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1 Center for Innovative Technology.  SLDS Project Awarded in 2010  One key objective is to create a portal and secure access to data merged across agencies.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Center for Innovative Technology.  SLDS Project Awarded in 2010  One key objective is to create a portal and secure access to data merged across agencies."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Center for Innovative Technology

2  SLDS Project Awarded in 2010  One key objective is to create a portal and secure access to data merged across agencies  SLDS grant proposal was itself a multi-agency “project,” under direction from the Governor’s office  “Data Governance” is unique outcome within the proposal  CIT was contracted to project manage the Data Governance 2

3  Driven by Virginia’s Privacy Act ◦ Consolidated Data Warehouse not Possible ◦ Received Attorney General Approval  Respects agencies’ need to maintain their own data  No party can match the linked records back to identifiable data 3

4 4  The VLDS is designed to be extensible and grow with the addition of new data partners

5 State Council on Higher Education for Virginia – The coordinating body for higher education which serves the 39 Virginia public colleges and universities. Virginia Employment Commission – Provides employer and job seeker services, unemployment benefits, and labor market information. Virginia Department of Education – Serves 132 school divisions and over 1.2 million students in the K-12 system. 5 Virginia Community College System – System of 23 Virginia community colleges. Workforce Development Services provides workforce development courses, training, and programs.

6 1 mo2 mo3 mo4 mo5 mo6 mo7 mo8 mo9 mo10 mo 6 Design Build Run  Phase 1: Design – Conduct six workshops to define the exact scope of DG for the VLDS and outline how it will be executed.  Phase 2: Build – Once the DG scope and the priorities have been identified, it will take a six-month period to complete the build-out of VLDS Data Governance implementation.  Phase 3: Run – Upon completion of the DG processes and procedures build- out, there will be ongoing operation and execution required.

7  CIT held six, half-day Data Governance workshops for the stakeholders to establish a shared understanding  Workshops were conducted weekly ◦ Workshop 1: February 16 ◦ Workshop 2: March 3 ◦ Workshop 3: March 10 ◦ Workshop 4: March 17 ◦ Workshop 5: March 24 ◦ Workshop 6: March 31 7

8 8 Workshop # 1: Data Governance Overview Agreed on Data Governance Definition Started Data Governance Council Constitution Identified Top Priorities of Data Governance for VLDS Workshop # 2: Deep Dive on Stakeholders and Roles Began Defining a Data Flow Diagram Continue Refining Data Governance Council Constitution Defined Key Categories of Stakeholders and Roles Defined Key Components of a Data Stewardship Program Workshop # 3: Deep Dive on Risks and Challenges Continue Work with Data Flow Diagram. Draft Agreement for De-identifying First Level Data Elements. Continue Identifying Potential Security Risks When Combining Data Sets. Define Policies And Procedures for Scaling Integration Efforts to Mitigate Security/Risk Concerns. Workshop # 4: Deep Dive on Policies and Procedures Definition and Establishment of Policies and Procedures Level of Detail and Level of Effort Required VLDS Challenge – Lexicon Workshop # 5: Standards, Documentation and Communication Communications and Publishing Methodology Components of Document Management and Content Management VLDS Challenge – Reporting Workshop # 6: Scope of VLDS Tailored Data Governance Plan Taking the Outputs of All Previous Workshops and Fashion Them Into an Agreed Scope / Set of Requirements for the Development and Implementation of a Customized VLDS Data Governance Plan

9  Introduction15 mins  Overview of Data Quality Framework20 mins  Lexicon Discussion20 mins   Requirements Definition ◦ Data Usage Agreement 30 mins ◦ Review list of data governance policies and procedures 45 mins to identify which are relevant, in place,and needed for LDS project  Next Steps 30 mins 9

10 php?photogid=1152  Strengths ◦ It was essential to provide everyone with a baseline knowledge of and distinctions between DG, systems governance, and policy governance ◦ Quickly discovered what components of traditional DG would and would not work for our unique, federated model ◦ Got to know each other better which facilitated team-building and to forge ahead as a team with common goals and shared game plan 10

11 php?photogid=1152  Limitations/Challenges ◦ Weekly, 4-hour workshops were difficult to maintain momentum ◦ Process raised some critical issues that needed to be resolved in the policy and system design ◦ Gave agency staff a clearer understanding of the time commitment required to complete the work and yet we still underestimated this commitment 11

12 Identified Top Priority Items  Establishing a Data Governance Council  Drafting a Data Governance Constitution  Listing of Top Research Questions Developed Project Plan and Timeline  Data Governance policies and procedures  Systems Governance policies and procedures  Data sharing agreements 12

13  Initially held Data Governance Council bi- weekly (3 months)  Moved to monthly meetings (4 months)  Starting 2012, Council is experimenting with bi- monthly meetings 13 June 20 18 YEAR 2011 YEAR 2012 July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Monthly Bi-monthly Bi-Weekly

14  Established to supplement DG Council meetings, DG Council established topic- specific working committees  Tasked to complete work on action items outside of DG Council meetings  Subcommittees meet on as needed basis but typically hold monthly meetings 14

15 Role:  Reviews topics/issues from the development teams (CRM, Portal, Lexicon, Shaker, etc.) Outcome:  Agrees upon a recommended proposal to address topics that will be presented to the DG Council for voting 15

16 Role:  To research data standards that may be relevant to the success of the VLDS Outcome:  Identify and recommend data standards and policies to the DG Council  Implementation of CEDS and other data standards to increase the functionality and interoperability of the VLDS system 16

17 Role:  Develop a cross-agency supported proposal that codifies the VLDS and defines the system mission and governance structure  Help identify ongoing sources of funding in order to sustain the VLDS after the end of the grant Outcome:  Full proposal that can be used to prepare draft legislation that has full support of agency heads moving forward  Draft sustainability plan 17

18  Bi-weekly status reports  DG Council meeting agendas and meeting minutes  Cross-agency data-sharing policies, practices, and standards  Development of a Data Governance model  Ongoing “Book of Data Governance” 18

19 When:  Members find common ground and politics through a shared vision/goal or develop one as a first priority  Members make significant time commitments to the Governance process  The DG documentation process is defined and leveraged to maintain order and minimize rework  Tasks are delegated (e.g., to subcommittees) in order to remain efficient  There is ongoing communication and participation of the development teams  DG processes are institutionalized but allow for adaptation and evolution “Data governance is as much about people as it is policies” 19

20  Developing a cross-agency plan for shared governance and fiscal sustainability.  Preparing system governance documentation and integrating key components with policy governance work.  Creating communications and outreach materials (e.g., videos) to expand stakeholder support and “market” the VLDS in support of long-term sustainability. 20

21 Paul McGowan Center for Innovative Technology 703.689.3070 Deborah Jonas Virginia Department of Education 804.225.2067 21

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