Working closely with the DC Metro Business Leadership Network (DC Metro BLN)

15 HOW ELSE IS THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA SUPPORTING EMPLOYMENT FIRST? 15  Systematizing referral and planning processes between DDA and RSA  Creating an Employment First Community of Practice  Working with partners to re-start DC’s APSE chapter  Soliciting proposals from agencies that want to become RSA providers  Creating infrastructure and working with the Mayor’s Office to become an Employment First state  Working with DOES on joint employment initiatives (One City-One Hire, Summer Youth Employment, etc.)  Collaborating with the Workforce Investment Council  Working with Maryland and Virginia through MARC and APSE  Creating a Business Relations Unit within RSA

16 HOW ELSE IS THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA SUPPORTING EMPLOYMENT FIRST? 16  Incentivizing employment and integrated day activities in the Medicaid HCBS Waiver  Supporting Project SEARCH  Working with the Department of Youth Rehabilitation Services (DYRS) and Child and Family Services Agency (CFSA) on transition  Working on youth employment and transition initiatives through a Secondary Transition Community of Practice  Joining ODEP’s Employment First Leadership State Mentoring Program and bringing in partners  Supporting DMH’s supported employment provider network

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