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Presentation on theme: "HANDMADE PROJECT: PERMANENT TRAINING FOR CRAFTSMEN."— Presentation transcript:


2 Leonardo da Vinci programme ES/04/B/F/PP-149262 GENERAL GOAL To develop specific training contents and materials for the permanent training of the crafts workers

3 Leonardo da Vinci programme ES/04/B/F/PP-149262 FINAL GOAL 6 handbooks with contents specifically related to the management of workshops and small crafts enterprises

4 Leonardo da Vinci programme ES/04/B/F/PP-149262 DURATION The project has taken 36 months: from September 2004 until September 2007

5 Leonardo da Vinci programme ES/04/B/F/PP-149262 FINANCING The project has been developed within the Leonardo da Vinci programme It has been financed by the European Social Fund

6 Leonardo da Vinci programme ES/04/B/F/PP-149262 PARTNERS Participation of a total of 9 partners, from 6 different countries: –1 Coordinator –1 Political partner –5 Technical partners –1 Academic partner –1 Scientific partner

7 Leonardo da Vinci programme ES/04/B/F/PP-149262 COORDINATOR Instituto de Formación y Estudios Sociales (IFES) –Spain –Non-profit fundation that develops research projects, and trains employed and unemployed people –Coordination, counselling, preparation and organization of the work to be developed during the project

8 Leonardo da Vinci programme ES/04/B/F/PP-149262 POLITICAL PARTNER Fundación Española para la Innovación de la Artesanía –Spain –Expert organization with a broad knowledge on the crafts field –Counselling, supporting and validation of the work developed

9 Leonardo da Vinci programme ES/04/B/F/PP-149262 TECHNICAL PARTNER Fundatia Pentru Mestesuguri Crafts Foundation Romania –Romania –Expert organization with a broad knowledge on the crafts field –Elaboration of documents, attendance to meetings, cooperation with the partnership and elaboration of a handbook

10 Leonardo da Vinci programme ES/04/B/F/PP-149262 TECHNICAL PARTNER Second Chance Association –Bulgaria –Training institution, member of national and international networks –Elaboration of documents, attendance to meetings, cooperation with the partnership and elaboration of a handbook

11 Leonardo da Vinci programme ES/04/B/F/PP-149262 TECHNICAL PARTNER Ass.forSeo –Italy –Development of training actions and job placement actions for employed and unemployed –Elaboration of documents, attendance to meetings, cooperation with the partnership and elaboration of a handbook

12 Leonardo da Vinci programme ES/04/B/F/PP-149262 TECHNICAL PARTNER Amadeus Association –Austria –Development of training actions for specific collectives –Elaboration of documents, attendance to meetings, cooperation with the partnership and elaboration of a handbook

13 Leonardo da Vinci programme ES/04/B/F/PP-149262 TECHNICAL PARTNER South Carelia Polytechnic –Finland –Training institution with specific research actions addressed to craftsmen –Elaboration of documents, attendance to meetings, cooperation with the partnership and elaboration of a handbook

14 Leonardo da Vinci programme ES/04/B/F/PP-149262 ACADEMIC PARTNER Departamento de Teoría e Historia de la Educación. Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación. UCM –Spain –Validation of the outcomes and the research processes

15 Leonardo da Vinci programme ES/04/B/F/PP-149262 SCIENTIFIC PARTNER Departamento de Métodos de Investigación y Diagnóstico en Educación. Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación. UCM –Spain –Validation of the researching tools and methodology


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