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The Eglington Hotel Salthill: Asylum Seekers Sinead Crowe and Kelly Bruen.

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Presentation on theme: "The Eglington Hotel Salthill: Asylum Seekers Sinead Crowe and Kelly Bruen."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Eglington Hotel Salthill: Asylum Seekers Sinead Crowe and Kelly Bruen

2  Cultural Awareness  Communication  Increase knowledge of cultural groups  Importance of Confidentiality  Prominent aliments within the asylum seeker community

3 o Direct Provision Centre o Set up in 2005 o 218 residents o 93 children o Single women/families o 30 different nationalities o Preschool on site o Presence on site is compulsory

4 An asylum seeker can be defined as an individual who has left their homeland for safety reasons such as war and political unrest. They make the journey to another country in the hope that the government will guard and protect them and eventually allow them to reside there. (Cambridge Dictionary,2011)

5  Full board accommodation  Laundry facilities  Toiletries/nappies/baby food  Weekly Payments: Adult €19.10 Child €9.60  Medical card  €200 clothing allowance

6  Communion allowance  Free legal services  Free education  Maternity Allowance (Breen,2008)

7  Preschool  Youth club  Mother and toddler groups  Sexual Health information sessions  Adult classes  Attending mass  Immersing with residents during meal times  Assisting with day outings

8  Doctors visits  PHN visits  Medical Card

9  Language barrier, poor interpreters  Mistrust  Don’t priortize health  Burden and stigma assoicated with mental health issues  Financial problems (Asgary & Segar 2011)

10  Depression and anxiety. 5 times more likely to present in asylum seekers (McMahon et al 2007).  HIV-25.8% in male africans,29.1% in females (The South African Department of Health Study, 2009)

11  Research is vital  Be open minded  Erase all previous stereotypical images  Communicational skills  Patience  Willing to engage in several different cultures on a daily basis  Review last years lectures

12  If anyone is interested in undertaking this placement next year. Feel free to contact us with any queries.  

13  Asgary R, Segar N. (2011) ‘Barriers to Health Care among Refugees and Asylum Seekers’. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Undeserved. 22(2011) 506-522  Averting HIV and AIDS (2011) South Africa HIV and AIDS Statistics. Available at:  Breen, C. (2008) ‘The Policy of Direct Provision in Ireland: A Violation of Asylum Seekers

14  Cambridge Essential English Dictionary (2011).England: Cambridge  MacMahon JD et al (2007) ‘A survey of asylum seekers general practice service utilisation and morbidity patterns’. Irish Medical Journal. May 100 (5) 461-4

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